i Am SuPeR nOt FeElInG gD...
P.S: I'm DoWn...
...EnD of BlOgGiE (@_@)...
MusIc: 幸福导航 - Renee Chen
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
BuSy BuSy WeEk...
Last week was a busy busy week for me... Besides being a super fan on sunday... I was in fact busy shopping for the week...
Monday met up with Angie to find the bridemaid dress... Finally, after long walk, we decided on one...Then tuesday, I met up with Mum to look around for another dress to change for the wedding day... Saw 2 dresses but still considering...Thursday last minute met up with Xiaohui, Huiping, Heng, Hao for dinner...
And on friday, I finally finished watching "命中注定我愛你"...I watched until 2am... A happy ending...Satursday, woke up at 10+ to meet up with Angie again to buy heels for the wedding day... Along with Ting, RuRu, Yun, Ling and Kitty...It is cousin's outing...Girl Power... Hahaha... Very thoughtful of Angie that she bought necklace and earrings for all the bridemaids... I guess I will be taking super a lot of photos on the wedding day with my dearest cousins...Hahaha... Is rare that we are all on dresses with make up...
On sunday, woke up at 5.30am... So I was not having enough sleep... I just want to enjoy my school holidays to the max... Hahaha...
Becos of my toothache, I am able to rest at home... As usual, I was watching Korean variety show and I laughed until I choked myself...It is really funny... Nice show...Hahahaha...
It hurts... Now I cannot open my mouth too big... Guess I got to eat porridge for some times...Haiz...
...EnD of BloGgIe (@_@)...
I can still feel the pain although the tooth not longer biting on my gum...Now I can fully understand why there is so many days of MC... Cos I simply dun want to talk, very agitated by the pain... Very frustrating... ARGH...
What about my 10th Dec surgery??? The doctor mentioned that it will be a 1.5hrs long and more painful...That's mean I will be more agitated... ARGH...I DUN WANT!!!
...EnD of BlOgGiE (@_@)...
今天我拔牙了!!!我真的是痛到不行了...马上去看医生...医生也马上拔了我一颗牙...还有安排时间去拔下面的wisdom tooth...我吓死了...一直问医生拔牙会痛吗?医生也被我问到不耐烦了吧...哈哈哈!!!
P.S: 一棒打醒的感觉...什么都变得很清楚...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
Dead beat...期待...
Today, woke up super early to be a super fan... Super OnZ...Hahaha...I can still see the moon when I am walking along the path... Oh mine!!! That's how early I woke up...Hahaha... Guess I am out of my mind to volunteer...Will there be a next time??? I doubt so...Hahaha...
Xiaohui and I were not just entertained by the skills, but majority of the time, we are entertained by the players itself... Hahaha...
After that, went KTV again... Our superstar, Mr... Mr... Mr... MR PENG... Hahaha.... It was simply his concert... Sing & Sing...Busily entertaining us with his hilarious actions (busily switching his role of the female and male singer when singing the duet...) Hahaha... But we all got entertained...It's worthwhile... Hahaha...
I was dead beat... Super tired... Simply just don't feel like moving and staring in the air...
P.S: This event repeats every year...每年一次...还能有多少年???
MusIc:期待愛 - feat. 金莎, 林俊杰
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
P.S: SMS真的不是个好沟通的工具...没有speaking tone,没有表情,没有眼神...话的意思都没了...就像听者无意,读者有意...有些话还是用说的比较好...就勇敢说吧!尽情说吧...
MusIc: 小酒窩 -蔡卓妍 林俊杰
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
生日快乐...FaT fAt...
今天是FaT fAt的生日...生日快乐,要懂事些,知道吗?哈哈哈... Met Angie to try out the bridemaid's gown but to no vain...Going to be the bridemaid for the 1st time...Meeting her again tomolo to look for it...
Saw Kai on MSN just now, have a little chat with him...
我扭到脚了...因为一位老人...On friday, at Ikea,I saw this old man walking on the canopy there repairing the leakage... It was soO dangerous...I was too engrossed telling Ben and looking at the uncle that I missed my step and fall...Haiz...Know how to say uncle but dun know how to say myself...I think I need a sin seh... Haiz...那天说的都是真的...真的关心,希望你好...开心最重要...朋友不一定能在第一时间陪伴在身边,不过你知道他们会支持你...
After a week of exams struggle, I cannot imagine the emails to clear tomolo at work... I am going back to work... ARGH!!! SIAN!!!
P.S: 我的 fan,你不乖...固执又坏坏...要听话...
MusIc: 五月天 - 你不是真正的快樂
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
开心凯能为自己的事业去日本打拼可是又舍不得... Mixed feelings...
P.S:凯,在日本要好好照顾自己...两年很快就过去了,我们会等你回来一起 have joy, have fun, have seasons in the sun...凯,加油!
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
P.S: What the heck!? LOW MORALE...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
发现了很多wallet cards...我很喜欢wallet cards 的图案更喜欢上面的字句...小小一张卡就能表达满满的意思...其中一些wallet cards...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
好怀念这里,好多搞笑,开心的回忆...为什么以前不希望留在学校,现在又想着要回来...哈哈哈! 走在以前熟悉的路,那些和Juju她们打打闹闹的日子,好想好想...
Just now meet Xiaohui and Kang to shop shop at Vivo... Was pretty shocked that Kang is ok (2 gals, 1 guy)...Haha... His 1st move to open up to all the girls... Hahaha... Still quiet, so still got room for improvements... Hahaha...
P.S: 这句话的意思是什么?是个玩意还是真意?摸不透...
MusIc: Renée陳嘉唯 -奇蹟 Renée Album...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
P.S: 想赖在你的身边...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
"U tell yourself u can n e next moment, u reach ur destination. Thats how miracle happens."
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
牛对我唱这句"Good Bye My Love,我的爱人再见"
Mr Ho 对我唱"你知道我在等你吗?你28号有没有空?"
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
甜品:雪糕 (我的最爱!!!)
有没有吃过西瓜雪糕?羡慕吧...上面是西瓜,下面是choc mint...甜品是我的最爱!!!开心!!!谢谢你!!!
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
Time nvr goes bck
Time Never Goes BackI received an email.. after sorting much of my email, I got this story which I think its pretty interesting...After reading, I could relate my life with the story...Then, do self reflection after having completed reading this article!Once upon a time, there was a teacher and his student lying down under a big tree near a big grass area.Then, suddenly, the student asked the teacher,Student : Teacher, I'm confused, how can we find our soul-mate? Can you please help me?
Teacher : (Silent for few second, than he answer) Well, it's a pretty hard and easy question.
Student : (Thinking hard) Ha???
Teacher : Look on that way, there are a lot of grass there, why don't you walk there but please never walk backward, just walk straight ahead. On your way, try to find a beautiful grass and pick it up then give it to me. But just one.
Student : Well, ok then... wait for me... (walked straight ahead to the grass field). A few minutes later...Student : I'm back.Teacher : Em, well I don't see any beautiful grass on your hand.Student : On my journey, I found few beautiful grass, but I thought that I would find a better one, so I didn't pick it up. But I didn't realize that I'm at the end of the field, and I hadn't picked up any. Cause you told me not to go back, so I didn't go back.Teacher : That's what happened in real life.What is the message of this story?* Grass - is people around you* Beautiful Grass - is people that attract you* Grass Field - is time
* In looking for your soulmate, please don't always compare and hope that there will be a better one. By doing that, you'll waste your lifetime, cause remember "Time Never Goes Back".It applies the same in finding your ideal life partner, your suitable career or business, therefore the morale is LOVE & grab hold of the opportunity that you have now, don't waste time!
MusIc: Kiss - Becos I'm a girl
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
fRuStRaTiNg dAy!!!
A hectic day...0830Am - 10Am: Meeting office10.30AM - 11.45AM : Meeting at Site11.45AM - 2.30PM: Appointments at sites3.30PM: Office doing paper work6pm: Left office to meet Xiaohui they all...6pm-8.00pm - Dinner at Maxwell Centre... (I like the Tofu...1st time I ate more than Hao...)8.30pm-12AM - Chill out at Lunar 12.45am - Home sweet Home... (Realized that on the way back,I kept talking to Xiaohui in english... Izzit the symptoms I will have after I drink??? Hahaha...)
Early morning already down...DEFINITELY INCREASING PROPERTIES...SECONDARY PORTFOLIO...SSS...SUBMIT BUDGET...I super agreed that we are not doing our main scope but doing a lot of EXTRAS... Haiz... What the heck??? At least this time round, I kept quiet but in fact, it boiled... Majority of the times, I just cannot understand what they are doing... Well, I am not in their position to comment but it just from my point of view... I suspected I had that built-in perception and watever he said is just not pleasant to my ears... Well, the best solution: learn to shut...Sickening...Met Hao n Xiaohui and they said I seems happy... In fact, my day at work was fed up but I am happy to see them, cos dun need to think of work...Went to chinatown to eat before we headed to Lunar... The tofu was nice but the porridge is salty... Too much MSG... On our way to Lunar, bought a handmade ring... Haha... Just see and buy.., In the buying mood... Was gd to chill out once awhile with friends... Not necessary to talk much... But is the music and companion that are impt... Was drinking(Martell & Green tea) and having fun (dices) with Hao...Going to sleep... Today going to Marketing Revision Class at 10-12noon. Then met Ju at 1pm at City Hall for the Travel Fair and St James at night... Another hectic day... I STILL GOT MARKETING PROJECT TO RUSH!!! WHAT AM I DOING NOW???P.S: 说什么我都ok. 唯独把我跟一些人做比较我没办法接受. ***I will miss you... Hahaha...***
MusIc: S.H.E - 我的電台FM S.H.E - 09 - 安靜了.mp3
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...