Wednesday, June 24, 2009


After such a bad day yesterday, I am feeling better despite that I am still feeling low... But at least not at the bottom now... I guess everything just happened to trigger off that made me super down yesterday...

But yesterday,
我亂發小姐脾氣... Haiz... I guess I just super not in the moods... I just want to be 任性 and vent my frustations...

Went to watch "Ghosts of Girlfriends past" with Ju earlier... Kind of like the show... Funny scenes with memorable quotes...

One of the quotes:

Someone once told me that the power in all relationships lies with whoever cares less, and he was right. But power isn't happiness, and I think that maybe happiness comes from caring more about people rather than less... "

I like the part most when Conner tried to make Sandra stayed...The lines he had said...The worries he had that make him turned away from his true love... Dun lived ur life with regret everyday... It was sOO true... Sometimes, we are just too scared, too worried about soO many things that we just simply avoid or turn away without giving it a try...By the time when we want to try, it maybe too late... SoO ppl, seize the chance and dun live life with regrets!!!

P.S: You must be not feeling gd too & I am adding fuel to it... (@~@)
對不起 & 謝謝你... :)

MusIc: 我的依賴 - 蔡依林

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...


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