Wednesday, May 06, 2009

It Is SpOiLt...JuSt SpOiLt...Y???BrEaKdOwN...

It just went wrong...
What's wrong???
Wrong time...
Wrong place...
Or simply the wrong person...

A joke turns out to be a big hoo ha...
A big hoo ha that neither expected...
Just dun get it...
Why the big hoo ha???

It is just the breakdown...
Neither understands...
There is no link...
No link to all these...
Neither can read each other...

All along is just guessing games...
Neither open up...
Honesty??? It is long forgotten...

It is spoilt... Just spoilt... And is that easy...It just triggered...

P.S: Izzit soO hard??? Is a YeS...Then Dun force...TireD...


...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...


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