LoVe Is CoMpLiCaTeD bUt CaN bE sImPlE...
LoVe is complicated...But...
LoVe can be simple...
SoO many factors, soO many events, soO many contributions to LoVe...
It is who you LoVe in the end...
The beautiful smiles,
The times when my eyes meet yours
The touching moments,
Our tender love bloosom in you & me...
What you look for...
Become what you want...
Beautiful miracles or Tearful break up???
Dun complicate LoVe, dun let the mind went into confusion...
If you even feel confused, let our memories linger in your mind...
Think of the time we spend together... The happiness we share... The beautiful love we have...
You will see...The person you are together is still the same person...
The same one you have always believe is the one...
P.S: I'm YoUrS, tRuLy YoUrSsS!!! wHeN u BeLiEvE sOo!!!
MusIc: Jason Mraz - I'm Yours
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
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