Sunday, April 22, 2007

My HeArT pAuSeS fOr AwHiLe...

Someone told me he once bring his stress back home and vent it on the family...After awhile, he felt that is not right to do so, so he drank and eat sleeping pills... When I heard that, I was so shocked... He is harming his health but at the same time, he is releasing his stress... My moods got affected... I feel so pity for him... Life is so stressful!!! How pathethic humans are...

Had been in the house for 2 mths... Still learning, still got a long way to go...After hearing, it makes my hair stand... Next time if I going to CDS, must ask ppl to go along cannot be too "metal teeth"...

My heart paused... Why do I still feel that way?

P.S: Confused, Negative...

MusIc: 阿沁's song

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...


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