vIsIt To JuRoNg FaCtOrY & nYp...
Yesterday, Ernest called me to tell me my test results...Guess what??? I passed the test but I did not pass Fei Hui Lao Shi's criteria...Not really upset cos at least I passed the test, which mean more to me...He suggested me to go into Composing...Still considering cos can have own demo CD but again is a 6 mths course, no money...Haiz...
At work, teach Siti on the car registration and workstation...Then went to check the table and chair with Siti and Yunus...
Finally, Lunchtime...Today Alexia forgot to take her medicine...A bit siao...Haha...Then went to Jurong Factory and NYP to look at the VAX Box and wireless clock...On the way, chatted a little with Laurence...
Everything end around 1630, then take train home...On the way, thought of going to buy bread, therefore alight at Yishun...Long time never go Yishun...When I saw the YTSS students, make me think of my school days...Really miss the days...So carefree...
...EnD oF dAy (@_@)...
BoReD & sLeEpy aT wOrK
Now is 1610, by right should be working now...But I got nothing to do...So writing my bloggie...Yesterday, Maria Annann cannot find me cos HP was off and I was sleeping...Now then he know how annoying when I can't find him...Haha...Nowadays feel that my lip gets dry easily, like dehydrated...Dun know why...Today office only got Mr Lim, Laurence, Jinsheng and me...The rest are not in...Morning try to sort out the problem(Workstations keys) but cannot ...Haiz...Super nonsense, troublesome...
Then got fed up, started to play Neopets to relax...After that, I try to solve the problem but it seems that I cannot concentrate..Therefore I go for lunch...
I told Miss Lim that I will be taking off tomolo, one thing to do body check up for the Outward Bound, Secondly, to do my report...Today like very tired and sleepy...cannot concentrate on my work...Try to do my report also lazy...Haiz...Seems to be a bit sick...MSN Kai, Haze and etc to chat with them to kill time...Dun want to think...
Even my new spectacles is giving trouble...Making my ears pain...Nonsense ah...
Then I went out to walked walked to let myself be more awake. Went clocking with Mamasan...Now chatting with Seri and Haze regarding the KL trip...
I think today got to rest more cos can sense that I am falling sick soon...
P.S: ManMan very Sleepy, falling sick soon...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Me BuSy SoRtInG oUt ThE kEyS...HaIz...SeE kEyS uNtIL sCaReD...
LoUsY MoOd FoR tHe PaSt FeW dAySsS
These few days, not in the mood...Haiz...Whatever I do seem to be wrong...
Starting from my mum...Have an arguement with her on Thurday...Keep asking to do things that I dun like...Cannot communicate with her...Haiz...
As for vocal test, Kenn, Fei Hui Lao Shi, Jason and FangFang Lao Shi were there...Kenn say my pitching was not good and Fei Hui Lao Shi say I choose the wrong song as ppl seldom will choose such a difficult song and my pitching was not good...Haiz...When I came down from the control room, my face was damn red...Dun know why...Feel so upset...I'm upset not becos of the comments, is because I feel disappointed in myself...Haiz...I can do better...
After the test, I called Guan Seng...Talked to him for awhile...He consoled me...Feel a bit better...Then I met up with Min they all for KTV...Reach home around 0430...So sleepy, sleep straight away...
As for work, got to sort out the keys, so troublesome...And get to start to do the report(Due Date 04/10/2004)...Stress!!!
On Saturday, went to collect my spectacles and then go to my grandpa's house for awhile...Meet up Florence they all go Chinese Garden...When I reached Chinese Garden, then I realized I forgot to bring the battery for the camera...Super forgetful...Although Florence they all say can use theirs but I dun want to trouble them...Got to rush back and meet my brother to take the battery at Woodlands...On the way back, call up Maria Pingping...Tell her all the nonsenses I had for the past few days...Really feel so lousy...Everything seem to go wrong...Dun know why...I reached Chinese Garden around 2030 and then went to find Haojie 1st...After we walked walked for awhile, Haojie and his niece go home 1st cos the niece is tired...Then follow by Florence and her bf... Left Huichuan and me...We continue to take some pictures and then meet up with Cuifen for awhile...We leave at about 2250...
P.S: Thanks Guan Seng for lending a listening ear and remember u own me Roti Prata...
Thanks Huichuan...Really enjoy your company too...
...EnD oF bLoGgiE (@_@)...
mE aT oFfIcE wRiTiNg BlOgGiE fOr ThE 1sT tImE
Now I am in the office writing my blog cos they are having meeting...Yesterday reached home too late therefore never write my bloggie...Work was as normal, taking photos of the surroundings plus Security guards and checking things...Haha...
Then after that, I went home 1st...On my way back, Max say he will fetched me from Kranji MRT station...But end up he is late and I got mosquito bites...Nonsense...Haha...But was surprised to see Gibson cos long time never see him already...We go Maria Annann's block 1st to take camera but the batt is flat and had to charged for 1hr...Haiz...Then they drive me to my block and waited for me at the 888 plaza...I bought KFC popcorn chicken and bubble tea for dinner and ate it at Max's van.
Then we headed to Chinese Garden...It was beautiful...Max introduced his friends to me and then we started to walk around...All along the journey, they were talking about Donny and Donny...Cannot tahan...Donny here and Donny there...Haiz...After I took about 20+ photos, the batt went flat totally...Haiz...So sad and fed up...Cos I only charged abt 20mins as I am in a rush...Then we found a place to sit down and rest...When we were about to go, then I realized there is still some places that we had not go...Haiz...But was too late and all the camera totally low batt...
Max and I bought a fan before we went to fetch Donny at Jurong Point...This time round, we send Marcus home 1st as he wanted to watch TV but can see Max is...Then I am the last...Donny is still his usual self...African kid...Haha...
Reach home around 0100 and ZzZ straight away...
Today, Jinsheng is on leave, so I am alone in office...Cannot tahan the XXX...Early morning make a big fuss over a small matter...I was very tired but then when I heard this, feel so annoyed...Haiz...Then got to handle keys problem again...Haiz...Now see keys also scared...
After lunch, feel tired again...Maybe not enough sleep...MSN Florence and is going to Chinese Garden this saturday again...This time round, I make sure all the batt is full and must covered the whole Chinese garden..Haha...
Vocal test tomolo...But my throat not in good condition...Dun know can make it or not...And dun know what time end cos dun know Fei Hui Lao Shi and Kenn will like to talk to us after class...And dun know whether can meet max and mint they all to go Chinatown afterthat (The vocal test)...All dun know...???
Now going to continue to work...Haiz...
ManMan Very Sleepy...Will sleep very early today...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
TiRiNg DaY
Today meet Ziwei at Red Hill and take the Outward Bound form...Dun know whether I can survive the 5 days camp? Haha... Maria Annann say that I should not go but later he encourage me to go cos maybe I can be more independent...He ah nonsense...
As for work, I am moving around..Can never stay in my workstation for long...Haiz...Keep going up Level 10 and Level 8 until I perspires...SoO hot...Dun like to go Level 10 alone cos seems eerie to me so keep calling Yuwen to accompany me...Haha... After that, Miss Lim suddenly asked us to go for site meeting at Woodlands Campus at 1630...Miss Lim and I took Mr Lim's car while Jinsheng took Jonathan's car...On the way, Mr Lim and Miss Lim was talking about trips...
After the presentation, Jonathan sends us to the interchange...I decided to go home first before I meet Huiping... But end up, cos of the time, the appointment was cancelled...So I went home...
Quite a tiring day...Cos was on the move for almost the whole day...
...EnD oF dAy (@_@)...
DuN sLeEp WeLl
Dun know why...Always feel very tired...Yesterday cannot sleep well...Kept waking up...Nonsense...
As usual I was arranging drawings and check on the workstations...Today also wraps the posters(Woodlands Campus)...
Lunch time, Wendy told me that instead of quitting, she will be transfer to other site next monday...So many ppl in Keppel leaving...The next batch of students will be working with a new batch of Keppel staffs...
After that, I scan the photos and neoprints (My 20th Birthday and neoprints with Maria Annann, Janice, Shumei and Siyin)....And later Miss Lim treat me coffee again...Before I end my work, manage to chat with Liping and Florence for awhile...Long time never meet up...Should find one day and meet....
After work, I call up Max to ask him about the Chinese Garden and call up Donny too...Chat with Donny and asked him how is Uni's life? He told me is busy(can see from his busy schedule...)...Wonder I should go Uni or not...Dun know whether can cope with it??? End up, we will be going on this Wednesday without Donny...Haha...
Tomolo will be meeting Huiping...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Me and Maria PingPing...Took it during her Birthday...See, so natural...Haha...
Me and Maria Annann...See how thin he is...Make me look soO fat beside him...Haha...
mArIa AnNaNn...HaIz...
Yesterday I was supposed to meet up with Maria Annann but end up, he forgot about it due to his limited memory...And it was also what I expected...Really cannot tahan...So we postponed it tomolo...As usual, I was at my grandpa's house...When I was about to leave my grandpa's house, I saw that around my grandpa's chest got a lump. Quite worried... Haiz...Then mummy is coughing, also worried for her...
Dun know why...Wake up at 0900 today...Then try to go back and sleep...Finally wake up at 1230+...Watch tv awhile, shower and then go and meet Maria Annann...Guess what??? He failed to meet me on time again...This time round is because he overslept...Haiz...Thought he going church in the morning then won't miss the appointment but yet it stills happen...Luckily, sort of expected this, therefore I went out late and had not reached Chong Pang...
I asked him to come out but he refused, lazy...Then we argued...I know he was very stubborn so I slowly walked back home...Haha...Finally he cannot tahan my nagging and give in... I was surprised and my anger just gone...I slowly walked to his block to meet him...As I walked, it starts to rain...Everytime I walked to his house, it will be raining...Haha...Dun know why...As I walked, I started to sort out my thought and realized that I am quite demanding...Something that I am trying hard to improve...Before I was at his block, he is already there...Super fast...Cos he told me that he needs to shower...
I thought he was angry(cos the tone on phone was rather different) therefore I asked him but he didnt...Guess only him can tolerate my nonsenses...Haha...I know I was demanding therefore I treated him watch movie(The Terminal)...He replied "so good ah..."I replied "of cos I am always good..."Haha...He say "Ya, only once over a long time..."Haha...But I know he is good to me...We went to eat and he told me that he failed to be pilot...But it's ok at least he try his best...He also told me that he will be going for a 7-days training which might crashed with his birthday...So kelian...I told him that the best birthday present for him will be a voice recorder but he told me that why not got him a PDA...So nonsense...I dun even hv one...Then we go walk walk and then take neoprints (Forgot to take away his cap...Haha...)before we watch movie...Actually, I will like to go Chong Pang to make spectacles but he ah too stubborn, no choice go other days...
P.S: "The terminal" was quite touching...Nice Show...
...EnD oF dAy (@_@)...
BuSy & TiRiNg DaY
Yesterday was a busy and tiring day...Thats why till now then write the bloggie...
Work was rather busy as I hardly got time to sit on my workstation. Attend meeting, toilet inspection with Wendy, work on the drawings at the meeting room, inspect the cleanliness and etc...As usual I stay back in the office as got vocal class but also because I had not cut out the posters...I think need to improve on my skill...The posters not cut out properly...Haiz...
Before I go for the vocal class, I went to the Red Hill Market to eat Tou Suan 1st in case I am hungry...When I reach there, I realized that Kelly, Andrew and Daniel not coming so the class left with 5 people...We went up to the studio and practice...This time round, was more relaxed as Kenn is not in...We got to sing twice in the studio. The 1st attempt was rather better than the 2nd one cos make some 'obvious' mistakes...Maybe because I was not concentrating(The Studio door)...Haha...Jason let us hear our voice...Feel weird to hear my own voice...Jason told me that I need to focus more on my vocal control...Overall, still ok...Shihui say When I sing the starting, sound like from the CD...The whole Tinybox only left with us... Cos the rest of them were not in...Then start to feel eerie...Haha...Our class ended rather late, around 2230+...same as last week...Next week will be the test...Kenn and maybe Feihui lao shi will be there to judge us...Hope that I will not be too stress...And stay more focus...
On the way back, I called Max to discuss about the Chinese Garden Trip...Then call up Maria Annann to meet up with him today and call up Maria Pingping to chat...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
SeRi & Su WeRe In RP
Today Seri and Su were in RP to do some research on their project...So happy to see them...Jin Sheng and I accompany them to walk around the school with Billy...The whole walk took about 2hrs and then we had a drink at the canteen...We started to chat about their in house and the funny things happening in school...Wanted to go back school...Miss out the fun...They even told me Chelsia changed a lot, started to talk louder...That's good... The credit should goes to Fenny they all...We catch up a bit before they left...
After that, I went back to office, update a bit on the drawing register and then went for lunch...Although I was full cos eat fries with Su and Seri but I still bought a plate of rice as I wanted to eat the vegetables...End up, Bloated...Haha...Too greedy...
After that, continued to update my drawings and transfer the photos to the computer and resize them in order to send to Seri...Around 1400+, went to check the toilets and put the First Aid list with Wendy...Decided to bring along the camera to take some photos on the way for my presentation/report...When we reach 4th floor, we opened up the First Aid box and wendy realized that the iodine used up very fast...Then when we about to close it, dun know why the iodine dropped and guess what...The iodine was not closed tightly and it spills on the floor...The stain looks so "artistic"...But one thing is that neither Wendy nor me kena the iodine...We quickly call up Richard and clear up the whole mess but it was a bit late as some of the stain cannot be clean off... Haiz...But we did not do it on purpose...
After checking the Tower North toilets, we went back to office...But when we were outside the office, I realized that I forgot to take out the satellite poster...Forgetful...Then got to go back and take down...
Went back to office and transfer the photos again...Suddenly feel like taking photo of my workstation, therefore I take a shot as no one in the cubicle...When I was about to take, Laurence passed by and I got a shock...Haha...Quickly hide the camera...Haha...Then continued to take photo of me and workstation...I turned the flash off so that it will not disturb people at the other cubicle...Haha..Was having a little fun...My skills was not bad cos all the photos quite centralized...Haha...
Finishing uploading the photo, Miss Lim asked me to walk around the campus with her and I agreed...After inspection, she treated me tea (Actually is coffee but no more...). She told me I can join RP or Keppel after I graduated...One advantage is that the new campus is near my house but need to considered...
...EnD oF bLoG (@_@)...

Me in the office...Taken when no one in the cubicle expect me...Haha...
My Workstation...Filled with architectural drawings...Yet to see the architectural drawings on the left and the floor...Is even more...
SiTe ViSiT tO wOoDlAnDs CaMpUs + TeNdEr InTeRvIeW
Today I meet Mint in the morning to take camera as today got site visit. Then I quickly rushed back to the office as I know 0915 got foodcourt tender interview. But before I go to the office, I go to FCC to check on the custom made stamps but to realize it is still not deliver yet...Super nonsense...Once I step into the office, I call Shirley up but she never answer the call.Stupid , always dun answer my call. Staff coming in to collect workstation keys and then foodcourt bidder came for the tender interview. After interview, got to send them out and then ask the other group to come in...Wow...Total of 4 tender bidders...The whole thing ends only at about 1200noon...Then I went to arrange the drawings when Yvonne asked me abt the custom made stamps...I quickly give Shirley a call and she told me will get back to me again. Haiz...Then only she told me that the delivery will be made between 1300 to 1400. But as I got to go to site visit, I got Dom to help me to check on the stampers.
Wendy also told me that she is tendering and will be leaving on 15th Oct...Everyone in Keppel is leaving...Haiz...
When we were waiting for them at foyer, it makes me feel like we are going for an excursion. When I reach the "One-North"(We will there to see the escalators), Dom calls Jinsheng and passed me the phone. He told me that the name stampers are there but the RP logo stamper is not there...Dun know what wrong with the Shirley, really cannot tahan her..Will condemn Evergreen...But anyway, got to thanks Dom...
When we were on the way to the Woodlands Campus, it was raining heavily over at Woodlands...I thought we will not be able to go for the site walk, kind of disappointed...But luckily, when we were there, it is only dizzling therefore the walk is still on. I went to the site office to change to safety helmet and boots. I realized the size 7 are all taken up therefore I take size 8...It was super big...I dun know how to walk...As I am not used to the boots, therefore I was always the last...Somemore the way I walked very funny and must always hold on to the wall, therefore very paiseh...Nearly fall down a few times...Lousy...Haha...Got once I cant caught up with them and got a jeep ride by the staff...Super paiseh...But the people there were very considerate as they will ask us to look out for bars, wires and etc...Then I managed to take a photo at the site as I doubt I will get the chance to be in safety boots and helmet...Look funny in the photo...Haha...
Finally the site visit ended and we were waiting for the jeep to take us back to the site office as the rain was pouring heavily. When we reached the site office, got to walk our safety boots...Thanks Laurence for helping me to wash my boots as I was holding on to the camera.
After taking off the boots, the feet feel light...Then we went to the conference meeting room and Mr Lim asked me whether I will be interested to work in the site and I say Yes cos I think site is an interesting place to work...And he say I can save money on makeup and formal clothes...Haha...But is truth and the fact is, I also dun like cosmetics and formal wear...After the site walk, I went back home straight from there as I living at Woodlands area.
On the way back, I call Shirley and told her about the RP stamper and she say she need to talk to the suppliers 1st...Haiz...So many problems from her side...Then I bought Yoshinoya for dinner and transfer money to Baoxin.
Overall, I find the site walk is interesting, is just that I am clusmy(I mean the way I walk)...Haha...
By then, it is raining heavily...I bathed, eat and went to sleep cos it is the 1st time I reach home before 1700...Sound like a pig? Haha...Cos I am tired...
I wake up at 2030, smsing friends...Haojie sms me back and told me that he got eye infection and had been hospitalized since satursday...And he only discharge today...He always dun tell me when he is hospitalized and only tells me after that...At least I can go and visit him...But he say is ok now but the right eye see things blur blur and got to use eye drop every hour...
Now Guan Seng msn me as he saw my nick (Feeling down...To the extreme...) and ask me whether I am ok and How's Tinybox...I told him I was sad yesterday and ok now but he reply why I never contact him...Really touched he still remember his words ("My door is always open for you")...Thanks for his concern...Really nice of him...Thanks Guan Seng, a great pal...I'm ok now but did not sleep well yesterday...Everything is fine...
...EnD oF tHe DaY(@_@)...
a SuPeR lOuSy DaY
Just finished bathing... Before that was talking to Maria Annann and his bunk mates who playing pranks...I was pouring my troubles to him, dun know why as I talked, I cried again...Always feel kai lian when I was talking to him abt my troubles...This time round, he did try to comfort me, not like last time...He asked me dun think too much, dun always think of the negative side, dun bother about the others...You are just you...Thanks Maria Annann for always lending me your listening ear...*Smilez*...Dun know why even since that day (I feel dizzy that time) I like to cry...Haiz...dun like me to be like that...Before talking to Maria Annann was talking to Maria Pingping...Telling her my troubles too... Really gladful to have the two of you...*Smilez*
I told her the truth cos it had been bothering me...But never expect that the truth may have so much side effects...And may had influence people but never meant to let this happens...Really dun know what to do...I had already done my best...I am touched to people who understand me...Thanks...
Today the stupid evergreen still have not delivered the stamp to RP and dun answer my call...Only when I use Jinsheng's phone or FCC or Yunus's phone then she will answer...Super nonsense...Till I went off for work, the stamp still not delivered to RP...Dun know what wrong with them...And when I asked Yvonne what time she needs it for the contract and she actually say this morning...Feel bad about it but luckily, Yvonne had been understanding that it is not my fault...
Not feeling good now...To the extreme...
P.S: Hope everything will turn out fine...
Thanks Dominic for treating me eat lunch...
...EnD oF bLoG(@_@)...
rEaLlY mAd WiTh EvErGrEen
Today, we were supposed to go and collected the stamp from Evergreen outlet at Great World City ...But when I called Shirley and Great World City, they told me is not there... I was so angry cos Shirley and I had agreed on Friday that she wil deliver it to the outlet...I told her to deliver it to RP without extra charges tomolo...So fed up and angry... Feel so pai seh cos had already arrange with Jonathan that we should go and take the stamp and had lunch together with Yvonne and Jinsheng but yet this happens... Now I am so worried that the stamp also got problem...They needed it for the signing of contract tomolo...If really happen, dun know what to do...Haiz...SUPER SUPER FED UP...
Today I try to get ready the keys for the new staffs but to realize I cant find the workstations keys...Then I checked with Jinsheng, he did not take...Therefore , I went to the office and checked. But to realize the keys are there and some of them are already occupied by some staffs... Got to seek for advice from Miss Lim tomolo as she is not in the office...
Today, I go and get the mails from the pigeon hole...Got one letter is for Laurence and guess what I saw...Is a group photo and I saw the "Bao Gong"...He smiled so happily inside the photo but wonder how his face looked black in RP?In the evening, The "Bao Gong" came to me and ask me to lend him the computer...But he is still the same, with the black face...Izzit stress that makes his face so black? I guess only himself knows...
Just now, I waited for Alexia cos she is taking MRT to Choa Chu Kang and guess what...Haha...I think I saw my senior "XXX"... Cannot confirm cos he was wearing spectacles and look kind of different...but 80% is him...See him makes me think of the 1st ime I saw him and got attracted by him...Is just an admire...Nothing much...Haha...At least something to brighten up my bad day...
Nowadays been talking about Babies, Flats & Marrage with my RP colleagues...Maybe becos of the baby benefits...Haha...Toking about abortion...Can really make my hair stand...The contents is too much, cannot written here...But I will never go for any abortion even if I am going to be a single mum...Never will I do it...
Now listening to Lydia (Piano), make me think of old days...A Past that cannot be retrieve back...
P.S.: Hope that nothing goes wrong with the stamp tomolo...Haiz...Can only pray...
...EnD oF bLoG (@_@)...
a SuNnY rAiNiNg DaY
Yesterday I was supposed to meet Shihui but end up, cancel cos I got something on...Feel sorry cos she was already there...Sorry Shihui...
Then I went to find my aunt, uncle and mum at the stall...Cos I was thinking that I can take cab to my grandpa's house as I was carrying a lot of magazines...But later when I was waiting for the bus, I find myself a bit stupid cos when I reach there, I still have to walk out of the JTC...Haha...Silly me...When I reach there, they were about to leave but my mum tells me we got to chase after my uncle cos he walks fast and he will hail a cab even before we reach...My mum was right, the three of us were running behind him...I find it very funny and even tells my mum that I should come every week so that I can lose weight...Haha...
Yesterady was a sunny raining day...I am the "victim" cos I was outside with my mum and aunt and on the way back my grandpa's house... Find it funny cos the rest of the "victims" were laughing at the weird weather...My aunt and I were laughing too...Haha...
As usual I stayed at my grandpa's house until 1000+ before I go home...
...EnD oF dAy (@_@)...
mY nEw HaIrStYlE

MaRcUs & Me

Me & MaX
vOcAl ClAsS...sTrEsS...
When I went to work, some people were shocked that I cut my hair till I look so nerd... Some say is cute but is ok cos as long as I like it, is all that matter... Haha... Going to make the "nerd" spectacles soon... So that I will look super nerd...Haha...
As usual, I got nothing much to do at work so I asked Yvonne for work...But is all going through documents... She asked me to go through contract to see if there is any spelling mistakes and asked me to compare the % rate for the PM Link price schedule... Stress to go through the contract cos I can't understand some of the clauses... So I got help from Dominic and Razali...
I also scan in the neoprints that I took yesterday... Actually I want to upload it but I realized I did not install the Hello Blogger Bot in the office's comp but when I come home, I realized something wrong with it...Haiz...
Today did not feel like staying at office late therefore take bus with Alexia and Eunice to Orchard...I accompany Alexia to wait for her friend while Eunice take another bus to Toa Payoh...Sudden got the crave, therefore go eat Tacobell and also Alexia had never try before...After trying, she find it ok...After eating, we chat awhile before we went our separate ways...(She met her friend and I went for vocal class...)
I was the 1st to sing as kena sabo...Haha...Kidding...It just happen that I was standing in front of the mic when Shyan was adjusting the mic...Dun know why once step inside the recording studio, feel so "jin zhang" therefore never sing well...Got pitching problem, flat and etc...When I hear my voice, I feel that it sound low, not nice...My vocal classmates got a shock as I sing too loud...So pai seh...When it was my turn to sing the 2nd round, Kenn came in...Worse, feel even stress...But end up, He just listen to our voice and asked us to practice while he plays the piano...Kenn asked me to sing the chorus and I repeat it again and again...Guess got to do with my pitching(Too low)... But after that, my throat feel a bit dry, guess I am not suitable for the pitch...Kenn say my voice is ok, kind of glad cos I remember the 1st time I go for audition, the person-in-charge say my voice cannot make it...Kenn asked three of my classmates to change the songs...Wish he can also asked me to change the song but he didn't...Well, then I just got to do my best...After the practice, Kenn told us a bit on the music industry...Realized that it is not easy to be in the music industry...
Luckily me, I managed to catch the last bus if not got to walk home from Causeway Point...
Very tired, got to end my bloggy...
P.S.: Alexia, Dun be too sad...Dun think too much, you will see the break of dawn...*smile*
...EnD oF tHe DaY (@_@)...
An UnLuCkY dAy
Today is a suan day...Early morning, met a "Bao Gong" with attitude and afternoon met a nagging nanny...Haiz...Finally, I got my draft although there's mistake but I had talked to her about it. But worried that there will be mistakes when we go and collect it...
I got a new hairstyle...Haha...Look super stupid but I like it... The MOODS salon had moved to #02-14 and changed the name to KoZy...Although the decoration looks nicer but it is getting noisy... Need to think twice whether should go for the next time as I like quiet environment and I wait quite long...Normally it takes about 1.5hr to finish the hairstyle but today he only took 0.5 hour...So fast, perfer it slower... I got the director (Shawn Lee) to cut for me as he is the only one there...
After that, I received call from Maria Annann. And guess what...he is also quening up to shave his hair...Haha...So coincidence...Haha...Going to change a pair of "stupid" spectacles too...Haha...
Then I meet Max and Marcus to go for dinner. They asked me to wait for them at Tan Tock Seng Hospital entrance. As I walked there, it seems like my feet is getting heavier...Don't like the feeling but luckily, I just go there to wait for them to fetch me...
We went to eat at Taste of Thailand...Marcus find the food not bad and even suggested to bring his granny here... What a good taste I have...Haha...After that, we went to Causeway Point to take neoprints as I want to have a picture of my new hairstyle...Haha...It turned out to look quite ok...Funny I should say...Haha...
Although today at work not really happy but after changing my hairstyle, feel better...
Should end my bloggy now...
...eNd Of DaY (@_@)...
BaD nEwS
Now listening to "Liu Lang Zhe Zhi Ke" by FIR... Find the songs in the album are unique and nice... If the karaoke vcd is out, confirm will go and buy...
I did not manage to confirm the draft cos she did not fax me...SUPER FED UP already...Haiz...Really dun understand...Once I approve the draft, everything will be settled and I won't be calling her pestering for the draft...Why she dun fax me??? I think got to inform Yvonne...
Today, I scanned the photos taken on Xiuting's 21st Birthday...Act like a theif cos scared they will see and then later I pai seh...Haha...Realize I got a lot of photos need to develop and scan but got no time, think will do it after the attachment...
One piece of bad news, Wendy told me that she will need to go for a small operation and will be taking off till next monday... Can see that she look pale and worried today... Hope everything will be fine for her...
Suddenly feel like changing my hairstyle...Or either change spectacles....If tomorrow is not a tiring day, maybe will change either one...
Well, nothing much for the day...
P.S: Wendy, must take care of yourself... Rest well...
...eNd oF dAy (@_@)...
WeIrD dReAmS + mEt A StUpId GuY iN mRt
Today I dreamt a lot but can't even recall one, can only remember all the dreams are not complete...So weird...As usual got difficulties to wake up...Haha...
Once I reach the office, I quickly go to the fridge and take Pokka green tea cos the weather was hot...Finally got the quotation from Evergreen but the font size was wrong, it seems to be smaller and they didn't fax the RP logo...Haiz...I called her up and tell her the problems, she say she will get back to me but did not...I told her that I needed it by this week and she say no prob...But things cropped up again, at the end, she still did not fax or get back to me...HAD ENOUGH... Tomolo die die I also must tell her to give me the draft so that I can approved it and get it done...
Today also got nothing much to do, except to follow up my buggy quotations and the custom made stampers and attend meeting...
At lunch, Haojie calls me and ask me out for movie. As I was working therefore I told him after my work...Too bad, He only calls me when I had already reach home.Therefore, I cancel it...
Ya, the Wilson come down personally to give me the quotations but I asked him to leave it at the counter cos I scared he may ask me questions again...Haha...His quotation was quite reasonable but it's up to Miss Lim to decide...
Have a short meeting regarding the fire drill, never realize that it involved so many ppl...Fire wardens, fire fighters, etc...As we need to make annoucements, Razali mention about my voice recording again...He asked me to record the messages...Haiz...So pai seh...Yvonne dun even realized that it was my voice for the messages...Haha...Guess more and more ppl knows that I am the one who do the voice recording...
On my way back, met this STUPID guy with his STUPID bag keep banging on me. I move away but the bag still keep banging me...Feel so much like telling him off...Luckily, He alighted at Choa Chu Kang...So Nonsense and Inconsiderate...
Well, that's all for the day... Got to go bath and zZz...
PS:Hope I can get the draft and confirm everything by tomorrow...
...EnD oF tHe DaY...(@_@)
mOnDaY bLuEs
I nearly cannot wake up today, super tired despite the fact that I sleep at 2230 yesterday...Haiz...I guess I will never get enough sleep...Haha...
Was surprised to see so many emails on my outlook but mostly is reminding me that my outlook is almost full so got to delete some mails...See so many mails until I blur..Dun know which one to delete...Haiz...Guess is Monday Blues...Blur me, I forgot to attach the file when I send out the email to Winston, Autqspeed...He emailed me back and ask me to fax him therefore got to use Wendy's laptop as I dun know how to use my comp to fax so troublesome...Keep receiving calls from Winston until my HP low batt then flat...Haha...but he was very polite as everytime, he calls me, he will apologize first...Only after 1600 then I change the RP sim card to Annann's phone then the phone rang again..At 1st, I thought is Shirley from Evergreen cos I had been waiting for her fax since morning (So fed up) but end up, it was Winston again...Haha...He was asking me about the special requirements for the buggy...
Talked about Shirley, I was so fed up...Keep chasing her for the draft but she kept telling me that she will be faxing in awhile... Until I left the office, she still had not fax me the draft as I need to go through it before she can proceed it...And Yvonne needs it in 3 days time...Haiz...So FED UP...Dun know what to say if Yvonne ask for it...I was still waiting for her call despite the fact that I had left the office as she say she will call me once fax...Until 1800, she still did not call, then I got no choice but to change back my sim card...
As I was meeting Huiyin after work, therefore I took Bus 132 to go Far East as I want to confirm whether the jacket is still available...But I was too late, sold out, even the other outlet also sold out...SobSob...Should have bought it earlier...
Since the meeting time is still early, therefore I go to my grandpa's house, take a shower, have dinner watch TV before I head my way to Huiyin's house to take the Ah Mei vcds as she was just plain lazy to come out...Haha...Finally, I got the vcds...Shihui can sing the "Mo Jian Titanic"...You owe me one ah...Haha...
Once I reach home, I quickly took out the vcds and start to sing...Haha...As I sing, it makes me remind of the times when I'm in secondary school as these are the songs we sung during that times...I sing until I tired then start to write the blog...Haha...
Now, my brother keep nagging and pestering me to let him use the computer...No choice but to give in to him cos he is too naggy...
...EnD oF bLoG (@_@)...
SPH FaMiLy DaY 2004 - sEnToSa
Today, Alexia told me something which makes me feel that life is really full of coincidences...Singapore is real small...
Haha...I was right... I can't wake up on time because of the Maria Annann's phone...I set to wake up at 0930 but it starts to ring at 0735...Nonsense, Maria Annann what's wrong with your phone?Later Mum sent you back Philippines...Haha... Or izzit because I dun know how to use it...Haha...Then I went back to sleep and only wake up when my godfather call me...Only then I realized I'm late but I managed to get ready in 15 minutes...Cool right? Luckily, I had packed my bag last night but didn't manage to have breakfast...
In the car, I was hungry and realized that I got panda eyes...Look so awful...But luckily I got bring sunglasses with me, still can hide...Haha...And to realize everyone is hungry too...
When we reach there, we got problems in finding carpark lots, therefore my god parents and I alighted 1st while my god sister and brother-in-law went to look for parking lots...We went in and saw my the other godsister was playing games, "Water Bomb"...Can see they had a lot fun and it makes me think of the times when I was in camp...Later We met up together and had our lunch...
After lunch, I got stomach pain (Luckily it did not last long...) but I still joined my godsisters to play "Magic mat" as she got no enough ppl in her team...Was having lot of fun and we manage to finish in 3 minutes and get 1st...So cool man...Even the organiser say that he had never seen a group finished so fast...Haha...I was supposed to join in for the "tug-of-war" but last minute changed ppl as I'm not strong enough for that...But I cheer for them...They had really done well...
After that, we watched the SPH programme for awhile before we leave to have dinner outside...
Now feel so tired...Think will be sleeping early tonight...I will end my blog...
P.S: I like the door gift... Is a mat... can used it when going for picnic or beach...That's nice...
...eNd Of ThE dAy (@_@)
A uSuAl DaY
Today is a usual day for me...For every Satursday, I will be going to my grandpa's house if I'm not held up by anything...But today was rather late...I reached there around 1800+...As I was practicing songs "Yi Ge Ren Shen Huo" and FIR songs...
I sms Huiping to ask her to help me to buy the jacket that I wanted to buy but she told me that she no longer see it, should be sold out...Haiz... I should have bought it on thursday...
Tomorrow I will be going to Sentosa with my godfather they all...Got to wake up early as they meet around 1000+... Wonder will I be able to wake up...Haha...
Now I making use of the commericial to write the blog as I am watching the korea show "Sumer Scent"...After watching "Summer Scent", I got to go and pack my bag for Sentosa...Since there is nothing much to write, I will end my blog...
...EnD oF tHe DaY...(@_@)
pHoTo TaKeN iN EtD (rP)
I took this photo at ETD...Although kena mosquito bite but find it worth it...
I took this inside the Green Studio...
PhOtO tAkInG
Haha... This time round, I shower before I write my blog...Just finished writing testimonial for Hanwen as promised...And also read Alexia's testimonial for me...I will try my best to forget & I'm improving, give me some time...*smile*...Dun act, u everyday must suan me....Pity me...Haha...
As usual, i got nothing much to do at work in the morning but was better as I got quotations to follow up. (Only sian NOT Super sian) Haha...But in the afternoon, I was enjoying myself... I tag along with Yunus to take some photo at the ETD and end up, I took more photos of myself than the building...Haha...Have upload it to After work, I went to eat at Redhill Market with Yunus before I go for my vocal class...
As usual, we got to sing "Greatest Love of All" to warm up our voice before singing the song that we choose for the test...But as I was too full (eat too much), got difficulties to sing...As I was singing "Yi Ge Ren Sheng Huo", Daniel recorded my voice again...I realized that my voice sounded low, not really good...Will try to improve but Daniel say It's good...He always give me support...Thanks Daniel...HeeHee... Got to see FangFang LaoSi in Tinybox, kind of miss her as long long time never see her. Misses the times in VMP with her, Tony, GuanSeng, Daniel & Andrew... Glad that my VMP & AMP's friends are all fun-going and nice ppl... Guess what? After the class ended, we went downstairs to take photos again... The 2nd time for the day...Haha...
Once I reached hm, I quickly on my comp and msn Alexia cos she knows how to upload photo to the blog...This gal had been msn me during work/hm to show off her blog...Nonsense...Haha...But got to admit that her blog really look very nice especially the cursor...But end up, I still cannot upload my photo, still trying to figure out (Fed Up)...Think try again tomorrow...
Started to feel sleepy...ZzZ...
...EnD oF tHe DaY...(@_@)
hUiPiNg'S 21sT bIrThDaY
Today is my maria Pingping's 21st Birthday...So glad that she enjoy herself and I feel touched when she sms me this "He...Thanks for urs gift...Today me very happy...But tired haha...Think today is better then the other celebration...Hahaha...(02/09/04 21:43)". *Smile*...As I was waiting for her, I went to Borders and bought a Birthday Card for her...We went to Orchard as usual (Suddenly realized Singapore is real small...) and I brought her to Pure Milk to show her the bag that I was thinking to buy for her yesterday... End up, I bought her the bag and I bought one for me too...Haha...Since we were short of a few dollars before we can get the member card, I pick a little purse...Haha...The salesgal even praised that my shoes is nice...Haha...I showed Huiping the jacket that I want to buy but she said my taste is weird, even her friend and min said the same thing too...But I guess I will still buy it tomorrow...Must give a serious thought...Haha...
As for work, it was so sian today cos I got nothing to do...Haha..Sound weird? But is true, When Jonathan asked me to photocopy the architectural drawings, I was so glad but I guess Jonathan got a little shock...Haha...
Now my legs are aching, must have done too much shopping...Haha... Going to shower and have a good rest...
...End of the day...(@_@)
P.S: If you are seeing this, Happy 21st Birthday, Huiping. Hope that all your wishes and dream come true...I really glad and touched that you had enjoy yourself today although I didn't do much...
mY 1sT pOsTiNg
1st Sept 2004, Starting of the month, starting my 1st posting...
Just come back from Orchard, as I got to look for a beautiful gift for my beloved Maria PingPing because tomolo is her 21st birthday but end up empty handed as I really don't know what to buy and also busy window shopping...Haha...Tomolo I will be meeting her, therefore I decided to let her choose her own birthday gift...
Was a bit vexed at work as I could not find companies that sell buggy cars for my quotations but luckily at the very last moment, I manage to find 2 companies, Textron and autq speed...
Finally, I started to recover bit by bit, no longer seeing stars (dizzy) so often but still quite weak at times...I still find myself super "kelian" during that time...Maybe is the 1st time I encountered this, I cried a lot that day(24th August), a very x 100 bad day...Let me count...Board the cab (SobSob), sms Maria Pingping (SobSob), call grandpa (SobSob), see grandpa (SobSob), see mum (SobSob), tok to Maria AnnAnn (SobSob), etc...Haha....At least 6 SobSob, must be the crybaby for the day...Haha...
Going to shower and zZz...
...End of the day...(@_@)