Sunday, December 14, 2008


On my bday, met Huiping they all for night KTV... Was having a lot of fun especially with Xingxing's hilarious actions... For the 1st time, I got a birthday log cake... Hahaha... Think Kang is trying to revenge me for buying the super cute bday cake for him lor (Kidding)... Hahaha... Was surprised that Peng can make it for the KTV...
Thank for organizing...
Thank for the efforts...
Thank for the gifts...

Thank for all the bday messages I received!!!
Thanks everybody, I love you guys!!!

My 2nD bDaY cAke - LoG cAkE

我好开心,开心!!!我的考试成绩出来了!我及格了!好开心!谢谢所有帮我祈祷的人!还有支持我的人!谢谢你们!!!Was jumping around the house... Sharing my joy with my mum, grandpa, Kang, Maria, Xingxing and Huiping when I 1st saw my results... Cannot stop smiling... SooOo happy... Should work harder for the rest of the 1.5 years... JIA YOU!!!

On friday, went shopping with Jamie and Irene... SoO many sales, soO many temptions... Bought a Mango Jeans, a bag, a cup... And still think of getting more but got to put a stop 1st... Hahaha... Then went Mustafa Centre for the 1st time...Did not get a chance to take a look inside cos need to deposit all the bags... So Jamie and I drank at a coffeeshop while waiting for Irene... Took train back home, stopped at Yishun then took another train back to woodlands...Tiring day...

Earlier went to Kallang Leisure Park with Xiaohui and Hao... After renovation, thought that there maybe more things to shop but in fact, there is nothing much there... Bought a handphone pouch, some bookmarks and then went back...

P.S: Tired...我有的只是观察力,分析能力...不是超能力...

MusIc: 五月天 - 後青春期的詩

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...


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