Monday, September 03, 2007

I mEt A mOtHeRf@#$% iN tHe TrAiN!!!

A rare day that I can go home earlier but who knows I got such an encounter...

I happened to see my brother and therefore we took train back together... Dun know at which station, this f#$%! boarded the same train as urs... I was resting at the glass panel while my brother was standing close to the door and he was standing close, damn close to my brother... He also hold the railing next to me so close to me... Leaving only limited space for me and my bro to move... People who knows my bro know that he is a plus size, this make him got to rest at the door too...

Afterwhich, he slowly invade to our space and guess what, he just simply rest on the same glass panel with me...My bro was damn angry to see this and my bro just hold on to the railing (this makes the f#$% cannot rest on the glass) and give him a stare...

From then on, the f$%^# is not happy, start mumbling his language (by the way, he is not a local but cxxxx)...When they meet eye to eye, they started staring at each other... With a bit of pushing here and there... All at peace until it is our stop to alight... The f%^$ refused to move aside, somemore give the "yaya face", my bro give him a push to alight and he give my bro a punch at the back... My bro was damn hot and a fight started... An uncle try to stop the two of them... I try to stop my bro too... My bro walked out and this motherf#$%^ still want to continue... I really cannot tahan him and told him straight in his face, "U still want to fight izzit?"... Then he stop approaching my bro... I really really cannot tahan him... Smaller in size and yet still want to fight...The people in the train must be thinking we are the ah-liah and ah-beng... We never meant to fight but he is just too too much...

The 1st time I see my bro fight, the 1st time he protected me... What an encounter to see these!!!

P.S: The feeling is miracle...You makes me stronger...It can never be replaced... I am touched...

MusIc: Westlife's songs

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...


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