Sunday, May 31, 2009

A StArT lInE??? a FiNiShInG lInE??? oR bOtH???

P.S: To CrOsS oR nOt To CrOsS...

MusIc: 劉力揚 - 寂寞光年

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My CoMp BrOkE dOwN... wHo CaN sAvE mY pReCiOuS dAtAzZz!!!

My comp broke down since yesterday... Cannot even on, I am using my fat fat's comp... Haiz... Super duper nonsense snd frustrated... I guess I am just too used to use comp and I am real bored yesterday without it... I am a handicapp when there is no comp...Doctor Fat Fat diagnosed that it can only be saved by re-format it...Oh mine!!! But wat about my precious data...Especially my precious pics...The tot of it just making me go berserk... Argh... Anyone can save my data??? Anyone???

Recently, there is just soO many events that frustrated me...I really dun know what to do...Events just happened one after another... When one is suay, it is just super suay...On monday, I just super cannot take it, damn frustrated, dun know what to believe especially when the facts given are just not that tally but lucky, Heng msn me...For the 1st time I think he is talking sense...Hahaha...He is right... "No one had the right to control what you want to do, not me, not anyone else, not even god... Only you, only you can control & decide urself... " I did my best...

P.S: We just can't help to love playing guessing games...Hahaha... Let's nature takes its course...Whatever will be will be...

MusIc: Beyonce - "I am Sasha fierce"' s album

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

It'S dUmPlInGs TiMe!!! HaHaHa!!!

Yesterday, once woke up & I went to meet Irene & her daughters for my breakfast(it was already 11.35am)Hahaha...Received a number of missed calls from her...Hahaha...

After that, Irene invited me to the place and make dumplings...Hahaha...And I went... Hahaha...Despite I guess I will make a mess rather than dumplings...Hahaha... Well, Irene had prepared all the ingredients and she did all the cooking...You must be wondering wat I had contributed...Well, I had to be her cute daughters' baby, playing with them, keeping them company...Hahaha...

Finally my contribution is here... That is to wrap the dumplingsss with Irene and her maid... And it was super duper not easy...Hahaha...Put all ingredients and got to wrap it in a triangle shape plus when we boiled it, the ingredients must not come out...Super duper not easy... After struggling, our dumplings were not bad and the ingredients did not came out...Just that, the shape of it, there is still room for improvments...Hahaha... My 1st attempt of wrapping dumplings can considered a success.

After that, went to my gong gong's house...Told them that the dumplings were wrapped by me but I think they are doubtful about it...Hahaha...But anyway, they did tried and they said was ok... Hahaha... Both 4th aunt and I shared the same thought... When we ate the dumplings, it make us both think of the dumplings my ah ma used to make... Since the wrapping is considered a success, maybe I can go one step further and cook the ingredients...Hahaha...

P.S: It is still hot...Super hot... This time round, it is not easy.

MusIc: Don't say No - Ru Xue Rui

...EnD of BlOgGiE (@_@)...

Friday, May 22, 2009

It RePeAt AgAiN...

It repeats itself...
Dun even need to be told...
It just automatically will...

The frustrations set in again...
The coldness once again...
Happy moments is history...
Its silent moments again...

P.S: I am tired... SoO tired...

MusIc: Big Girls don't cry - Fergie

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

HeAvy DoWnPoUr...

She look up to the sky...
Super dark cloud on her...
Super heavy downpour followed...

Damn... What is all these???
Damn out of sudden!!!
Damn frustrated...

All drenched,

She ran to him...
But she got nothing...
Not a word of concern...
Not a word of care...
Only a word, disappointment...

P.S: Real frustrated with him, SoOo frustrated... But even more disappointed with him...SoO angry until stomachache...Do whatever you all like!!! Can't be bothered... He bothered how she feel? He don't...

Fed up...

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

MaN UtD mAtCh... I lOoKeD fOrWaRd To U...

The only time to see Mr Mo SoO enthusiastic can only be when he met his love... Hahaha...His love for SOCCER, MAN UTD... People know him sure know that he can't live without it...Hahaha... So he is planning to fly over to catch the Man utd Asia Tour in KL... And Yes, he is doing the organising and planning...Hahaha...But yet to confirm cos dun know whether able to get the tickets for the match... Hope we can then I can look forward to a short getaway before my school term started... The desserts from "ji de chi"... My saliva is dripping... Hahaha...

I just dun agree... There are two separate issues but why it is mixed up...And now it is struck...Haiz... Sometimes it is just difficult to understand but what can be done?Haiz...Puzzled?@#!

Spent half of the day doing survey... Door to door survey... Oh god!!! My legs are aching and I only completed 10...Somemore kena scare by the dog...Nonsense!!!

But luckily, someone brighten my day...Hahaha... The thought of him just make me soO happy...SoO cute yet soO shy.. He was with his grandma and whether I looked at him, he smile then looked to his pram and dare not looked at me... The shy shy expression is SoO super cute...SoO attractive...But it only apply to me... Other ppl looked at him, he will not hide and shy but only me, then he will... Hahaha... The grandma then asked him, why sOO shy, izzit becos he saw "mei nu" ? He nodded slightly and looked at his pram again...Hahaha...Alamak, the shy shy expression is just soO cute and attractive...I am attracted and he was soO soO Ke Ai...Heehee, I am his "Mei Nu" wor...Hahaha...But he is also my super duper shy but cute little prince charming...Hahaha...

He makes her hot, She makes her hot... Everyone is HoT! Let it be...Do whatever you like!!!

P.S: Clarification??? Yes...
She need to clarify...

MusIc: Lean With it, Rock with it - Dem Franchize Boyz ft Lil Pea

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It Is ThE eNd BuT I cAnT sEe AnY vIcToRy...

Finally, everything is over... The war is over but I can't see any victory... What I can feel is the injuries and disappointment... I think Fin 303 should not be 2hrs, should be 3hrs... I got no time for the qns... It is just soO damn... Super duper damn... The feeling is SoO exhausted and sOo disappointing... Disappointing in myself... Haiz... I know I got no one to blame but myself... Haiz...

The moment I stepped out of the exams hall, I just need to release all the frustrations, all feelings out... I just need ppl to be there for me...I called Xingxing and he heard me out all my nonsense and grumbling...Thank you soO much, XingXing...

When I am in the bus, I was in a daze... Why??? I just cant help thinking... The feeling is just soO empty...

Met up with Mr Mo for dinner... SoO pai seh that he got to sacrifice the time with his precious princess...Thank you...Although he did nothing much, barely just keep me company but
his presence is more than enough... Thank you for being there!!!

Now I can only hope, pray that everything will just turn out fine... Fine will do... I dun need fascinating results... PLEASE!!!

P.S: Whatever will be will be... Please give me a MiRaClE... Miracle to survive...MIRACLE TO SURVIVE!!!



...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Monday, May 18, 2009

OmG, i Am A DaMn BiG sOtOnG...a JoKeR aGaIN...

I nearly miss my exams becos of my sotongness... And Yes, Like what Clement said I am a joker for my law paper and I am again a joker for the 2nd time... Things are just not going right when it is open book exam... God!!!

I just dun know why... But I thought my Financial paper is from 1800hrs-2000hrs... But in actual fact, it is NOT...It is from 1600hrs-1800hrs... SoO if I did not double check the time, I will have arrive when everyone is celebrating exams are over tomolo... OMG!!! Real sotong me...

P.S: My last... I will fight till the end...Victory!!!

MusIc: Diva - Beyonce

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

tHe UnBeLiEvAbLe sUrPrIsE!!!

As I have mentioned earlier, I got a unbelievable surprise that shocked me...

I got to know this guy through playing an online game...We had never meet...Our mode of communication was by MSN...
BUT... we may have meet each other during Siyin's wedding but we are not aware at all... Not until he msn me today then I know about this unbelievable surprise...

The unbelievable surprise is that he is Siyin's cousin... OMG!!! Can you believe it???The cyber world is sOO big but yet I chatted with this guy who is SoOo happened to be Siyin's cousin... It is just soO coincidence... It happened only in drama but it is now happening in reality...And It is happening to me... Oh!!! And it really really shocked me man, of cos it also shocked him... Hahaha... If we did not chat through msn today, we will never know this... Not at all... Siyin's wedding let us met but both of us were unaware... Hahaha...

The cyberworld is soO big yet sOo small... Hahaha...

P.S: SoOoOoOo Coincidence... I am still in a shock!!! Mr Mo, this is more shocking, yours is only peanuts...Hahaha...


...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

AnOtHeR eArLy SlEeP!!! SuPeR eArLy...

Yes, u see me again on this early morning cos I went to Partyworld again...Again sang until 0300hrs...

Went to attend Siyin's wedding... SoO happy for her...But on
the way there, met a super duper naggy uncle... I super cannot tahan him... Pissed me off... Told him that I got to fetch a few friends before going to OCC and he started saying that taxi dun wait for people, should be people waiting for taxi...Keep saying... Super cannot tahan...Almost spoil my mood...

Then after the wedding, as I had mentioned, we went to Partyworld again...This time round, I was entertained by Huichuan... Super cannot tahan... I laughed till I was crying...Hahaha... She just make me laughed... Hahaha...

Back home, I gave Mr MoMo a surprise...But to Mr Momo, it is a shock... This is the 1st time he said if the shocking surprise leak out, he will kill me... Hahaha...Like I said, I got a trump card on hand... Hahaha...

But I got an unbelievable surprise tt really give me a shock...

But now, Is Photos Time!!!

Me & My PrEtTy DaRlInG pInG...mUaCkZ!!!tHe FaMoUs ZeNg HoNgHuI pInG...hAhAhA...!!! I fOrCeD xIaOhUi To TaKe WiTh Me... HaHaHa... BuT iS sOo NaTuRal... I lOvE iT & HEr ToO!!! ThE iMpT mAnsSs...HaHaHa... Of CoS,nOt FoRgEtTiNg My SeLf ShOt...HaHa...SoMeBoDy SaId NiCe...NoW tHeN u KnOw U mIsS a BaBe...WOo HoO!!!hEeHeE!!!

幼稚,幼稚...幼稚的...哈哈哈!!! 又想多了...

MusIc: 原來你就在我身邊 - Mr MoMo'S veRsIoN (hAhAhA...)

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Oh My GaStRiC!!! pLeAsE gO aWaY!!!

I guess you people must be thinking that I am crazy to still stay awake at this timing (almost 6am!!!), my Fat Fat is not even home yet... But well, I just reached home not long and is waiting for my hair to dry... Trying to occupy myself with something...

Finally, one down... But still dun know whether I can make or not...3hrs paper, I completed it in 2hrs...In fact, in 1.5hrs... I just laze there, staring in the air cos my hand is aching after writing for soO long...Hahaha... Straight after the psychology paper, went to meet Xingxing they all for his bday celebration... Partyworld KTV!!! HaPpY bDaY, xInG xInG!!!

We sang until 0300hrs, Yaosheng is my entertainment... He is just hilarious...The WooWooWOo....Hahaha... After that, followed by MAC breakfast with Xiaohui and Xiuting... I am dead beat... But yet my gastric is giving problems again... Haiz... Very pain pain... I had to hunchback before I can walk... Reached home the 1st thing is to pop the gastric pills...I dun want to call the ambulance again...If really again, I am going to eat until full cos I confirmed the doctor wont give me any food... Thank god, at least I am slowing getting better now... Ting said that everytime got big gathering, I am always sick... I also dun wish to... I want to join u guys...PAIN, PAIN GO AWAY, I WANT TO GO TO SIYIN'S WEDDING!!! PLUS I STILL GOT ANOTHER PAPER ON TUESDAY!!! PLEASE GO AWAY!!!

P.S: Deliberately??? Must be thinking too much...


...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

SuNsHiNe DaY!!!

P.S: It Is SoO sUnNy NoW...hAhAhA...

MusIC: Mandy - Jonas Brothers

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

CoNqUeRiNg 1 sOon...YeS!!!

My supportive fan missed my entry again... But this time round, less than 1 week... My supportive fan is getting impatient... Hahaha...

Let's see...These few days had been lazing around... Watching TV, watching wedding videos... Some are just hilarious but are touching...Dreaming... Hahaha...

I know I should be studying but I just want myself to relax...Hahaha... Maybe I had overdo it again...

Tomolo is the day... The day when I conquer 1...Thanks for all the wishes and good luck... I love you all...MuackZzz!!!

P.S: I got my 1st card... Yupee!!!

TANK - 全世界都停電

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Monday, May 11, 2009

ShE's FlYiNg...He'S fLyInG...EvErYbOdY fLyInG!!! mE??? i'M gRoUnDeD!!!

Today went to work but simply not in the mood to do anything cos I will be starting my home quarantine order from tomolo onwards until next tuesday... As Eric & Germaine just came back from overseas, it's photos time... OMG!!! After browsing through, I am super duper tempted to fly... It seems like my colleagues are all going for holidays... Let's see...

April - Jamie went Hongkong, Macau...Ivy went Thailand...
May - Germaine went Taiwan, Eric went US
June - Jamieson going Hongkong, Macau...
July - Ivy going Taiwan, Hongkong...
August - Sandy going Hongkong...

Super duper envy... Everyone is going for hoilday... Sob SOb SOB... I can only stay in Singapore... Why in the first place I went to study... If not, I will be flying too... ArGH...But if everything goes smoothly, I will just need to endure for a year...Just one year baby... A year later and u will be a free... Free to fly anywhere I want...Yes!!! But must take into the consideration of big "M" factor... Cos I need to save for my big day just like Germaine... Hahaha...

Since my home quarantine order going to start tomolo, I went to NTUC and stock up...Oh mine!!! I guess I had overdo it...I stocked up like there is a war... Hahaha... But in fact, it is a war to me... Let recall wat I had bought...

2 HL milk...
2 Peel Fresh Fruit Juice
2 Heaven & Earth Gui Hua
2 Pringles Potato Chips
2 Hello Panda
2 5pack instant noodles

It was super duper heavy and I carried it all the way to bus interchange(took bus) then all the way to my home... By the time I reached home, my hands are shivering... Oh god... I am not exaggerating...I cant even feed myself with sushi...I cant lift up my hands...Next time not going to buy soo much... Even if buying, make sure there is someone to lend me a muscular hand... Hahaha...

I will find u... Trust me... No matter where u go, I am not going to give up...

P.S: Two to knock down... Two more to endure... Everybody, pray for me!!! Fighting!!! YES!!!

蕭閎仁 - 不知

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

My PeT - SnOwIe & LuXuRy MaNsIoN!!!

I had been very into Pet Society even since I started playing it...Hahaha...It may seems bored but I enjoyed the part whereby I am able to deco the house like my own...Heehee... The latest hottest pics in Town!!!

Proudly Present to you...My LoVely Pet... SnoWie!!! The LiViNG RoOm... The Kitchen... The BedrOom... Izzit Lovely... SoO in Love with it!!! The Cosy RoOm... The Washroom...

P.S: How I wish my house is like that... I know is a wishful thinking...Thats y it can only be done here... Hahaha... I WANT TO DECO MY OWN HOUSE!!!

MusIc: 萧闳仁 - 亡命天使

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Somebody thought someone wont talk to somebody...
Someone thought somebody wont talk to someone...
Somebody said talk to someone is tough...
Everybody thought nobody wants to talk
Someone talk to somebody...
If someone never talk to somebody...
There will be nobody...
But why must be someone, but never the somebody???

Question: When Little Miss Chatterbox met Mr Quiet , Little Miss Chatterbox choose to give in...Why???

Answer: Cos Little Miss Chatterbox cannot stand quiet...Tired Little Miss Chatterbox...Maybe Little Miss Chatterbox can take a detour...

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

HoMe QuArAnTiNe???

Friday met up with Xiaohui to go walk walk at Far East (I got myself a bag!!!)cos from tomolo onwards, I got to be home quarantine... Hahaha... But not becos of the recent flu but becos of my exams... Got two paper to conquer... But seems like I am not in the mood for it... Haiz... SoO sian... Just Sian...

Supposedly to attend my god-brother's wedding today but I am just not in the mood...Not in the mood for anything... I just want to laze around... Doing nothing, think nothing...

I want to have the say in my life
even if everyone says I am selfish...

I want to do whatever I want
even if everyone says I am rebellious...

I want to have the control in my hands
even if everyone turn their back on me...

I just want to be me...
I just want to be myself...

I say, I want, I control... Only me...

P.S: BrAcE uP...UP...UPP!!!

一個人就好 - 劉力楊

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...


P.S: 默默的... 默默的... 默默的...


...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Saturday, May 09, 2009


P.S: WoNdErInG??? gUeSsInG??? sIleNtLy??? ...

MusIc: LOVE STORY (Taylor Swift) meets VIVA LA VIDA (Coldplay) - Piano Cello - by Jon Schmidt

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Thursday, May 07, 2009

BlUr BlUr MeE...

Went to office today and there is no need for temperature screening and the barriers are all removed...Now we can move freely in office... Another good news is no more duty...Yes! But well, that is for now... But eventually, if it is from yellow to orange again then my duty will resume... Let's hope not... Let's hope everything is under control...

Finally, I can see myself recovering but I am still having dizzy spells... Dun know why...Haiz... Despite having dizzy spell, I still had to go Yishun 200+ to carry out inspections... On the way to Yishun, I realized I left my HP in office... Super Blur Blur me... Haiz... Got Jamie to keep for me...Jamieson asked me whether I will feel uncomfortable without a phone... Well, this is not the 1st time (hahaha) and I guess I am ok with it...But definitely not during emergency...If not, I will get real real pissed off...Hahaha...Im going to get back you tomorrow, my dear E71...Hahaha...

Oh mine, the weather is SoOo hot but no choice... I still had to complete the work... All of us are sweating & sweating...Site inspection is completed but tomorrow still had to come up with the report... It is just sian... Haiz...

My exams are just around the corner but I still had not touched on anything, still had not recovered fully... OMG!!!I need you... Yes!!! My moods!!! Faster come back to me... I need you badly...

P.S: Hope everything turns out well...I wIsh... I hOpE... I pRaY...


...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

CoMmUnICaTiNg??? Or NoT???

Everyone communicates...
But are we really communicating???

Do we really understand???
Sometimes, we are...
But in some instances, we are not...
At times, we thought we are

But in actual fact, we are not...
The communication is lost...
Lost in space...
But yet, we are still communicating...
As though we really understand...!@#$

P.S: CoMmUniCatIoN iS iMpT... UnDeRsTaNd It is EvEn MoRe ImPt... UsInG tHe RiGhT wORdS iS e MoSt MoSt ImpT...


...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

It Is SpOiLt...JuSt SpOiLt...Y???BrEaKdOwN...

It just went wrong...
What's wrong???
Wrong time...
Wrong place...
Or simply the wrong person...

A joke turns out to be a big hoo ha...
A big hoo ha that neither expected...
Just dun get it...
Why the big hoo ha???

It is just the breakdown...
Neither understands...
There is no link...
No link to all these...
Neither can read each other...

All along is just guessing games...
Neither open up...
Honesty??? It is long forgotten...

It is spoilt... Just spoilt... And is that easy...It just triggered...

P.S: Izzit soO hard??? Is a YeS...Then Dun force...TireD...


...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...


Even since the H1N1 flu, our office had stepped up the security by screening everyone for fever and limited to only one entrance/exit...

Went to Nexus with Niu niu today... Got to walk super long...Haiz... It is just tiring especially when I am still recovering from my normal flu...Somemore I forgot to bring my pass today...So inconvenient...At least today, I felt better than yesterday but also did not have a good night sleep...Woke up at 5+am and cant get back to sleep... Haiz... Hope tonight can sleep better...

Sometimes, we people tends to think too much... Too much that we forgot things can be as simple... It all depends on wat we want , who we want to be...Why so lost??? Only you can help urself...

P.S: It does shocked me...Izzit that obvious??? SoO coincidence...

MusIc: Stop & Stare - One Republic

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Monday, May 04, 2009

NoT tHe PiG fLu... Is CoMmOn FlU...

Kena the flu virus, it just came soO suddenly but ppl, not the pig virus... Is common flu virus...A lot of ppl were asking...Haiz... The virus is making me soO weak...

Went to Pasir Ris Park to blade even though I already had running nose in the morning but I thought nothing serious... But as times went by, I can feel the weakness in me... Halfway through watching the Man U match, Ju sent me home...

Sunday felt even worse... Whole body aching... Still having running nose non stop therefore quickly went to see doctor... I waited for the doctor for super long...Waited until I got no strength till I just leaned on the edge of the sofa...Finally the doctor see me and said that I kena the flu virus...Asked me to rest more...And I had been sleeping a lot yesterday and today... Getting better but still feel weak...

Hope I can recover fast cos my exams are coming...

The medicine is taking effect... Felt the drowsiness...ZzZ...

P.S: She said we matched, He said we matched, Th
ey trying to match... So what's exactly we matched?

MusIc: Mandy - Westlife

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Friday, May 01, 2009

LaZy LaZy Me...LaZy LaZy DaY...

A lazy lazy me... A lazy lazy Labor's Day... Dun feel like going out and I have slept for almost the whole day... Hahaha...

ThAt mEe!!! Taking self shot...Hahaha...I LuV Self Shot....

Yesterday went to the new Mall at Bugis... Illuma... The building was beautiful but there is nothing much to walk walk cos some of the stores are still not operating yet...There are booths promoting wedding packages and was being approached again...This is the 2nd time kena approached... I guess maybe this is the season for wedding planning...

Had dinner at V8 Cafe...But I only manage to finish half the Fish & C
hips... Wasteful me but I wanted to save my stomach for my favourite... DESSERTS!!! Went to have the Mango Pomelo at Ah Chew Desserts... Super crowded... But luckily, managed to find seats and enjoyed the Mango Pomelo under the eyes of many cos everyone is eyeing for seats... Hahaha...

P.S: For the 1st time, A listener... Hahaha... Listen more than talk...

石欣卉 - 謊言

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...