My PeT - SnOwIe & LuXuRy MaNsIoN!!!
I had been very into Pet Society even since I started playing it...Hahaha...It may seems bored but I enjoyed the part whereby I am able to deco the house like my own...Heehee... The latest hottest pics in Town!!!Proudly Present to you...My LoVely Pet... SnoWie!!!
The LiViNG RoOm...
The Kitchen... The BedrOom...
Izzit Lovely... SoO in Love with it!!!
The Cosy RoOm...
The Washroom...

P.S: How I wish my house is like that... I know is a wishful thinking...Thats y it can only be done here... Hahaha... I WANT TO DECO MY OWN HOUSE!!!
MusIc: 萧闳仁 - 亡命天使
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
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