Oh My GoD!!! i OvErSpEnT...iN jUsT 1 dAy, I sPeNd $300...SoB sOb...HeArT pAiN!!!
Now feeling moody & heart pain!!!Haiz...All becos of the stupid Ladies Nite Promotion at Metro...Shouldn't had go...Just at Metro, I had already spend $200+++...Today Metro Paragon is closed from 1830-2330 exclusively for the card members...As a card member, I am able to bring 1 galfriend there...So I meet Shumei at around 1330 at Bishan and went to City Hall to look for backpac plus meet Xiaohui for lunch...Xiaohui was sick for days, therefore accompany her to see doctor at Penisula Plaza and to look for backpac...Can't find suitable backpac but find a store (Evidence) which sell nice bags and clothes...Wow,the clinic there was very nicely decorated... Like those Rome style...Very class...
After Penisula Plaza, we walked to Beach Road to get my backpac and sandals. Both costed me only less than $50...Was super cheap...Thought going to cost me at least 2 blue notes($50)... Followed by going to Paragon for the Sale while Xiaohui go home and rested...
Reached around 1810 and the quene was already very long... Expected that, Singaporean are "Kiasu"...After awhile, we were led to quene at another entrance...When we entered, I realized that we are the 1st batch to enter, therefore, I try my luck to see whether we can get some gift exclusively for the 1st 100 customers...I was lucky to get SK II Mask, Tommy Hilfiger Lotion and Ettusais basic make up which I never thought of getting them...
Then we went to the Levi's corner and was surprised to see no crowd...After trying, Shumei and I each bought a shirt...After which, we proceeded to the 3rd level which I bought a bra and a Dorothy Perkins shirt...I thought it will be the end of my shopping spree...And I was happy with all the spending until I went to the 2nd floor...That was what my nightmare begins......
I went to the Loreal section and get two Loreal Body Expertise...When we decided to end our day, we decided to went 3rd floor to pay as it was rather crowded on 2nd floor...We passed by Ettusais counter and Shumei noticed a special promotion for OUB Debit card holders... That's when I noticed the lastest limited edition foundation case which I like on the counter so decided to take a look... End up, I not only buy the limited edition foundation case and oil-free foundation pact, I also buy an acne base...The sale person say that I am just $20 to get collecticle therefore I got another Cleanser Make Off... When she told me the total cost, Shumei and I got a shock...It was $142...At 1st we thought the bill was short of $2o to make up a total $100...But it was not the case...It is $100 short of $20 to make up $120...Oh my god!!! And I never expect the acne base ($40) and Cleanser Make off ($35) to be that expensive cos they were rather small...No choice, went to pay for it althought I got a free shimmer set, manicure set and bag for free...End up, I give up the Loreal Expertise but still, I overspent my money and got to borrow from Shumei...Heart Pain!!!
From then, my mood was spolit till now...Although Shumei got comfort me (treat it using the ERS money or birthday present for yourself...) but still, I feel remorseful...Dun know why...For the 1st time I feel it this way...Like shouldn't had spent so much especially when I dun even use make up that frequent...
Stupid MeEEEeeeEEE...Ergh...
After which I use NETS to top up my card, I only realized that I had top up $20 instead of $10...AHHHHHHHHH...Stupid MEEEEeeeee...
Guess after this, I will think twice & twice before I make another shopping spree...
...EnD oF mY sHoPpInG sPrEe (@~@)...
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