StAyInG aT gRaNdPa'S hOuSe
This few days not in the mood, therefore went to stay at my grandpa's house and also to accompany him...It makes me feel like I had gone back to my childhood when I was taken care by my grandparents... He still pampers me a lot... Although he knew that I am not in the mood but had never asked me anything... When I went to the room, I realized he had already prepared my bed and even willing to sacrifice his bed and sleeps in the living room...I refused and at the same time, I was very touched for his actions that I was on the verge to cry...He even helps me to draw the curtains up...Thanks Grandpa...
During my stay, he will buy breakfast (although end up is lunch as I wake up late...) for me everyday and cook those dishes that I like...I realized that my grandpa had aged a lot and his legs had been giving him a lot of problems...On thurday, I still accompany him to see doctor... It hurts to see him like this...
On friday, my 3rd aunt came to see my grandpa as he was feeling dizzy and having stomachache... During the talk with my aunt, she can read my mind...Wow... Amazing... Feeling better after talking to her... Thanks Aunt...
On sat, I forced myself to wake up early morning to accompany him to Chong Pang Market...
My grandfather had been very supportive...He will always be there for me... I cannot imagine my life without my grandpa... I love you, grandpa... Thanks for being so supportive...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
nEaRlY kNoCkEd DoWn By TaXi...
WHat a day!!! Today I nearly knocked down by a taxi, a yellow top taxi... I was crossing the zebra crossing and he did not stop for me...OMG... The taxi just stop right in front of me... If I was one step ahead, I maybe in heaven now... But to my surprise, I did not shout or scream... I just merely look at the driver and take note of his car plate number... I was that calm...Yes, So calm that I doubt anyone will believe it...Even I was surprised that I was so calm...It could have took my life but I remained so calm...Maybe I had seen enough of life and death...
As I walked to Admiratly to buy food, the STUPID taxi horned me... It was obviously his fault yet he still horned me so I decided to make a complaint...
When I reached home, I told my brother and try to find the hotline to call to make a complaint but I was too late so can only make the complaint tomorrow...
As usual, I continued to be a housewife cleaning my fan and hanging clothes...
...EnD oF DaY (@_@)...
SiMpLe LiFe
Long time never update my bloggie...Too Busy... Slacking plus Busy being a housewife...HahazZz...
Had been tidying my room for 2 weeks... Just my room only...Realized there is a lot of things to clear up... Haiz... No choice but to clear up bit by bit... That's why took so long...Not I lazy hor...Hahaz... Throw away 2 big bags of rubbish plus tons of dust...
Decided not to work for this holidays cos had been sick of working... For these 2 weeks, had been living a simple life... A life of Housewife... Doing house chores e.g. mopping, sweeping, hanging clothes, etc... Haha... Guess no one got to believe it... Cos it is not like me to do all these... I can't believe that I am actually enjoying it too... Haha...I even thought to learn how to cook... A very difficult task...
Maybe becos I am getting older, that's why I enjoy the simplicity of life...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
Why Are You Still Single?
Mandy, you're single because you don't want to get hurt
Ever heard the expression, "Once bitten,twice shy?" You can probably relate to this, can't you? Your last relationship may have left you a little raw in emotions, and the memories are likely still fresh in your mind. Fresher than you can sometimes believe. With a hurt like this, you're probably not so eager to enter the drama again - and we can't say that we blame you. You may be so afraid of getting hurt that you take things to heart big-time when you're involved with someone - after all, you've been hurt before, why can't it happen again? You also may be gulity of comparing potential mates to your ex who may still constantly loom large in your mind.
But maybe, just maybe, it's time to check your baggage at the door and let a new person into your life with a clean slate. You have a lot to offer someone, but you can't do it when you have one foot firmly planted in the past.
Who's Your Music Match?
Mandy, your Music Match is a Hot Hip-Hopper
The world of hip-hop won't be the same after you bust on the scene. With your unique blend of personality and upbeat energy, you put a new spin on anything just like your music match Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas. Spontaneous and energetic, you have a good time mixing it up.
Whether you're hanging with your girls, shopping at the mall, or chilling at home, you know how to liven up even the dullest of moments. All your friends know that there's no such thing as boring when you're around. You're like a breath of fresh air who makes the same old, same old seem totally new. And that's how you get the party started!
TeStS rEsUlTs...
How can you simplify your life?
You're good in taking charge, getting things done, and looking great in the process. But, while you like being the boss of an active life, sometimes you might feel like you spend more time in your car than you do at home.
Wouldn't it be great if you could have a personal assistant to see to your to-do list while you multitasked on the more important things? You know a star like you is completely capable of running the show yourself, but you may shine a bit brighter if you learn to delegate - even if that just means that the Chinese restaurant down the street cooks your dinner tonight instead of you. Now that's using your noodle!
What's your Best Quality?
Mandy, your best quality shines through in how Creative you are
The fact that you're an inventive and creative person who usually has an abundance of imagination and ideas really draws people to you! But that's not only the thing. Your answers on the test indicate you're a person with a strong will who is typically determined to follow through on difficult demands and meet important goals. You are psychologically and emtionally stable and better able than most people to tolerate even the roughest situations, too.
In all, there are 15 qualities that help define you when you're at your best. Those are the traits potential employers, friends, and partners look for in you. What makes you unique is your particular distribution of those 15 qualities.
We've found out that your particular combination of qualities is rare - only 3 in 10,000 people share the same general mix of traits. Those are great odds if you're trying to show a potential employer, friend, or date why you're exactly the right person for them.
What's your Driving Fantasy?
Mandy, your Driving Fantasy is Moab
You like to take a big bite out of life, get out, and see the world - especially if it's off the beaten path. So whether you're off-roading in Moab, Utah, cruising a new mountain road, or trying to get lost to discover new treasures, you nee a car companion who's up for the task.
You're driven by exploring - new cultures, new foods, new sights and scenes. And for you it's both the destination and the journey that matter most. Overall, you're more energetic than others. So whether you want to nurture your active imgination, or active lifestyle, your next road trip's already way overdue.
pHoToS tAkEn DuRiNg My LaSt DaY oF aTtAcHmEnT...
MaRy & Me... AlSo TaKeN bY mE...

Me & MaMaSaN...tAkEn By Me... GoOd SkIlLs RiGhT...HeE hEe...

I tRy To TaKe A pHoTo Of Us...HaHa...AlThOuGh Is UnSuCcEsSfUl BuT aT lEaSt CaN sEe OuR fAcE...hAhA...

Me In FcC...

YuNus & Me
IAP pReSenTaTiOnS + wAtChInG "dOu Yu PaRt 2"
Today I had my IAP Presentation...I had do it until 0200... Cos lazy...Haha...
When I reached there, I realized everyone is wearing formal for the presentation and I was like an alien(cos I am in casual wear)...Haha...I just sit and waited for my turn to present...Luckily by the time I present, the class only left with Jinsheng and Weijie...
Overall, I did ok for the presentation...But was a little unhappy as XXX was dozing off when I was presenting...Is my presentation so bored? I doubt so...Haha...Sound confident? That's me...Haha...
Then I stayed back to see Jinsheng and Weijie do the presentation...After that which I went to meet Haze for lunch at West Mall...
Followed by I went to Causeway to buy some groceries...I went to Watson to buy facial wash and moisturizing lotion plus wet wipes...I was still looking for toiletries set therefore went to the John Little sale and guess what...The moisturizing lotion is cheaper there, haiz... Should had bought it later...
Then I head back home...As usual, I sing a little before watching "Dou Yu II"... My Favorite Taiwanese Drama!!!(I simply love the "Dou Yu Part 1") I watched until 1800 after which I let my brother use while I cleared up my room... It had been a super big mess ever since last month...I think need to take a week to clear up...
Finally, my IAP had completed... Can rest and slack at home...Hooray!!!
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
What Kind of Girlfriend are you?
Mandy you're a Steady Supporter.
Stand by your man - that's just something you naturally do. Once you've committed to a relationship, you are a constant companion who enjoys the comfort and stability that comes from being a couple. Not quick to judge, accuse, or think the worst, you have a lot of trust (in him and in yourself), and you rarely worry about where he is or who he's with.
For you, mutual respect is of utmost importance. You are comfortable and confident in your own skin, making you a great pillar of strength in all your relationships. Whether he's striving to climb a mountain or land a promotion, you have his back. Best part is, you know he's got yours too.
What tickles you pink?
Mandy, Sweet Gestures tickle you pink.
Hand-written love letters stuffed into your purse. Giving up a seat on the bus to a pregnant woman. You love the little things in life - and you know that they can make all the difference.
Whether you're giving, receiving, or just watching from afar, nothing brightens up your day like a token of affection or seeing people treat each other with kindness.
Thoughtful and caring, you often put the needs of others above your own. That's why friends and family trust you, your goals and advice - they know that you always have the best of intentions at heart. It's simple really, making other people happy makes you happy. What could be better than that?
True to a certain extent.
That's Me!!!
My LaSt DaY oF aTtAcHmEnT...
Never been updating my bloggie cos very the busy...
At work, I was busy doing the MOA Consultancy Agreement for the past few days...Even till today I still cannot complete then got to pass it back to Yvonne for her to continue as today is my last day of work.
Had been shopping for Ju's Birthday for 2 days, Tuesday and Wednesday...Walk until leg aching... Finally, I bought her a pink color Pure Milk T-Shirt...
Yesterday went to celebrate Ju's 21st Birthday... Ju give Doreen and me a treat to Pizza Hut...Not like her...Haha...Then after that, we went to take neoprints...So fed up, I had not even finished choosing then the time is up, so nonsense...So we took another round...In total, we took 4 times, 2 cards and 2 neoprint stickers. Haha... We accompanied Doreen to buy little gift for her SO...End up, I also bought 7 boxes and mugs for my SO and staffs in Republic Polytechnic. I still wipe the mugs before I put it in the boxes...See, so considerate...Haha...
Today I carried the mugs to RP, super heavy...In the train, I met Chia Huat...Chit Chat till Jurong East...Walking to RP, I was sweating like hell...Once I reach RP, quickly get myself a drink...Then I started to distribute the gifts before I continue doing my Agreement... I email them to tell them I bought a gift to thank them for their guidance...
After lunch, when I came back and retrieve my inbox, they all reply me, saying is thoughful and sweet of me and even thank me for the little gift I bought them... I was touched and was smiling to myself...Really feel happy that they appreciate what I had given them although is something simple...
Today I worked until 1800 although Yvonne keep asking me to go back... I want to complete as much as I can...Feel so bad that I can't complete all... Then before I left, Yvonne shakes my hands and give me her wishes... I was shocked but at the same time I was feeling sweet...
Then I went to FCC to take photos with security guards before I went off...Mamasan drive me to the fish pond...This time round, mamasan drive very slow...On the way to fish pond, I suddenly miss them...Dun know why...Although I had been wanting to take a break but yet I still miss the place...
I quickly rushed to meet Huiyin they all as today is celebrating her birthday...Haiz...This week, very very the busy... We went to Taste of Thailand after which we decided to watch movie at Causeway Point. On the way to send Shumei home, we met with an accident... But luckily, no one is hurt except for Melvin's pick up. Then as we send Shumei home, Melvin say he got no mood to watch movie so we go home...
Had been a tiring day...Super Busy for the whole week...
...EnD oF bLoGgiE (@_@)...
WhEn To ScHoOl To SuBmIt RePoRt & HaD InTeRvIeW...
I woke up at 0500 to rush my report...Finally at 0710, manage to complete 80%, left with the organization chart and the content page. I had my breakfast before I went to shower...I had bought along the laptop in case anything crops up. The laptop was super heavy but got no choice , just had to force myself to carry. Had a tough time carrying from Mrt station to RP...
Reach RP at 0900, then start to complete the rest of my report... I finished the whole report at around 1145 except for organization chart. Then Laurence and Jonathan brought us out to have lunch. We had lunch at the same place where Miss Lim had treated us on friday...But this time round, the menu for the day was Sambal prawn rice. I saw Wendy at there too but never call her...Got stain on my shirt, somemore is white in color...Haiz...Then Laurence went to buy electrical appliance then we headed back to RP. We drop Jin Sheng at Red Hill Mrt station and Laurence went to buy Toto coz the price is $2million...Haha...
When I go back to office, I quickly help Yvonne to print out the architectural drawings for the Phoenix Park. After that, I printed out my report but keep getting errors...Haiz...End up, I dragged and dragged until 1500... Max came and drive me to NP... As I dun know he is driving his brother too therefore cause him to be late for lesson...
I asked Max to drop me at Canteen one so that I can bind the report and submit to Mrs Lee. When I reached the office, Jin Sheng is still being interview by her. At first I thought she will not have a good impression of me but I was wrong... She actually told me that my first impression was good and I can speak well with confident... I was surprised...Never expected that...Haha...The interview lasted about 30-45 mins. After which I met Guohan cos the laptop was very heavy and he helped me to carry...Haha... I met Gwen too and she say I grown taller...Haha...
I realized that the injection part was swollen...Haiz... Dun know izzit infection??? Got to go back and see Doc Woon again...
When I reached home, I was super tired and my legs were aching...
Really got to give myself a long break after the attachment...
P.S.: Thanks Max for driving me to NP...
Thanks Guohan for carrying the laptop for me...
...EnD oF tHe DaY (@_@)...
dO mEdIcAl ExAmInAtIoN...
Went for medical examinations for the Outwards Bound...Really need to train up if not I scared I will not be able to take it...Diez...Dun want myself to be a burden...
Was thinking to go back to office and completed the report but then too lazy...Haha... Therefore, I carried Maria's laptop all the way to my grandpa's house...Super heavy...Haiz, but no choice cos got to rush cos the deadline is on monday...Haiz...Dun know what to add on...3000 words!!! Wonder can I finish it on time and my LO will like to interview us...Therefore got to take half day leave...
Just now was reading Zhiying's bloggie...Realized that her love life is not going smooth...She is hurt...In her bloggie, she write this "Is long term relationship becomes a xi guan more than love ma?? " Guess when time passed, you cannot differentiate whether u are together because of love or xi guan...Only when the person left you then u will be able to find the answer..."If you ask girls.. who is their 'zui ai'.. the girls will surely say is their current bf.. but if you ask guys who is their 'zui ai'.. they will surely say one of their ex or their first love"...Wonder how true the statement is???
Haiz...Finished writing the bloggie got to go and rush my project again...Super tired...
P.S.: Zhiying, Dun feel too hurt... Hope you can get over it soon...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
TeNdEr EvAlUaTiOnSsS...
These 2 days had been attending Tender Evaluation Interviews, listening to the presentations...Therefore, the morning was rather busy for me cos I got to send them in and out plus ppl come and collect keys...
Then in the afternoon was rather relaxed but still vexed with the workstation keys problems. Today went out to eat lunch with Miss Lim, Jin Sheng, Wendy and Billy as we are leaving next week... We went to eat at the Bukit Merah Link...The food was not bad...Then went back to work on the workstation keys...BIG HEADACHE!!! went to the office to check the vacant workstations...Haiz... Dun like to go cos XXX reasons...Even Wendy went with me also felt the same way...
Today go home with Eunice as my vocal course had finished...Told her that I will not be taking the composing class but she suggest that since I know what I want, should go and try...Haiz...Should or Should not??? But had already inform Ernest that I am not joining but in anytime, I want to have my own demo, I can come back and look for him...
When I reached home, I bring out the log book to arrange....Guess what? The water bottle leaked and all my log book was soaked...SUPER NONSENSE!!! No choice got to dry them up...Haiz...Unlucky...
...EnD oF bLoGgie (@_@)...