AnOtHeR eArLy SlEeP!!! SuPeR eArLy...
Yes, u see me again on this early morning cos I went to Partyworld again...Again sang until 0300hrs...Went to attend Siyin's wedding... SoO happy for her...But on the way there, met a super duper naggy uncle... I super cannot tahan him... Pissed me off... Told him that I got to fetch a few friends before going to OCC and he started saying that taxi dun wait for people, should be people waiting for taxi...Keep saying... Super cannot tahan...Almost spoil my mood...
Then after the wedding, as I had mentioned, we went to Partyworld again...This time round, I was entertained by Huichuan... Super cannot tahan... I laughed till I was crying...Hahaha... She just make me laughed... Hahaha...
Back home, I gave Mr MoMo a surprise...But to Mr Momo, it is a shock... This is the 1st time he said if the shocking surprise leak out, he will kill me... Hahaha...Like I said, I got a trump card on hand... Hahaha...
But I got an unbelievable surprise tt really give me a shock...
But now, Is Photos Time!!!
Me & My PrEtTy DaRlInG pInG...mUaCkZ!!!tHe FaMoUs ZeNg HoNgHuI pInG...hAhAhA...!!!
I fOrCeD xIaOhUi To TaKe WiTh Me... HaHaHa... BuT iS sOo NaTuRal... I lOvE iT & HEr ToO!!!
ThE iMpT mAnsSs...HaHaHa...
Of CoS,nOt FoRgEtTiNg My SeLf ShOt...HaHa...SoMeBoDy SaId NiCe...NoW tHeN u KnOw U mIsS a BaBe...WOo HoO!!!hEeHeE!!!

P.S: 他說她幼稚,她說他幼稚...幼稚的兩個人...哈哈哈!!! 又想多了...
MusIc: 原來你就在我身邊 - Mr MoMo'S veRsIoN (hAhAhA...)
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
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