SuPeR BuSy FoR tHiS wEeK!!!
Wow this week I was super duper busy...Oh mine!!!See my draft itinerary...
Monday - After work, went to Causeway Point with Ju Ju & Seri...Watch Mr. & Mrs Smith...Worth Watching...Buy Ah Bao's present plus dinner at Swensen's...All under Seri's Treat...Cool...
Tuesday - Went Gym with Alexia, the Bride...Haha...Wow...Instead of saying we gym for 2.5hrs, 1.5hrs, we were chatting...Haha...This time round, I am a listener...Oh ya...Thanks John for driving me to Clementi...
Wednesday - Residents complained on the water downpipes...Take my umbrella go round and checked...Kelian hor...What to do??? Is my job...But is still ok...Then received call from PICO for Events Executive...Oh mine!!! So tempted...Is the job I am looking for...But I rejected cos all my bossese treated me well...Haiz...Will there be any opportunity???Ronald fetched me back to HQ...Ju Ju sms me to join her, Haze and Doreen for dinner...I rejected for the sake of Saysong...Haha...Well, I should say he had never changed, still "Bu Yao Lian"...Haha...
Thursday - Today got a lot of works to do...Transfer data, type letters, print Stata Roll, Servicing the fire alarm, call for quotation...Haiz...Like one "siao za bo"...Most likely, will be transfer to be full time in Mandai...Haiz...Die...I hate the area, only benefit is that is near my house...The cons, the stupid staring, the dogs, the slope, the food...Ergh...Dun know how long can I tahan???Thought I will be going to walk down the slope for the 1st time but John fetched me back... So nice of him...Thanks John...The only day with no program...Can rest...
Friday - Dun know what the workload will be like for tomolo but most likely will be meeting my Beloved Maria Ping(my 4ever supporter) to go walk walk...Haha...
Satursday - Dun know need to work or not... But will be a busy day... Meeting Junming they all (my TacoBell Kakis) for lunch then at night meeting my beloved poly kakis for BBQ, ah bao's 21st bday...
Sunday - My Free Day!!!
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
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