26/12/2004: EaRtHqUaKe AnD tSuNaMi DiSaStEr
On 26th Dec 2004, a natural disaster happened... Tsunami... Super duper scary... Till now, more than 114,000 people had died... A lot of people were either injured or missing... And more and more bodies were found as each day passed... Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Phuket, Penang and etc were badly affected... Sinagpore had sent NS men and resources to help out in the affected areas... Ju's brother was one of them... Whether see the news, feel so sad for those people in the affected countries and the dead... Guess some of them were waving to ask for help, therfore their hand were still raise up even when their bodies were recovered... Some even cannot be recognized... People were devastated and busy looking for their family members... Our school had booth to collect donations for those affected by the disaster... We had just bought instant noodles today to donate and some money for the next week donations drive to do our little part to help out... All singaporeans are doing their part either in donating foods or money... Saw news a lot of organizations are helping out to gather all the money and resources to send over to those affected countries... So touched to see all people are united as one to do our part...
Tomolo will be New Year's Eve... Ending of yr 2004, welcoming yr 2005...Hope yr 2005 will be a better year... Will be with my polymates at East Coast... Pitching tent there... After the disaster, we were actually worried to go near the coast but then we decided to go with the plan...
Hope everything will be fine...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
ChRiStMaS sEaSoN... hOhOhO!!!
This week had not been a really good week for me... 1st: I vomit like hell, 2nd: A lot of project needed to be completed by early Jan 2005, 3rd: I am still coughing and scratching like hell especially at night(till now)... But after all, I still enjoy the later part of the week...
Christmas Eve... Still have to study till 1200... After which we begun our Christmas Exchange at Atrium... We had already draw lots during MEC... Haze was 1st to gowhile I am 2nd... We had to say out the password [Merry Christmas...HoHoHo...(with action) & lastly, Am I your Christmas partner???]...End up, Haze(1st), Me(2nd), Jinling(7th) & Seri(8th) made the wrong choices, end up had to go and kiss the Christmas Tree... The 1st two and last two kena, all the rest happily see us having the punishment... So pai sei... A lot of ppl were at the Atrium cos there is a Christmas bazaar... We opened up our presents and I got a Christmas Bear by my good actress, Gwen... I like the bear... Jinling say she like the bear I give her cos look like me...Nah... The rest also got what they want...
We proceeded to go to my house and had a little Christmas celebration...We alighted at Causeway Point to buy some tibits and drinks... When we reached my place, the rest go and decorated the Christmas tree while I called to book Canadian Pizza...Wow got to wait for an hour and above...
Meanwhile, we displayed all our Christmas Stockings and gifts near the Christmas tree and begin photo taking session...Haha... Haze bring along 2 santa hats and we take turns to wear... But Min's camera batt low therefore we were like models speeding up to finish everything. At the same time, we were having a lot of fun...
After that we played monopoly (I had been wanting it since young, bought it for my Christmas presents...)... We took a break to eat pizza (just nice...Each of us took 2 pieces...) and continued...Not long, Seri had to go and we stopped playing... We calculated the money and the loser was Min... I took out my photo albums for them to see and they were laughing at how we look like when we were still in year 1...Haha...
Dun know why... Suddenly we had the crave to take photos and we started the photo session again with our camera phones and Min's camera... We used until Min's camera totally no batt then started to use the camera phones... After awhile, Min cannot tahan... She rested while the rest of us still take like siao...Haha...
Then they went to surf the net while Min rested at my room... Around 1830, they left... I prepared myself to meet godfather and family at my lift lobby at 1900 to celebrate his birthday... We went to the Ah Yat restaurant near Plaza Singapura to eat... We finished at around 2200 and then headed back to Woodlands... On our way back, saw car accident... So kelian... I reached home quickly charge HP, cos no batt (Maybe due to the photo taking...Haha)... Spend my night at home surfing the net, tok to Sekheng on MSN before I go Zzz around 0230+...
Christmas Day... Wake up super early especially during festive seasons... Dun know why... Then asked my mum whether she wanted to go Bishan to walk walk... We went Bishan and the crowd was big but the sale was big too... Is 50% Sale... Wow... Suddenly, I am all awake but when I realized my brother's ATM cannot used, I am all down...Haiz...Haha... After all the walking, we bought a shoe necklace, 2 hairclips, 2 pairs of sandals and snacks...Actually was thinking to buy something for Maria Annann but dun know the size...(But I still bgought a little christmas gift in he school bazaar...)
Went watched midnight show "a world without thieves" with Kangkang and Haojie st Yichun GV... Next time dun think wikk watch midnight show there cos too many "blacks" then make me my hair stand... I am not racist just cannot tahan... Then we went chit chat at Blk 925... (Known them a bit better)... After which they send me home first... I alighted and suddenly Haojie called me to send me until my doorstep... Wow... ZzZ at 0400+...
Conclusion... Truly enjoyed my Christmas Eve and Christmas... But at the same time, a lot of projects caused pressure on me... Hope I will not fall sick...
P.S: Thanks Gwen for the little black bear...

ThE rEd & WhItE sOcIeTy... SeE oUr HaPpY fAcE & mAnDy JuNiOr Is ReAl HoT... eVeRyOnE fIgHtInG tO tAkE pHoTo WiTh HeR...

Me & My ChRiStMaS gIfT...cAn'T sEe ThE bEaR cLeArLy...Is On My LaP...

Me & MaNdY jUnIoR (tHe BeAr)... BoTh Of Us ShArE tHe SaMe BiRtHdAy...JusT tHaT i'M 21 & sHe Is JuSt 13 DaYs OlD...hAhA...
ThOsE pEoPlE wHo CaMe To My HoUsE fOr ChRiStMaS cElEbRaTiOn... MisSiNg DwArFs, GwEn & DoReEn...

OuR cHrIsTmAs TrEe + AlL tHe PrEsEnTs & StOcKiNgS...

FiNaLlY, i KnOw My ChRiStMaS pArTnEr... GWEN!!! WhO i NeVeR eXpEcTeD iS hEr... GoOd AcTrEsS...

ThE pUnIsHmEnT (kIsS tHe TrEeE...)i ReCeIvEd AfTeR mAkInG tHe WrOnG cHrIsTmAs PaRtNeR gUeSs...OMG!!! pEoPlE wAs LoOkInG aT mE... sO pAi SeI...
VoMiTs LiKe A mErLiOn!!!
Time is 1259... By right, I should be in school... But by left, I am super sick...
Yesterday, after I ate the porridge, I started to vomit non-stop... Vomit until I got no strength...
The 1st time I vomit to the extend that I feel like dying... (Now scared of getting pregnant...) Then my mum quickly bring me to see doctor... On the way, keep feeling like vomiting...Once reached the clinic, vomit again... The doctor say that I got bacteria attack plus my gastic no good, therefore keep vomiting... He give me an injection (the injection was pain...)and an MC to rest at home today... He told me not to eat seafood, milky food... Can only eat plain porridge and bread... Haiz... my health had not always been good...
When I reached home, I quickly take a bath, eat a slice of bread and ate my medicine... Was feeling very weak, therefore my mum asked me to go and rest...
It was only when my mum called me then I wake up... It was already 0200... As my mum worried that I never eat much... Therefore, she heated up the plain porridge and fed me... Then I continued to sleep until today...
Really sick of the plain bread, therfore, I cooked myself instant noodles, at least not so plain...
Now feeling sleepy... Got to go and rest...
...EnD oF tHe DaY (@_@)...
CeLeBrAtE lItTlE cOuSiN & aLsOn'S bDaY + nEw HaIrStYlE...
Yesterday went to Grandpa's house to celebrate Ah Mei's birthday... Then followed by Alson's birthday at Sengkang... But before that, went for a haircut...Look more nerd... Remind me of my childhood's look...Haha...
My aunt taught me how to get there... So I took 965 to go Sengkang... While waiting, an old lady asked me to look out for her bus 854... But too bad, my bus came 1st therefore apologize to her...But when I boarded the bus and turn back to look... She was gone...Weird?!
I called Sekheng and he told me when I reached, he will come and fetch me at the bus stop...I called but he never answer therefore I try to walk to Alson's house(Blk 295B) since I assume that Alson's house wont't be far away as I had saw blk 297...End up, I got lost at Blk 291...Therefore I seek help from a daddy with his little baby... To my surprise, he offered to drive me there... So nice... I must be very lucky to meet such a kind soul...
Finally, I reached... The daddy even taught me how to go back later on... So thankful to him... And is also that I realized I make a big turn and got lost... Stupid... Was thinking to scold Sek Heng but he went to buy cake with Haojie... I told them about what had happened and Junqiang say I am not afraid that the daddy might cheat on me, must be careful next time... I passed Alson the gift and I repeated the same thing (very nagging hor...Haha...)... He told me why never called him, he can come and fetch me... I thought he will be busy therefore never call him instead I called Sek Heng... After awhile, Sek Heng called and I told him that I had already reached and why he didn't call back since I missed call him... Then he assume I will call back and I assume he will call back...All the miscommunication and assumptions...
Lesson learnt: NOT TO ASSUME ,MUST BE SURE...Haha...
I accompanied Guoxiong to fetch Shumei and Xiuting... Alson's mum's van was so comfortable at the back, got snoopy, pillow...Shumei and me was enjoying but I kept feeling that the bbq smell is on my shirt, so uncomfortable...Haha... Next was I am being mistaken as someone's mum... A little baby gal's mum...Guess I got this motherly figure and look... Getting older...
They gambled and although I did not gambled but I won $5... Haha... Cos I help HAojie to win $15 therefore he give me $5... Haha... Lucky me...
Melvin give us a ride to Yishun cos Xiuting and me were hungry... Melvin drive so fast that Shumei and I can feel th numb on our face...
We eat and chatted until 0300+ then headed back home...
Quickly take a bath and then ZzZ...
P.S: Thanks for the kind soul who drive me to Alson's house...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

AlSo ToOk It UsInG mArIa AnNaNn'S pHoNe...ThIs TiMe RoUnD, kIdDy LoOk...

Me UsInG mArIa AnNaNn'S sAmSuNg PhOnE...tOoK iT oN 9tH sEpT wHeN i HaD tHiS nErD iMaGe...

Me & My 21St BiRtHdAy CaKe... Is A mAnGo CaKe FrOm EmI...mE sPeCiaLlY gO & bOoK... cOs It'S sImPlY yUm YuM!!!
My GoDpArEnTs & FaMiLy... TaKe GoOd CaRe Of Me & AlWaYs BrInG mE aLoNg WiTh TheM fOr OuTiNgS & dInNeR...
My CoUsInSsS...sO tOuChEd By AlL tHe HaNdMaDe GiFtS & cArDs ThAt ThEy HaD gIvEn Me...ThE bEsT pReSeNtSsS...
FrOm LefT tO rIgHt: 3Rd UnClE (i FoRcEd HiM nOt To Go OuT & hE rEaLlY dId, So ToUcHeD!!! oNlY mE cAn CoNtRoL hIm...HaHaA...), 2nD uNcLe (CoNsIdErAtE & aLwAyS cOnCeRn AbOuT mY wElL-bEiNg...), Me (ThE pRInCeSs...HaHa...), 1St UnClE (hE pAmPeRs Me SiNcE yOuNg...) & 4Th UnClE (hE iS oNe WhO iS aLwAyS sTaNdInG oN mY sIdE...mY mUm CaN't TaHaN...hAhA...)
FrOm LeFt To RiGhT: 4tH aUnT, 1sT aUnT, mE & 3rD aUnT... tHeY aRe So BeAuTiFuL...
My FaMiLy...
My BeLoVeD gRaNdPa, XiWeN & mE... hE iS tHe OnE wHo PaMpErS & sUpPoRt Me No MaTtEr WhAt...I LoVe GrAnDpA sUpEr DuPeR a LoT...mUaCkZzZ...
SuPeR dUpEr BuSy FoR tHe PaSt 2 WeEkS...
Finally got the time to write my bloggie...Super duper busy for the past 2 weeks...First was my 5 days OBS, follwed tightly was my 21st birthday celebration then school term starts, my 1st birthday celebration in poly then bring my cousins to Jurong swimming complex.
Talked about my 21st Birthday celebration on sat(04/12) was a great success... I truly enjoyed myself...The buffet was great, the Emi mango cake was definitely delicious and I had all my family, relatives and friends with me...I wanted to thank them to make it so successful...Especially my mum who was busy preparing the drinks and bee hoon, my grandpa and uncle who lets their place for me to hold the party, my 3rd uncle who had been wanting to go out but becos of me, he stayed at home, my brother who made himself available for the day, Shumei who helps me with the letterings and everyone in the party...I even cried twice... 1st was the card my mum and brother put in on my desk...The moment I saw it, I cried...Not becos I am sad but I am simply overjoyed and happy...This is what I had been hoping for...2nd was the handmade cards and gifts done by my cousins...I was really touched...And my friends had definitely brighten the whole party by playing pranks on me especially Huiyin and Sek Heng...
On 8th Dec, we went to watch Polar Express with Ju, Haze, Seri and Doreen... A birthday treat from me...The rest cannot make it...
On 9th Dec, was my BIG Day, I am 21, an adult...Also my 2nd birthday celebration with my polymates, my 1st time to have my birthday on school term...They planned a surprise for me which I really got a shock...They bought 8 slices cakes and even sung birthday song for me at the Atrium...Some people in the Atrium also sing along...I was pai sei but at the same time very touched for their action...I really appreaciate their hardwork...And the gifts were great (they really listen to what I say)...On our way to the bus stop , Maria Annann's phone dropped from the stairs to the slope...OMG!!! I was worried that the phone was spoilt but find it very funny cos all our reaction was just ArHHHH (I guess we arh for about 10 sec)...As if we are acting in a commericial...Haha...Besides the gifts, I also get myself a new HP (Sony Ericsson K700i) and a DIY bear (Mandy Junior)...Give Ju, Haze and Doreen another treat to Burger King...
On 10th Dec, went to Jurong Point with Ju, Doreen and Jinling...We shop and shop... End up, I bought myself a Singapore Edition Monopoly (which I had been hoping to have since young), Santa socks, cards, Sylvester Cat Test Pad, Highlighters and Stefanie Sun VCD...
On 11st Dec, I brought my cousins, Ting and Min to Jurong Swimming Complex with my other cousin, Anngee...We were the pinkies (All of us were in pink...)...Anngee and Me did not swim cos my sunburnt still not ok and she just rebond her hair...We chatted while Ting and Min enjoyed themselves in the pool... We chatted a lot and I realized Anngee was a Metro member too and she got quite a lot of discount cards...Just like a catching up session...About an hour later, it rains. Therefore, we decided to go, further more all of us were super hungry...Haha...After discussion, we go to Paragon as Metro is having a 2o% sale...All of us grumbled how hungry we are in the train and once we reached Orchard, we go straight to Taka to eat...After filling up our stomach, we headed to Paragon... I bought a jacket while Anngee bought a sport bra...Then we went to Fossil at HMV... I bought the HMV vouchers at 20% and bought a Fossil watch...The salesperson was cute, a bit Edison lookalike...Haha...Then took a neoprint...Followed by we went to OG Orchard as Anngee would like to get a tanktop... End up, I also bought a tank top for myself and Anngee got herself 4 tops...We also got 4 bears...After that, we went back to our grandpa's house...
Today was a free day for me... A day to relax... Then my Maria Annann called me(Disturb my rest day, haha, Kidding...)...Finally he wanted to get back his laptop, MD and handphone...I met him at the void deck as he drove to my place...He looked tan and a bit muscular but thinner... I asked him why never attend my party, he told me he was sick... Luckily, was sick if not...Haha...But anyway, he was still my beloved Maria...
Now, my brother was nagging, he wanted to use computer...So the conclusion is I super enjoyed both my birthday celebrations and at the same time, I also spend a lot of money to pamper myself...Haha...One yr older, hope I will get better every year...Luv u guys...
P.S: 1st: Thanks to my mum, grandpa, brother, godparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends who make my 04th Dec Birthday celebration possible...
2nd: Thanks to my Snow white and Seven Dwafts (Ju, Haze, Huimin, Gwen, Jinling, Doreen and Seri) who planned a surprise for me on my 2nd birthday celebration (9th Dec)... Really appreciatate it...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
OpEnInG tHe GiFtS...MaNgO fRaGrAnCe & CoNvErSe PuLlOvEr...So ThOuGhTfUl Of ThEm...LuV u GuYs!!!

ThE pEoPlE bEhInD tHe SuRpRiSe CeLeBrAtIoN...sNoW wHiTe & SeVeN dWaFtS!!! cHeErS tO tHeM!!!

MaKe A wIsH, mAkE a WiSh...SuRpRiSe BiRtHdAy CeLeBrAtIoN bY mY pOlY mAtEs...

ThE eXtRa,AlSoN...i FiNiShEd BlOwInG & cUtTiNg CaKe ThEn He ArRiVeD...nOnSeNsEe..Me AfTeR bEiNg SaBoNg By My BuDdIeS...sUpEr BuRnT pLuS sUpEr UgLy...HaIz...

My FaMiLy & ReLaTiVeS... vErY gLaD tO hAvE tHeM wItH mE... i LoVe ThEm...MuAcKzZz...Is ThEm WhO mAkE mY bIrThDaY pArTy PoSsIbLe...

My SeCoNdArY sChOoL fRiEnDs...We WeNt ThRoUgH tHiN & tHiCk...AnD i Am ThE bLaKiE...hAiZzZ...

My 21St EmI mAnGoO cAkE...yUmMy!!! SpEcIaLlY wEnT tO yIsHuN tO bOoK iT...

"OBS GrAdUaTiOn CeReMoNy"

BaSiCs Of GaNdHi!!!