DrEaMs... WhAt iT mEaNs???
Realized that I always blog about the frustrations I faced at work... Today as usual is a frustrated day at work but should blog on something else... Not wanting to let my readers out there thought that I am a naggy old lady... Haha...Hmm...Let me share a dream I had just yesterday... It was crazy and I dun know why I dreamt of it...I dreamt that I am about to give birth... Not long, I gave birth to a baby boy...The crazy part is the father is XXXXX... I was talking to someone that the eyes and the mouth should look like the father and the face complexion and the smile should look like me... I was so proud of my son in my dreams... Hahaha... What was I thinking to have this dream??? Even myself have no answer... @#$%...
And recently, I kept dreaming that my tooth have fallen... Dun know why but I am curious to know what it means since I have dreamt of it for a few times...
Was browzing through the Tiffany & Co webbie... SoO beautiful & So tempted to buy... Argh... Maybe I should wait for my "someone" to buy for me??? But there is no "someone"... By the time I found my "someone", I may have already bought for myself... Haha...
The thought of experiencing the different is back... Should I plan??? Maybe I should... The thought of it simply make me so excited... But can I really do it??? I want to , so badly...
P.S: I want to see the world!!!
MusIc:薛凱琪 - 我不需要Tiffany
...EnD of BlOgGiE (@_@)...
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