ToUcHeD, TiReD...
Today my cleaner asked me whether I am quitting the job??? He told me that if I am quitting, he will be leaving too...Oh mine!!! I was so surprised to hear it... I only told one occupier and yet I guess almost the whole building knows... This building has no secrets, even the guard who are here for only 2 days knows almost most of the things...Haha... I told him I am thinking but had yet to confirm... He told me that he knows "XXX" had been bullying me and asked me to ignore him... I leave, He will leave too...Actually most of the occupiers treat me well... They will help me along the way... I was touched!!! I was wondering whether am I that good ??? Suddenly, I feel that I treat outsiders better than my loved ones... If I can treat outsiders better why not my loved ones? The only reason I had in mind is becos I have higher expectations for my loved ones...Who knows in the afternoon... Thing happened again... Haiz... Why everytime I am taking off the next day, unpleasant thing will happen??? Stressed...Meet Huiping to pass her the food bought in Malaysia... Who knows she is going KL during New Year...Shouldn't had bought for her...Haha...Meet Shumei cos she teaching me the advanced theory... We tok tok, gossip gossip 1st before we started on the advanced theory...Haha... I told her that suddenly I feel like falling in love...She say maybe becos I am too tired with my work... I think so...Hmm...Maybe I wanted to be pampered... Want someone to dote on me, need a shoulder to lean on when I am tired, want someone to piggy back me...Haha... When will he appear??? Soon or later? Or maybe by then, I feel better to stay alone...Haha...MusIc: K-oNe - FiRsT lOvE...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
I'm BaCk!!!
Back from Malaysia...Went to Genting and Kuala Lumpur to celebrate Christmas...Genting was very cold this time round... 15 degree celcius...I was shivering man...Haha...Finally, my 1st time into the Casino, never get a chance to gamble...Maybe next time...Bring along a gamble king with me...Haha...As for KL, although I didn't shop much but I simply love the hotel room... How I wish I could stay longer... I was staying in Berjaya Time Square Hotel...At 1st we are staying in the normal twin sharing room but they upgrade us to the brooklyn suite (RM 2000+ per night)...Staying at the Brooklyn Suite at the highest floor, 43rd Floor... U can see the whole view of KL... Oh mine... I jus love it...Somemore u need to insert the room key in order for the lift to work... This is to prevent outsiders to get into the hotel rooms... Definitely a good hotel recommendation...Come to KL, u must try the "Remember to Eat" restaurant... Of cos I never miss it...Went out midnight to get it...The best deserts... Spend RM$100 just for it...Haha...Reach Singapore at 2330hrs on 26th Dec 2005... Reach home at midnight...Oh mine...I had to force myself to work the next day...Super tired... I had to endure and endure... Waiting for 30th Dec cos taking day off...Haha...Ju called me to discuss on the plan for New Year... As usual, we were thinking of camping again...Just like last year...Haha...But must see got enough ppl or not... I told her why not come to my house and help me to paint my room during New Year...Haha...A more unique way to celebrate New Year...Of cos she rejected...Haha...Was browsing through the panasonic website... Thinking to get Panasonic FX9 camera (Oh ya cos I got my bonus...)... Still thinking... Need advice...Going to sleep... Tomolo still need to meet Shumei... Tata...P.S: 期待他的出现...MusIc: TwInS,bOy'Z - sI xInG bu GaI...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

ThE gAlS fOr ThE dAy...ThAnKs EvErYoNe FoR mAkInG mY dAy...

Me, ShIyUn & SaNdY aT pArTyWoRlD...

Me & JeSsIe... DiDn'T sHe LoOk LiKE a JaPaNeSe DoLl??? HeR pErM iS dOnE bY hErSelF...iZzIt CoOl...

Me & ThE bIg ChAtTeRbOx JaMeS... wItH hIm ArOuNd, U cAn Nv FeEl BoReD bUt IrRiTaTeD...HaHa...

Me & ThE bIg BuLlY oRgAnIzEr, JuNmInG...tHe 1St TiPsY pErSoN i HaD sEnT hOmE...hAhA...

Me & ViNcErT... i LikE tHe BrAcElEt He ChOsEn...

Me & Mr MiTe SeE aKa As XiAo BaI...

CaKe CuTtInG tImE...cOfFeE cAkE, sPeCiAlLy FoR jAmEs...HaHa...

BlOw ThE cAkE...tHiS lOoK a BiT aWfUl...

MaKe A wIsH, mAkE a WiSh... I wIsH i WiSh I wIsH...

HeRe Is ThE bDaY gAl, Oh NoNoNo Is ThE bDaY pRiNcEsS...hAhAhA...

Is BdAy SoNg TiMe... EvEn ThE oPpOsItE tAbLe AlSo SiNgS...sO SwEeT bUt StIlL pAi SeH...hAhA...MiTe Is EyEiNg ThE cAkE...

The BdAy CeLeBratIOn At SaKaE wiTh HaNs CaKe...Haha... WaS vErY sUrPrIsEd & PaIsEh...CaN sEe My FaCe VeRy ReD...

ThIs Is ThE sEt Of TiNsEl JeWeLlErY i fAlL iN lOvE wItH... aNy KiNd SoUl OuT tHeRe??? HaHaHa...
TiReD, lAzY...
Nowadays had been going out every satursday... I must thank my cousins for spending my bday with me at the zoo and Jurong Point...And then my Tacobell friends cos is the 1st time I spend my birthday with them... Especially to Junming and James... Although when I saw the cake, I feel very pai seh and surprised... But I must admit that I feel very touched and sweet in my heart...Haha... Not to miss out those who had sms me... Thanks...
Last satursday went to watch the MayDay Final Home Concert...Oh mine...It was so HIGH HIGH HIGH... It was great although I am besides 2 wooden blocks...Haha...From the very 1st song, we stand all the way to the end cos everyone was standing, and if we don't, we see nothing...Haha... I had really enjoyed it... Too bad I can't get the T-shirt...SobSob...
Oh ya, and I finally saw the set of Tinsel jewellery that I love... So beautiful... Must save save save... Or is there any kind soul can buy it for me??? Haha... I am most willing to accept...Hahaha...
Recently, went KTV with Huiping...For the 1st time...Haha...She can sing...But she prefer guys singers...I feel she sings better in cantonese... In fact, her cantonese is good... Must learn from her...
Today got a lot of activites... Got Council Members' Annual Dinner, Alson's birthday celebration, TacoBell's gathering... I thought is a must for me to attend the dinner therefore I rejected Alson's celebration and Tacobell's gathering...End up, I rejected the dinner too... Haha...Althought I hope to go as it is the Prima Tower Revolving Restaurant cos can see the Singapore's scenery but I dun like and dun know how to socalize...
P.S: Right or Wrong, I really dun know...
MusIc: Lovynn Kan - Zhui Hou Yi Ci
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
LaZy LaZy LaZy...HaPpY HaPpY hApPy...
Wow very long never blog... Just plain lazy...Just completed my 2 rounds...Had been jogging for the past few weeks and got addicted to it... Feeling more and more healthy...Haha...One more day and is my birthday... Haiz... An Old maid...Haha... The 1st person to wish me is my Maria... I was surprised he MSN me yesterday...Maybe the wire goes to the wrong connection...Haha...Meeting Shumei today to have a new hairstylen at Chapter 2... Then tomolo I am bringing the kids to the zoo... After that meet my cousin for lunch, then after that meet the Tacobell elites to eat dinner then meet poly kakis to watch late night show... For the 1stt ime, my bday is packed with activites...On sat, going to watch MayDay Concert with Guohan and Huiping... Looking forward to it...Oh no... I need to go and bath, late for work...Oh ya, wish me luck for my final theory today...P.S: Happy Bday to Me!!! Haha...MuSiC: EvOnNe - WaN zHoNg XuAn Yi... EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...