WhAt JaPaNeSe SmILeY aRe YoU?
YoU ArE "dIzZy AnD gIDdY"
StArT oF tHe StUdY wEek...
Beginning of the study week...
Had gone to the Civil Defence Academy... I went there to learn medic... At least, I got to learn how to bandage...Haha...
After that, we went to Penisula Plaza to look for jersey... Was super sick at that time, can't even talk much... After lots of walking, we finally find the jersey shop and decide on the jersey we want (will upload the photo later cos we are sure to take photo...Haha...)...
Eat at Funan KFC then went to Carrefour to walk walk... Went to buy candy mix at Mini Toons (cos Ju say cheaper...Haha...)...Then something "bad" happened... Haha...We started to get addicted to the handphone keychain "vending machine" after Haze make the first move... I guess we spend a total of $10+ on it...Haha... I got a cat and a dog... Not too bad...Haha...
After that, meet my brother at Metro for him to try the Levi's jeans... Then was thinking to buy pillars but he suggested we go Sheng Siong to buy New Year groceries...Guess what??? We waited for almost an hour for the bus cos all the bus are 912E...Oh my god!!! I was so sick and yet so tired of waiting for the bus... Once reach home, quickly take the Panodol cold & flu hot remedy (very bitter) and rest...
Today is a rest day cos I dun want to worsen my illness... If not, I cannot concentrate to study for my common tests... Now feeling better but still need more rest...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

AfTeR tHe CeLeBrAtIoN, wE cOnTiNuEd To PlaY jEnGa WhIlE wAiTiNg FoR gWeN... i BeLiEvE eVeRyOnE hAd A LoT oF fUn CoS wE r PlAnNiNg AnOtHeR cAmP oUtInG...

ThE gRoUp PhOtO tAkEn At ThE eAsT cOaSt BeAcH...

ThE mEn FoR tHe NiTe... MaX & dX...

We WeRe NeVeR tIrEd To PoSe...ChEeRs To ThE pOsInG qUeEnS...hAhA...

WeLcOmE iN tO oUr TeNt...AlL tHaNkS tO dX & rAc FoR hElPiNg Us To SeT uP tHe TeNt Cos BeFoRe ThEy CoMe, OuR tEnT wAs LiKe @#...HaHa...StIlL nEeD tO sUpPoRt On ThE 4 eDgEs...HaHa...

We ArE tHe PoSiNg QuEeNs...HaHa...NoW pOsInG wItH mAx...

ThE cOuNtDoWn HaD sTaRtEd...EnJoYiNg OuRsElVeS wItH wHaT wE hAvE...

ThE cOuPlE oF tHe DaY...hAhA... cOs ThE rEsT aRe EiThEr SiNgLe Or ThEiR sPoUsE iS nOt ThErE...

oUr ClAsS rEp, Dx... LoOk At ThE bAcK... tHe WaNdErInG sOuLs ArE tRaPpEd In ThE tEnT...HaHa...

CeLeBrAtInG cOuNtDoWn 2005 WiTh My PoLyMaTeS...

OuTsIdE oUr TeNt, PoSiNg 2005...RaC 2, mInT 0, jU 5 (sHoUlD bE 0), mE 5...hAhA...

ThE gAlS fOr ThE nItE... fRoM uR lEfT, mInT, mE, jU, hAzE & rAcHeL...

MiN, Me & RaC iN tHe TeNt...

wOw...OuR fOoD fOr ThE cOuNtDoWn NiTe...
A bAd FlU dAy!!!
Just come back from Orchard... Went to shop for New Year's clothes but can't find any suitable one... So sianz...Somemore got bad flu and throat since yesterday... It seems like triggering my asthma... Feel very uncomfortable at Far East Plaza...Till now still very uncomfortable... SO SICK...
Nowadays had been getting sick quite often... Like twice a month... Haiz... Weak foundation...
Never take NAPFA for a long time and guess what??? Of cos, I failed... Haha... Although I failed but I enjoy it cos it is fun... After that we take a lot of photos, nowadays had been taking a lot of photos in school... Maybe becos is our last year...Haha...
This week is our school open house... As usual, we went to take the goodie bags... Haha... Min's sis also cannot tahan us... Haha... Kiasu... After that we do the ETD presentation, followed by MEC timeline... Then bring my cousin to the convection hall for open house...
The coming week is the Study week, need to study double harder than in the past cos really know nothing about the modules... Stress + sick, dun know can survive or not...
Tomolo going to visit the Civil Defence Academy for my Fire Safety Management... After that, going to Penisula Plaza to buy Jersey... A long day for tomolo...Need to go rest now...
Hope I will get better tomolo...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
EnDlEsS pRoJeCtSsS!!!
Even since the school term starts, I had never really get a good day rest... Endless projects that make me sick(in a mth, sick twice and hurt my back...)...Haiz...
Tomolo got to attend Ju's cousin's wedding then followed by Haze's house to complete the FYM presentation slides... Wonder can we finished it???
After that will be working on another project, ETD... Finally no more project deadlines but still, I can't rest cos common tests will be in 2 weeks time...OMG!!! Super duper rush... And I know nothing about the lectures... How am I going to sit for the tests??? ARHHHHHH.... StrESS!!!
My dept had organized a community service trip to Indonesia, Medan to help out the people who are affected by the Tsunami... I wanted to go but my mum won't allow... Friends and relatives had asked me not to go cos is dangerous... Still in a dilemma whether to go or not... Had to make decision by the coming thursday... Headache!!!
...EnD oF tHe BlOgGiE (@_@)...

ThE pHoToS tHaT i HaD tAkEn In YeAr 2004...An OvErAlL...
YeAr 2005
Year 2004 had gone...
Welcome Year 2005...
Year 2004 :
@ Joined Tinybox... A good learning experience... Meet a lot of friends... Friends who share the same dream...
@ Learn that something is not meant to be...
@ My Best Buddy who is always there for me to give me ultimate support, advice and care...
@ Maria Annann lending me a listening ear to hear my nagging...
@ Get back to contact with my Primary schoolmates...
@ Went to Bukit Tinggi & KL with my Secondary Kakis...
@ Chalet gathering with Polymates before going for IAP...
@ Somehow, I lost a friend...
@ 5days/4nites OBS... Had lots of fun with Gandhi, my watch...
@ 21st Birthday... A grown-up... An adult...
Overall, Year 2004 had been a learning year for me... Most importantly, I learn to be contented... Simplicity is happiness...
... EnD oF YeAr 2004 (@_@)...