Wednesday, June 11, 2008

mE? aN oFfIcEr? A fOrEmAn?? A cOnTrAcToR wOrKeR???

Tot my grease trap case is coming to an end but IT IS NOT!!! It is the start of another nightmare...Water backflow, going to overflow...Called the contractor but they can only make it at a later time... Really dun know what I can do... I asked for a pail and start draining the water myself... Yes, the ancient traditional method... Take the pail of water & pour it outside the drain... Afterwhich, my the other contractor saw and helped me in whatever way he can... Really pai seh...

Heard something...Someone saying that it seems like I am doing nothing or I got nothing to do... Whichever it is, it does shock me...The cases pending, the files on my tables, the site inspections, the calls, the photos are all nothing??? Am I such a good actress to hide all the stress and frustrations and give that someone that impression or that someone is blind??? Hmm, the latter seems to be the answer...

Then went for night site inspection for my nuisance case... Haiz... Operator has their reasons, complainants have their reasons, house have their reasons, everyone has their reasons... Haiz... What can be done to benefit everyone??? Answer: Dun know.

P.S: From Gan Chiong, Sorry, Frustrated, Anger... Lastly, Numb...
Anyone tells me what is my designation???

MusIc: Yoga Lin You Jia's Album

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...


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