人不可貌相...今天听到一些事...对他真的有些傻眼...他做的事真的很贴心...很能让人感动...可是不知道这样是对还是错?Anyway, no wrong or right to it...Today, I am MisS 便利貼... Order and GoO!!! Haiz... What to do and what can I do...All I can do is to disappear... Hahaha...Disappeared to the Innovation Day! Got a lot of games stalls and I won myself some little prizes (I played dart, played big small, etc...)... Hahaha... Something that make my day...I was quite excited but later, I was quite tired... Haha... Played too much... Somemore is during office hours... SoO plaYeD real Hard!!! Hahaha!!!!
P.S: 'Why先生'... Sounded good...
MusIc: S.H.E - 我的電台FM S.H.E - 04 - 沿海公路的出口
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
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