I dOne 2 GoOd DeEds... HaHaHa...
Been sleeping late for these few days... Haiz...A walking zombie...
Just came back from Vivo...Walked walked around there... And again, I am unable to walk through the whole Vivo... No time for all maybe becos I went for a hair cut...Went for cut my fringe and wash blow my hair cos it is in a mess...Even me myself also cannot tahan... End up, he waited for an hour plus... But definitely not on purpose...Hahaha...Had Marche for dinner... Long time never went Marche and I dun even know that they had changed to use card... Mountain tortoise right... Hahaha... I dun even know how to order... End up, he did the ordering...I just sat and waited for the food to be served...Hahaha...On our way back, he threaten me...How can he threaten a weak gal like me??? Hahaha... End up, me this weak gal also had to give in... Haiz... And again he commented I spoke loudly...Then when I spoke softly, he cannot heard... You are Real hard to please!!! Hahaha...MaRcHe DiNnEr
Today at work, it was raining and I offered my help to a lady to shelter her to bus stop...She rejected... Why??? Cos she herself got umbrella... hahaha... Cos I saw her standing there, seems like forgot to bring umbrella... Hahaha... Misinterpretation... Hahaha... Then later offered my help to an old lady to carry her stuffs to the interchange...She accepted. Why??? Cos her bags are heavy... Hahaha...It is definitely not light... Even I also feel it is quite heavy...Hahaha... When I saw her appreciation to me, I do feel good... No wonder there is a saying that you feel good when u offer your help to others... And Yes, I am feeling good...
Yesterday, went to sing KTV with Xiaohui, Hao and Kang... Before KTV, went to eat laksa which Xiaohui and I missed it the other round... Sing until 12am and slept at 3am... Today went for meeting for the whole half day... Super exhausted...
MeE & XiAoHuI...
HaO tRyIng To Be FuNnY 1
HaO tRyInG tO bE fUnNy 2
FiNaLlY hAo LoOkeD aT tHe CaMeRa...HaHaHa...
I got my gift... Is a handphone accesories... A Minnie Mouse Handphone accessories... Super cute...I like it... Thanks for the gift...
My BaBy MiNnIe... IzZiT cUte...
P.S: Differences.... It makes a different...Is a wake up call to put a STOP to it...PaRtIcuLar!?@ PaRtIcUlAr FoR a ReAsOn...
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...