I aM 3mThS pReGnAnT !?!
With the headlines, I believe people must be getting a BIG shock...But to me, I am like expecting a child...Haiz...Due to my super duper stubborn digestion system, I had not been going to the toilet and therefore, my stomach bloats till I look like I am 3mths pregnant...I feel terrible, so uncomfortable just like a pregnant mum...Going to see doctor again...Argh...
I had just started work as property officer for 4 days but I can already feel the work pressure(my pimples are my witness)...I got a lot of work to do,minutes of meeting, quotations, financial statements...I have no confidence to cope with the job...Somemore I am alone, noone to discuss with...But my boss told me in this line, it got to be like that...
My mum and relatives dun like me to work there...But by this week got to give my boss the reply...Yes or No???I dun know...
Went to 3rd Aunt's house but cannot open the diskette...My aunt also advised me not to work there...
Then went to Maria's house to amend my minutes of meeting plus transfer all documents to my thumbdrive...Ask for his options but as usual, his answer is not an answer...Thought he had changed but he didn't...Haiz...
Fickle-minded again...
P.S:Hope I can come up with an answer fast...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
SeNtOsA oUtInG 22/05/2005

LaSt PhOtO oF tHe DaY...

TaKeN aT tHe BaCk Of MeL's PiCkUp...OrH mInE...tOtAl SqUeEzE iN 13 pPl...JuSt lIkE iLlEgAL iMmIgRaNtS...hAhA...

OnE Of ThE cOuPlE: FlO & hEr Bf

ThE gAlS sHoT...HaHa...TaKeN bY sHuMeI...nIcE hOR...hAhA...

ThE nAtUrAl ShOt...HaIz..BuT i LoOk SuPeR aWfUl...

A cLoSeR sHoT...

SeNtOsA oUtInG...gRoUp PhOtO...CaN sEe SoMe Of Us ArE bUrNt...

KeOn TrYiNg To GeT tHe BaLl...

WhAt Is EvErYbOdY lOoKiNg At???

EvErYoNe Is TaRgEtInG mEi...

WhAt So FuNnY tHaT MeL & KeOn WeRe LaUgHiNg AbOuT???

ZhOnG tRyInG hIs BeSt tO dEfEnD...

KeOn TrYiNg To SnAtCh ThE bAlL fRoM mEi...

GaMe TiMe...CaPtAIn BaLl!!!
SuPeR tIrEd, SoMeMoRe GoT sOrE eYe...
Went for interview today.... I lost my way but in the end, I still manage to find my way...The people were friendly...Finally, got the offer... They are placing their bet on me...Haha...But they reduced my gross to $1300 but with $100 allowance...So is $1400...But still got doubts...
When I had already got a job offer, more offers coming up...How come like that???Maybe passing the offer to the others...
Thought I will be going to Genting so pack my bags yesterday but grandpa not going so the trip was cancel...Then went to help out my uncle's stall... Although I did not do much but I was super tired and sian... Partly maybe becos of the sore eye, it does irritate me...Started to regret not going to Genting,nothing much there but at least can accompany my aunt...
A very tiring day...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe(@_@)...
我喜歡他 我愛他吗?
他会想我 他愛我吗?我们的愛能繼續再愛,愛的深像公主王子童话还是童话
I gOt A bIg BiG sHoCk!!!
As usual, no reply from any company...Getting sick of all these...
J* MSN me and told me he had been carrying a torch on me for 5 yrs...Oh mine!!! I got a BIG shock, real BIG...Cos all along I had never known or sense anything...He feel that we really need to know each other more...He thought he will have me... All I can say is I will always be your friend...
Both L* and J* find the courage to confess to me...But is so hard for me to say anything...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
CeLeBrAtE sEkHeNg'S bDaY...
Yesterday went to celebrate Sekheng's birthday...Went Party World (Woodlands) followed by Yishun 925 to eat and chat...
1st time I saw those guys singing...All along, I thought they only enjoyed soccer, gambling...Haha...Now I realized they enjoyed singing...Overall, was enjoyable...
After that, went Yishun 925 to eat and chat...Then received call from Gavin, the prudential guy...Trying to sell me insurance...Sick man...
Took quite a number of photos...Although the bday boy was Sekheng but end up, mostly are Jianping...Haha...
Today went for the interview...Once I stepped in the office, guess what??? Is prudential insurance again...Oh mine...Just received a call from prudential yesterday and now I am stepping into the office...If I known it beforehand, I won't even go...The whole interview took about 1.5hrs...I am asking for a temporary admin job but he is asking me to be management trainee...But I am really not interested...Haiz...
Why izzit so difficult to be find a job??? Getting fed up...Argh...
Reached home, very tired...Super tired...
Then L* MSN me...I asked him not to waste time on me but now is seems like...Really dun understand what he think...Whatever it is, I dun care...
Super tired, super sian...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
WhY aM i NoT eAtInG???
I was super duper hungry but why I am not eating??? The lunchbox just in front of me...It is staring at me and I am staring at the lunchbox...
I was too tired to eat...No strength to eat...LaZY...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
KiNgDoM oF hEaVeN...jUsT nOt My CuP oF mOvIeS...
Went to watch "Kingdom of Heaven" with Ping, Kang & Melvin...Was suggesting to watch "The Jacket" but Mel say Kang insist to watch and the movie review not good, so no choice(cos he going Taiwan today)...But when I reached then I realized he had watched it before...Maybe is a miscommunication...Well, I should say is the usual war show...Fighting here and there...Can't wait to see the ending so that I can get off my seat...Haha...Guess it's just not my cup of movies...
After that, went to eat BK...Miss those days when we were always hang out there...Also saw Kiwi, Kai's gf there...
Kang went to get his things done before we went home...At the currency exchange counter, saw Cuifen and the boyfriend...Ask her abt the online job registration and she say will help me to get the application form...Thanks...
When I reached grandpa's house, then I realized Xiangming sms me...He told me he saw me at the currency exchange...How come everytime I went Northpoint saw so many people...Fated...Haha...
1st time I chat so much with my cousins...One having PSLE, one having N levels, one struggling with schoolwork...Somehow, like an exchange programme...Exchanging our views and comments...Haha...I enjoy it...
P.S: Happy 22nd Birthday, Sekheng...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
RaInInG tHrOuGhOuT tHe NiGhT...
Have been raining for the whole night, weather so cold...With such a weather, is best to sleep but why am I here blogging in the early morning???Cos I just end my MSN conversation with Sekheng...A 2hr+ conversation...Was laughing away, especially with his funny reply...Really feel better...Somehow, he had enlighten me in some way...
Long time never chat with him already...Long time dun have gathering...Ever since poly, getting lesser...Now the guys in NS, even worse...Hardly can see them but they dun hv the choice, they need to serve the country...
Everyone, everybody is having their own life...Me??? I am still finding...
Haha...Maybe can find it in the dreams...Going ZzZ...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
曲:梦。洪楼 词: 梦。洪楼/曾鸿慧
告诉我 爱已不在
我流的泪 我的心伤
告诉我 试着放开
我的思念 我的专情
因为太爱你 恨已不重要
因为太想你 痛已不重要
因为太想你 恨已不重要
因为太爱你 痛已不重要
SaW a LoT oF pPl In NoRtHpOiNt...
Today went out with Haze and Ju...Went to eat desserts at Yishun 925 and buy strings for the cross stitch...As u known, the weather too hot, we went in to Northpoint to enjoy the air con...Haha...
Saw Melvin, Fenny and Zhijian's twin at Northpoint... Singapore is real small...From Fenny, I realized that is very difficult to find job...The three of us still jobless...Haiz...
Yesterday, Huiping send me the demo... She told me that the cousin changed a bit of my lyrics...So I thought still ok but until I heard the song and saw the lyrics then I realized that 80% of my lyrics had been changed...Haiz...A bit disappointed in myself...Song Composing is really not easy...But I must say the cousin really did a good job...In one day he had completed the whole song plus give me advice on my lyrics...Wow, cool...Anyway, at least 20% of my lyrics had been used, not bad for 1st attempt...Haha...Will try harder next time...
Also talked to Maria...Ask him about his Taiwan trip...Out of all the people I know who go Taiwan, I guess he is the one who enjoyed it most despite the fact he had never try out much of the local food and never been to much places...Haha...19days trainings can really drive ppl crazy...Haha...P.S: Will try harder to compose better songs......EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
好 Bored...
Started to feel bored...Oh mine!!!好 bored...Thought Maria come back from Taiwan,可以陪陪我 but he book in already...
Haiz...我好像太 rely on Maria...Become 習慣...不應該...How!!!
Nowadays, nothing to do, tend to think a lot...想太多...
又想飛...Haha...But broke...
又 開始 write songs, too bored...Had given to Huiping's cousin to do the 曲...Hope我的詞還可以...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)
WeNt FoR iNtErViEw, SoNoPrEsS...
Today went for an interview at Sonopress for project co-ordinator...Will get the reply tomolo...From what I know, the company does media manufacturing...
But my stupid heels give me blisters and then my MP3 batt went flat...OMG!!!What a day... No choice, went to 7Eleven to buy batteries and plaster...Super duper EX...cos me $11.75 in total...I just need 2 batt, she give me 4 batteries...Haiz...Then I also blur blur pay it cos in a rush for the interview...Next time never will I buy any batteries or plaster there unless out of no choice...Arh...
Luckily reached there in time...Was suprised to see Clay Aiken, LeeHom and Angela Zhang's Albums at the reception...Wow...The interview was ok, I suppose...My job scope was to liaise with the overseas clients and coordinate internally with the logistics, other dept...Sounded difficult...The interviewer say I had good interpersonal skills, when I mention it to Haze, Haze told me Francis also say it before...Frankly speaking, I dun know what is interpersonal skills and I dun even know I possess it...Meaning of it: "These factors measure how well you relate to other people. People with high interpersonal scores tend to have good social skills, meaning they understand and interact well with others and excel at working in teams." Do I really have it???
After the interview, went to help out in my uncle's stall... Realized that is not easy to run a stall...I just help to chop the chillies and now, my hands are so itchy...Somemore got the "fishy" smell...
Oh ya, watch "Coach Carter" yesterday...I like the show, is based on true story and very inspiring...At times, funny too especially worm...But didn't watch the ABC concert with Guohan as he gives the tickets to the cousin...
Well, that's all folk...Tata...
P.S: Somehow I find Worm look like Qingfeng's friend...Cannot remember the name...Haha...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
CaN't SlEeP...ArH...
I was already on bed but I toss here and there still cannot sleep...Dun know what's wrong...
Guess maybe I had rest enough, is time to get serious and find job...
Today will be going for movies with Ju they all and after that, to watch the ABC True Heroes Concert with Guohan...Actually lazy to go...Haha...Let's me consider & see abt it...
Now viewing the adidas website...My favourite brand cos the design are mostly simple and nice...So many things want to buy...But no $$$...Really must quickly find job so that I am just in time for the Singapore Sales...
Going to target on the stuffs...Tata...
P.S: Hope I can get to sleep fast...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
BeEn SlAcKiNg At HoMe FoR wEeKsSs
Long time never update this bloggy...Had been posting photo cos picture say a thousand words right???But actually I was just plain lazy...Haha...
Ever since I came back from Taipei, had been falling sick for the whole week...Realized I had been getting sick so easily...Haiz...Maybe is time to work out like what the doctor had always told me...Haha...
Start to send out resume only on last week...JuJu had been telling me that is very difficult to find jobs...Till now she had not get any reply from anyone yet...I must be very fortunate to have ppl to recommend me jobs...
At times, I realized I always 身在福中 不知福 especially when I was in my teens...总是要失去了之后, 才发现自己原来拥有那么多...Taking things for granted...Take it as neccesary...But now, I am old enough to understand but still trying to improve...Haha...
Nowadays, 觉得自己老了...No longer that flexible, 有心無力...Getting more emotional...My heart is ruling my head...I used to think otherwise...Izzit good or bad???
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...