ArH, wHaT a DaY!!!
Today is just not a good day for me...
1st, I was late for work... Rushed out and suddenly the skies turned dark...Realized I got no umbrella with me...Keep praying and praying it won't rain... Guess god did hear my prayers... Haha...
When I reached office, I switched on the air-con to cool the place 1st but it was not working, I try and try... Philip try and try...No tripping but still not working... My chairman asked to look into it... How am I going to??? I am not an air-con man...Haiz...I try but no choice got to use fan...
Passed an excuse letter to the Chairman but the secretary thrown it on the floor...I was pissed off with his action...I even had to pick it up for him...Haiz...
Today meeting is a total disaster to me...This time round, God is not hearing my prayers...Haha...As usual, I was running here and there...One minute asking for invoices, minutes of meeting, financial statement, arrears listings, etc...Haiz...
Can sense that the whole meeting was quite tense...Haiz...
After meeting, I stayed back to type out a letter to the bank and sent out... Thanks god, it was only drizzling when I left...
This meeting really make me very pissed off... Make me even more determined to leave, to transfer out...
P.S: How am I going to survive the 14 days??? Dun make me throw my letter...
MusIc: Yuan Wei Jue Xing's Album
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

A rOuNd Of ApPlAuSe fOr KeLlY... aS uSuAl, AlL pHoToS aRe tAkEn By Mr MeLvIn MaH...

DesPiTE hEr ThRoAt InFeCtIoN, sHe StIlL gIvEs HeR bEsT...

ThE dIe-HaRd FaNs Of KeLlY...
A BuSy WeEk!!!
This week seems to be very fast... Today is already friday, tomolo will be sat... Should feel happy but too bad I got meeting...Haiz...
On monday night, had a talk with Saysong... Guess he is fed up talking with me...Haha... Too stubborn...But still must thank him... I know what u mean...Give me time...
On tuesday went Mediacorps to see Superstar Live... Kelly was not feeling well but she still managed to perform well... Thanks Max for driving me to Mediacorps...
On thursday, was super super busy...My boss went Australia...Asked me to go bank to collect application form, went to Sheng Siong to buy refreshments for the meeting, went POSB bank to get new bank book + apply for debit card, then rushed back to work... Night still got audition...Wow... Can really kill me... Got a very bad stomach pain... Super pain... Maybe becos I had skipped lunch...Ya, is also Kang's birthday but too bad he is in camp...
Today meeting Ju to sign up for Theory test... This time round, very troublesome... Need to pay an addition registration fee + an eye test...Haiz... Die Die must try to pass if not waste money... Saw Zhiying at SSDC too... Long time never see her wor... All of changed...In appearance...Haha...But yet she is still very frank and candid...Haha...
Went Yishun to eat BK, walked walked at Pasar Malam...
Going to ZzZ...Haiz...Hope tomolo meeting will be a short and sweet one...
P.S: Losing my passion...
Music: Jin Sha - Sha Na Jian
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

We HaD gRaDuAtEd!!! YuPeE!!!

My DiReCtOr, MrS GrAcE qUaH & mE...

wE r FaMiLy...HaHa...GaLs, U kNoW WhAt I mEaN...HaHa...FaThEr, MoThEr & SoN...HeEhEe...

We WeNt THRoUgH tHiN & tHiCk ToGeTheR fOr 3 YeArS... My PoLy MaTeS... i MiSs U gUySsS...

MuMmY & mE...

ThE GrAdUaTiOn CeReMoNy...NiCe HoR...

VeRy WeIrD tO SeE mE iN fOrMaL...

ThIs Is My BaBy LeLe... He Is SoO cUtE...
WaKe Up fRoM bAd DrEaM...
Today wake up from bad dream...Oh mine!!! Can really scare me off...
Grandpa called and asked me to go to his hm cos today my little cousin is coming to celebrate his one month bday... JunXiang is his cute little name...
As usual, Maria put me on aeroplane again...Sms him asking him when I can take my thumbdrive...He say watch movies then he pass to me...Had been arranging a time slot to watch movies... But it seems like we can never watch it...
Going over his block to take the thumbdrive... Everytime I go over his place, it will be raining... Coincidence???
Yesterday went to grandpa's house, Lele suddenly called me Ah Yi (Aunt), got a shock... Never expect he know I am his Ah yi...Haha... He is soO cute... Playing with him can be quite tiring cos he got endless of energy to used up...Haha...
P.S: Tired of all these... Lost Good things...
Music: Initial D - Lost Good Things
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
My OfFiCe Is LiFt LoBbY???
Someone mistaken my office as lift lobby... Not the first time... My office is already so small, how can it be a lift lobby??? Haiz... Think got to lock the door next time...
Confirmed my attendance for the audition on Thursday...Trying my luck since they give me a call...Haha...And my boss is leaving for Australia on the same day... Ya... Is also Kang's birthday...
Tomolo going to collect my phone... Thanks god they changed the internal transformer board for me...A new one, hope won't give me problems...
Meeting Ju after that for lunch...
Music: Initial D - A Racer's Dream
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
GoDfAtHeR cAmE & fEtChEd Me HoMe!!! So NiCe Of HiM...lUv HiM sO mUcH...mUaCkZzZ...
Today, when I was about to go home, oh mine saw dog wandering around...No choice, I tried to call my godfather to come and fetch me...Wow... He really did...In ten minutes time... I am really pampered to the extreme wor...
Then send his workers back followed by dinner at KFC...Tok & Tok...
Godfather asked me to get my driving lesson again...Guess really get to go and take...I will passed, Maria wait and see ah...Haha...
P.S: There are gals out there who are more suitable for you...
MusicZ: Initial D Tanning in your sunray
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

MoSt ImPtLy, A cHaNcE...

BeSiDeS hArDwOrK, u NeEdSsS fEeL...

CaN u GuYs SeE hOw ToUgH iT iS tO sInG wElL...a LoT oF hArDwOrK nEeDeD!

ThE sUpPoRtErS fOr ThE rEvIvAl RoUnD...
Me MaRrIeD?!? hAhA!!!
Last night, Kelly got the highest score again...40.5... Wow... But still vote for her if u think she is good...
Was supposed to got for supper with Kai & Heng...Too bad, Kai had no car so take MRT home... When I went up, super eerie... Got noone except me (It was midnight)...Guess next time I will just take cab...
Thought I will be very tired today but still ok, can take it... Better than the last time I went to watch...I was almost died... Nothing to do... Started to calculate how much should I save... To raise kids, etc... Wow, really super tough man...Haha...Think I need to buy a new book to kill time, "Memoirs of A Geisha" is my next target...HeeHee...
Saw Azre (Poly classmate) and Connie (Primary School) at Causeway point... I could not recognize Connie... She changed but one thing never changed is that she still so candid and kapo...Haha...1st thing asked me "I married already ah???" Nonsense, still so Kapo...Haha...Next time should bring my hubby to show her...Haha... 2nd say I grow fatter...Haiz... But she is right, compared me in primary school and now, I am super duper fat...Haha...
P.S: Life is really full of coincidences...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
SoO tIrEd...
Long time never update my blog...
Hmm... Let me recall what happened for the last week...
On last friday, 1st time that I shower till I was shivering...Can feel my intestine twist here and there...Damn super cold... Was shivering and hungry(never eat dinner lor) when I met Maria at the void deck...Who knows he is also feeling cold and hungry, still had to go BB meeting for Saturday's events at PA...Kelian...
On Sunday, he go MIA...Haiz... Thought what happened to him...Then finally he sms me he going to sleep liao... Make me worried for nothing...
Ya, repaired my phone for the 4th time... Waste my time and money...If they are not changing a new internal board for me, I am going to lodge a complaint...
Went to Orchard cos Huiping wanted to find books...Ya, thought of buying book too cos I had finished reading "Angels & Devils" by Dan Brown... End up shopping...Haiz...Spend $100+ at G2000 and Ebase...Going to eat bread and water until I got my pay...Haiz...What to do??? Only to blame myself...
Today, was quite relax in the morning then for the last 2 hours, I was super busy... Climbing up to the rooftop to check the generator, sump pump was on high level, do the agenda, etc...
Watching Kelly's revival round...
Tired, Tired, Tired...
P.S: Suddenly feel the warmth when I hold your arms...
...EnD oF bLogGiE (@_@)...
GrAdUaTiOn CeReMoNy...OfFiCiAl GrAdUaTeD fRoM nP...
Today went for my graduation ceremony...Thought the graduation ceremony will be very long but it was quite fast...Feeling sad...Going to miss my times in poly...All my friends, my lecturers, the grass, the class, everything...
After the whole graduation, I was super duper tired...Legs aching...Really need to thank my mum for attending the whole ceremony alone... Was touched by her actions...Thanks Mummy...
Announcement: I am official graduated...
P.S: Promise is kept, deadline is up but have I really done it?
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

LasTlY, pReSeNt To U 2 "bLiNd MiCeS"...hEeHeE...

FiNaLlY gOiNg FoR tHe ExIt AfTeR sTaYiNg In FoR aLmOsT 2 HrS...

AnOtHeR iCy StRuCtUrE...

CaN sEE hOW cOlD i Am??? My FaCe Is SuPeR rEd...

HuIpInG & mE...wE r SoOoOo CoLd...

ThAt'S mE wItH tHe SwAn...

ThE sHiP!!!

ThE pOlAr BeArS!!!

CaN sEE??? iS aN iCy CrOcOdIlE...

NeVeR fAiL tO cApTuRe OuRseLvEs...HaHA...