CoMmUnICaTiNg??? Or NoT???
Everyone communicates...But are we really communicating???
Do we really understand???
Sometimes, we are...
But in some instances, we are not...
At times, we thought we are
But in actual fact, we are not...
The communication is lost...
Lost in space...
But yet, we are still communicating...
As though we really understand...!@#$

P.S: CoMmUniCatIoN iS iMpT... UnDeRsTaNd It is EvEn MoRe ImPt... UsInG tHe RiGhT wORdS iS e MoSt MoSt ImpT...
MusIc: 蕭閎仁-只要你在
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
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