A gRoWn Up
Does everyone feel the same as she does???
Does anyone bother to spare a thought???
Every decision she makes, every step she takes dun seem to be her...
She is no longer that carefree, no more "hack care" attitude...
That's what people say, She is a grown-up...
But she is losing herself...
A routine lifestyle is not what she wants...
She wants flexibilty...
She wants freedom...
Her freedom to make decision for herself, her freedom to do what she wants & not what people want from her...
She wants to be herself!!!
...EnD oF BlOgGiE (@_@)...
BmD oVeR!!! eArThQuAkE aGaIn!!!
BMD is over...The room was super cold... I was shivering while doing the paper... Law must wear long sleeve...Haha...My last paper and that's the end of my poly...Kind of sad... Going to miss all the good and bad times...Feeling lost too...(Lost sheep!!! anyone want to claim???)...Heehee...Following closely will be our class chalet on 5th April - 7th April (going to enjoy to the fullest!!!) and my Taiwan trip, 11st April - 18th April (Ya, everything had confirmed...from air tickets to accommodation...)...After that, I got no idea what to do...Today, tremors were felt in many part of Sinagpore following a powerful earthquake in Indonesia... Although woodlands is one of the minor affected area but I can't feel a thing even though I was awake(cos studying BMD lor...)...Haha... Too stress to feel anything... I pity those people in affected countries, like Banda Aceh... After tsunami, they still had to go through this again... Somemore thousands of people were killed... Very pitiful... Bet the people now feel very insecure...Let's pray for them...It makes me feel very fortune to be in Singapore...Just got back my phone after 2weeks...Finally!!! Haiz...Hope it don't give me any trouble anymore...Going to Kooz... Very tired...P.S: 151, Dun worry I will try my best to capture the best close shot I can...Haha...Although my chinese pinyin not good,I still know is "bing lang xi shi"...Not "bing lang si shi"(corpse)...Haha...Happy 22nd Birthday , Qingfeng......EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
CrEaTiVe MuVo V200 At $179!!! + A nEw OlD HaIrCuT
Finished my FYM exam...Haiz...Really got no mood to study ever since I known I had passed even without taking the exam... Think will did quite badly for the exam...
Went to distribute invitation cards to the lecturers...And did some enquires on the behalf of Wenjie...
After which I went to Creative with Jinling to buy my Creative Muvo V200 at $179!!! Super cheap... Luckily, never buy it during the fair ($279)...Heng...Haha... Actually, want to buy Zen Micro $299 only... (Indecisive hor...Heehee...Took super long time to decide...)but later the salesperson say if the thing jammed, u might not be able to retrieve the files... Oh my god...Too risky...Therefore choose Muvo V200...
Then went to have a new haircut (Before that, drop by Jurong East to eat the Mee Siam...Long time never eat...It's still so yummy...)...Haiz...It turns out to be the same as last time...Haiz...Dun like it...Feel like cutting my fringe to even shorter length...Arghhhh...
Dun know why, super sleepy, therefore fall asleep instantly in the train...Haha... But hor, reach home already, feel awake... Funny right??? Maybe I am eager to know whether the hostels had reply me... Wow... Super fast, they reply me in a day... Finally, I decide on the Fortuna Hostel...Now waiting for their final confirmation...Finally got a place to stay in ...Hooray!!!
Must Kooing now if not tomolo cannot wake up on time!!!
P.S: Thanks Jinling for accompany me to go Creative and the hair salon...]
Happy 22nd Birthday, Huichuan & Jianping!!!
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
I gOt ThE bEsT MaRiA iN tHe WoRlD!!! LuV yA!!!mUaCkZzZ!!!
Finally, after lots of walking and asking, we finally booked the Jetstar Star tickets to Taipei under Dynasty Travel... Hooray!!! At first we want to come back on 16 April which cost $301 but later we change to 18 April, it cost us $296... Cheaper?! Funny right??? Left with the hotel accomdation...
And guess what??? I used my maria's ATM to pay 1st...Haha...But not on purpose lor...Is becos I never expected to make reservations on the day, therefore not enough $$$...Although he was generous to lend me the $$$ but he nagged & nagged...1st time he nagged but anyway, it doesn't bother me cos I am too happy to go Taipei, in fact, I am happily letting him to nag...Haha...End up, he give up...Haha...Guess he cannot tahan me...Heehee...
Then we went to collect the Panasonic system...And guess what??? The system will only be there by 31st March...So stupid!! Waste my trip but Maria was even worse...He come down for nothing (Again he nagged...Haha...) and still had to pay my trip 1st...Pity him...But I really never did it in purpose so please dun say I bully him hor...
We went Sheng Siong to get biscuits as he wants to bring in to camp...End up, I buy more... Really cannot step into supermarket...Haiz...
He send me home before he went off for dinner with his family...
I really had to praise my Maria for being super duper tolerant & patient to me... He really really pamper me... I am so grateful to have him... At first I thought he won't drive me to take the system cos I understand that he need to go back camp today... But end up, he agreed and somemore is a waste trip and he had to rush back to camp...Therefore, very pai seh... Really own him one... But he want a car... Very greedy hor???
P.S: Maria, thanks for being soO patient with me... Really appreciatate it!!! Luv Ya...
...eNd Of BlOgGiE (@_@)...
Yesterday went to watch Hostage with Jingkai & Gilbert at PS... I like the show, the effect ... Bruce Willis was good, now fallling for him...Haha...Oh ya, saw Maymay and the BF too...
Then went to eat at Newton Circle before we went separate way...
Now on MSN, playing Hexic with Sek Heng... Train harder, Sekheng...Haha...
Going to meet Min to go to the NATAS Fair to check on the rates for trips to Taiwan and Shanghai... Ya, definitely going to either one of the place or even 2 if is real cheap...Haha... But most likely one, no $$$...Sob SOb...
Ya, the Singnet had send us the voucher to redeem for my free Panasonic system... But hor, my mum say like quite big, so asking Maria to drive me there and take... But dun know he can or cannot cos he need to go back camp today...Got to wait for Maria's reply...
Oh, need to go and prepared now... Meeting Min 1430 at Suntec...Tata...
...EnD of BlOgGiE (@_@)...
DiSnEy On IcE!!! pRiNcEsS cLaSsIcS!!!
Just reached home after a long chat with Mint... It's a super duper long one, 5 hrs - 6 hrs I guess...Haha...Long-winded hor??? But with her, we can talk anything under the sun...
Just now in the cab, feel like vomitting... End up, really throw up all my desserts from Mos Burger...Gross??? Ok, I should stop here...But definitely feeling better now...
Before that, we went to watch Disney on Ice Princess Classics... Again, we forgot to change train at Tenah Merah station (same as last yr when we watched Disney on Ice, Beauty and the Beast...Haha...) therefore we were late for 15 minutes... Missed out the Aladdin story...
The overall was good (Dreaming to become a princess already...Heehee...)...Especially my favourite "Cinderalla" and "Beauty and The Beast"... Mulan's costume was unique and majority of the princes were good looking...Haha... Of cos the princess are also pretty la... But the flaw is that I am blocked by the 2 gals in front of me lor...Oh my god!!! They sit real still and I had to keep changing my position in order to see the whole show... This time real, the sitting arrangement was also not good, too closely packed and the hall was in total darkness that I can't even see myself...Haiz...
After the show, we went to the Adidas Sale... Super troublesome, got to deposit bag... At first was getting a lot of things but end up, I just get a short...Good gal hor...Heehee...
Supposedly, we were going to the NATAS Fair but end up, we decided to go either sat or sun depending whether I am going Creative today cos it was already late... Went to the food fair instead...Haha... Didn't try out the food, maybe can ask Jingkai they all to go today...
Going to ZzZ, meeting Jingkai and Gilbert for movie later...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
SuPeR BlUr...
This week, very blur...
Just today, locked the door but forget the keys...Haiz... Thought I am going to be wandering ghost but luckily, fat fat is at hm...
Thought I own Mummy $100 but end up, the $100 is mine...!?
Got 2 chances to get free ride home from Kai but missed it... Not fated...Haha...
Went to repair my Sony Ericsson phone again, YES, THE 2ND TIME... Just got it back yesterday but again is spoilt...Stupid phone, 3 mths old only... Waste my time... Once more and I am going to COMPLAIN!!!
Today the WISP game session... Guys VS Gals... We lose...No Mac coupons... But it was fun...
Ya...Got our graduation photos... Wow... I super duper look like "Ah Ma"... Haha... The module photo too small...Cannot see clearly... But at least something memorable...
And hor... Nowadays Min they all very interested in my fotopic website (www.manmanz.fotopic.net) cos they are laughing at those days when we are just yr 1 and 2...Haha...Therefore , I try to load as many photos as I can... But some never scan...
Nowadays, keep having fainting attacks...Scary...Maybe too tired...
Had booked the class chalet on 5th - 7th April... Going to Aloha Loyang, seaview bungalow... Ju they all are excited to see how big the bungalow is...
In less than 1 mth, going to graduate... Haiz... SianZ... I am going to miss my poly days...But still got one last week to go for the semester, got FSM common test, ETD common test, EBBI test, ETD report, FSM report, Law tutorial and report... Even the last week also dun let us off still so packed...Haiz...
Tomolo still got to attend the etiquette talk... Haiz...
P.S: Thanks Anngee for helping me to book the Aloha Chalet...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
tImE iS 0520...
Notice that nowadays I only update photos??? Cos really lazy + busy...I was suppose to do research for my BMD report now but end up, blogging...Haha...
Before that I was watching "Hitch" with Maria and Guohan... Funny show...(Bet all guys love this...Watch and u know...Haha..) On our way back, saw SekHeng then dun know why, end up playing mahjong at Maria's place. Waited for Haojie at BK and heard that Zhikang was in A&E and on 3 days MC... So Kelian...We played until around 0400... Now I realized playing mahjong needs concentration + super tiring... Although I am a beginner, but managed to win...Haha...
This week was super unlucky lo... Lose my swatch ring + my purse (wif my ATM card)...Haiz... So sian...
Went for the Tsunami briefing on friday... Ya, my interview is successful... Somehow, I am 50% happy, 50% sad... Dun know why... But I manage to make up my mind and pay the $300... But after the briefing, I was even more confused...Maybe becos of my mum... So asked Guohan and Huiping out...Nagged for 1 hr... (Naggy Hor...Heehee...)I asked ppl, all told me not to go... Haiz... Now I am in a dilemma... Someone once say I am fickle-minded... Maybe I am really one... CONFUSED!!!
Career talk for this week... Soon, I will be stepping into the working society...Something that I am not looking forward for but got no choice...
P.S:Hope I can really come up with an answer...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

LaSt ShOt WaS mR lEe & Me...OnE oF tHe LeCtUrEr WhO i WiLl nOt FoRgEt...

AfTeR tHe PhOtO tAkInG, 5 oF uS cHaNgEd...So CoiNcIdEnCe ThAt 4 R iN wHiTe, 4 In BlAcK & mE iN gReEn...I sImPlY lIkE ThE bAcKgRoUnD (bRiCkS)...

mY lAw LeCtUrEr, HeNg ZaI & uS...aLwAyS aMuSeD uS wItH hIs AcTiOnS...sEe HoW "pOwDeRfUl" I aM sTiLl StAnDiNg In FrOnT oF ThE cAmErA aLtHoUgH sOmEoNe WaS pUsHiNg Me ThAt I NeArLy NoT iN tHe CaMeRa...HaHa...

ThE mAlAyS iN oUr MoDuLe...SpEcIaLlY cHoOsE tHiS pHoTo To PuT oN bLoGgIe CoS eVeRyOnE lOoK gOoD...

ThE 3A01 & 3A03 gAlS...bY rIgHt, MiN, mE & lYcHeE sHoUlD nOt Be In ThE pHoTo, ThAnKs To ThE pHoToGrApHeR wHo CaPtUrE uS bUt I dUn KnOw WhO...hEeHeE...

I liKe ThIs PhOtO aLtHoUgH i DuN lOoK gOoD...cOs I fEeL eVeRyOnE iS nAtUrAl & LoOk NaTuRaL....

ThE cAnDiD sHoT...mIn TrYiNg To StRuGgLe SoMeOnE aGaIn...ThIs TiMe RoUnD iS zIwEi...Me WiF tHe "TuTu" MoUtH...GwEn & BaObAO aCtInG cOoL...hAhA...

ThE 8 Of Us PlUs ChElSiA & fEnNy...

ThE gAls Of 3A02 & 3A03...MiN iS sTrUgGlInG jU!!!

ThE 2nD sHoT...eVeRyBoDy LiKe GoInG tO ThE rIgHt...HaHa...Ju & mE lIkE gEtTiNg ReAdY fOr A rUn...HaHa...

LeCtUrE mAtEs Of 3A03 & 3A04 1...

CaNdId ShOt 2...mE jAmEs BoNd 007...StArTiNg To MiSs My PoLy LiFe, tHe PeOplE eSpEcIaLlY...SoBsOb...

ThE cAnDiD sHoT...jU sO hIp HoP...As UsUaL, tHe VicToRy SiGn...

GrAdUaTiOn PhOtO tAkInG 24tH fEb 2005...cHeErS tO 3A03!!!

ThE pOsInG qUeEnSsS...yA!!! aLl PhOtOs TaKeN aT bLk 34 LeVeL 2...

ZiWeI wIf HeR 3A02 cLaSsMaTes...

We (ThE bLaCkIeS) wIf ThE bIrThDaY gAl, ZiWeI...

SeE mR jEfFrEy YaNg So HaPpY...cOs He Is SuRrOuNd By BaBeS...hEeHeE...

AnOtHeR gRoUp PhOtO...aLl Of Us ReAlLy EnJoY tAkInG pHoToS...hAhA...

ZiWeI's BiRtHdAy CeLeBrAtIoN...a GrOuP pHoTo Of 3A02 & 3A03 GaLs...ShE's In PiNk...

LaStLy, Me & Mr TaN...bOtH mRs PaNg & Mr TaN wElCoMe uS wItH lOts Of FoOd & DrInK...cAn U sEe I lOoK rOuNdEr?

AlL lAdIeS wItH mRs TaN sTaNdInG oN tHe SiDe...ShE lOoKs SlIm & yOuNG...

NeXt WaS mR tAn'S hOuSe...A gRoUp PhOtO...sEe HiS dAuGhTeR??? fEeL tHaT sHe LoOkS a BiT lIkE kOrEaN...

RaC & mE...hAvE a HaRd TiMe AsKiNg HeR tO tAkE pHoTo ToO...bUt I mAnAgEd To CoAx HeR iN tHe EnD(uSiNg ThE pHoTo I tAkE wIf RoY...hAhA...)...kIds WeAr cHeOnG sAn R rEaL cUtE...sHe'S aN eXaMpLe...

RoY & mE...sEiZe ThE cHaNcE tO tAkE pHoTo WiF hIm WhIlE i WiLl TaKe ThE cAnE fOr HiM aFtEr ThAt...ClEvEr HoR...hAhA...i LiKe HiS dImPlEs...So CuTe, WiLl Be a "ShUaI gE" wHeN hE gRoWn Up...