MaRinA bArRaGe & T3...
Just reached home not long...Went to meet Da Jie Jie & Da Da Jie Jie for a night tour to Marina Barrage & Our famous Changi Airport T3... Never been to the 2 places but the whole night tour was great...
First, we went to the Marina Barrage and I just love the place... Definitely a good location for wedding photo shooting...Very comfortable, very nice... But a negative point is the place is toO wu lu...
Next we went Changi Airport T3...My 1st time there...Went to eat the Kopitiam there... Ate these grilled squid set & the uncle even gave me extra chicken... OMG!!! I appreciate it but it was already very sinful for me to eat such a heavy meal... Haha... Luckily got Da Da Jie Jie helped me to eat some... But did not managed to walk through the whole place cos by the time we went, most shops are closed... But overall, very cosy place too... End up, buying groceries back home at T3... Hahaha... I bought very the cute socks...Hahaha.... But we have fun too... Hahaha...
MaRiNa BaRrAgE!!!
WaTeR WaLlY!!! iZzIt CuTe!!!
BeAuTiFuL NiGhT vIeW...nOTiCeD tHe SiNgApOrE fLyEr???
MaRiNa BrIdGe...
My SiNfUl DiNnEr...
My ArT pIeCe DoNe At T3...
Tired us before heading back home...

Going to ZzZ... On Mine!!! Is super late now... 0146hrs!!!
P.S: 想與妳分享這裡...好美...
A HaPpY sOmEbOdy, A sAtIsFiEd SoMeOnE... iT jUsT mAkE tHe DaY...
MusIc: 林依晨-你
風輕輕 我聽見你聲音
你對著我叮嚀 要注意自己的心情
雨輕輕 我聽見你聲音
你拿著傘靠近 為我遮著風擋著雨
你的愛很珍惜 我總依賴著你的記憶
你就像風在說話 順著我方向
你就像海中的波浪 堆著我成長
我明白你的回答 溫柔的對話
愛情其實沒有辦法 不被感動吧
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
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