I fInIsHeD rEaDiNg ThE dA ViNcI cOdE...gOoD rEcOmMeNdAtIoN...
Bought The Da Vinci Code on 6th June and in 3 week, I finished the book... The story was great... A good recommendation...
Reading another book by Dan Brown...Angels and Devils...Shumei lent it to me...
Today my boss asked me to promise him verbally again...Haiz...Anyway, I am sianz of it... The minimum will be till end of the year, maximum will be 1.5yrs...
Tomolo will be my official day to be full time in Mandai...
Haiz...I really hope to change the working environment soon, damn soon...
But one good thing is that it is near my house...
P.S: Doing my best to endure & endure....
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
A sHoCk & A sUrPrIsE!!!
As usual, Maria and Me did not watch the movie...Haha...Cos he accompany his mum to go shopping...But he promised to bring me out on saturday...Maria, u must remember ah, if not hor, u know what will happen next...But hor I guess might cancel again...Know him too well ...Haha...
Yesterday went shopping with Shumei, spend $70+++...Haiz..Just got pay and started to spend...Haha...Accompany her to Pico...Oh mine!!! She told me is a one year attachment to Italy or middle east...I am super duper interested...Haiz...Should not have rejected in the 1st place...
Early in the morning receive a bad news...My primary schoolmate, Akhbar had passed away in a bike accident on 25th June...Make me think of Richie...Life is so fragile...We had no control over it at all...Haiz...
Getting sick and tired of walking the slope... Want to change the working environment... I got a shock when Ronald say if I want to quit can tell him...Recently got 2 offers, one for Town Council, one for Pico...Pico is the one that I am super duper interested in...But I had already rejected both...Haiz...
Meet Huiping at Causeway Point...Eat & talk... Then accompany her collect her contact lens...
Now super tired... Tomolo still had a meeting at 2000...Haiz...Got to miss the Superstarz...
P.S: Hope to get the tickets!!!
...EnD oF tHe BlOgGiE (@_@)...
MeEtInG wAs SuPeR lOnG!!!
Yesterday the meeting was super long...Oh mine!!! 1030-1330 + another mini talk for half an hour...Was confirmed to transfer to Mandai as full time staff...Haiz...Dun know to be happy or sad...Happy that is near to my house (cos HQ is too far and I am always late...), but sad is I hate the environment...Dun know how long I can endured...
Meet Ju Ju, Haze & Doreen at desserts stall... Then after that sit at food court to catch up...Realized all of us got our own working problems...Haiz...
After that, meet Siyin & Haojie to watch Initial D... Saw NengAn and Shawn's sister if I am not wrong, wow, slim down, more feminine...Finally found ppl to watch with me...The show was nice except for the ending which I suppose there will be part 2...It makes me want to get my licence...Think I am going to register soon... Haha...
Went to Grandpa's house...Had not been there for 2 weeks...Lele was there too...He's so cute...Times really files...Seeing lele makes me feel old, I am already an aunt...
Call up Maria...Find him a bit weird...Ask him watch movie, he's ok...Tell him to bring me for supper next week, he also on...Very weird...Normally, he will say , "Tomolo then say la", won't be a definite answer... I told him next time I should contact him every fortnightly...Or becos I siao already, he also follow suit...Follow his master...Haha...
Went to Chomg Chomg for supper... Long time never go there... Although it had been renovated but is still so packed...
Now so tired and worn out... Going to ZzZ...Tata...
P.S: I want to get my licence!!!
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
SuPeR BlUr, WaStE a LoT oF pApEr!!!
Dun know what wrong with me today, keep photocopy extra copy...& is not 1, not 2 but 20+ copy which add up to 100+ piece of papers...Dun need to photocopy arrears listing and ledger listing but I go and photocopy...Thought had not photocopy the EOGM, so photocopy but later realized is already attached with the Minutes of Meeting...Photocopy everything then realized one of the figures is wrong, got to amend and photocopy again...Really dun know what got into me...
Tok to Min for awhile...Told her got one resident got nasty towards me yesterday...Spoilt my day...Haiz...But I think Min faced a lot more than me...Really cannot understand rich people, turn nasty becos of a small problem...If ever one day, I became rich, I am definitely not going to be like them...Realized quite a number of my friends not attending the Graduation Ceremony...Sad they are not there but good that I dun need to wait so long...Haha...Can end earlier...Haha...
SuperStar is on!!! Going to watch and support Kelly!!! Jia You!!!
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
LaTe NiGhT tAlKs...
Just upload the TacoBell Gathering Photos...Long time never see them...Going out with them is eat & eat & eat...Haha...From Marche to Swensens...Supposed to attend Ah Bao's BBQ but due to my laziness, I did not go so went KTV with them...Haha... Nowadays, chatted till late night...Very tired...
Have a chat with Junming until 0430++...Wow...Talking to him makes me feel naive...There is a lot of gossip that I dun even know or notice during TacoBell days...Haha...Not only that but to update me with his life, things around him...
He told me this,"对家里的女人是感情, 对外头的女人是爱情 ???" How true is it??? Very true for guys???
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

TrYiNg To KiLl TiMe...GuY cAn ReAlLy ShOp...

Me & SaNdY...cAn U sEe We LoOk TiReD??? cOs JuNmInG tOoK sO lOnG tO sHoP fOr ShOeS...ArGh...

SaNdY & mE...sHe LoOk ThInNeR...

Me & JaMeS...pEoPle GoT "X" fAcToR bUt He GoT "L" fAcToR...hAhA...

ThE 2nD sHoT...nO dIfFeReNcE rIgHt???HaHa...

ThE tAcObElL eLiTeS...hAhA...SeE jAmEs' HaNd??? He WaS mEsSiNg My HaIr WhEn ThE gUy TaKeS tHe PhOTo...

Me & JuNmInG...rEaD nEwSpApEr AlSo MuSt DiStUrB mE...i ShOuLd HaVe Ur ExPrEsSiOn...HaHa...

SaNdY & mE aT mArChE...bIlL $150++...WoW...
SeEiNg StaRs *...
Today, doing data entry for the whole day until I am seeing stars...Super tired that I sleep on the bus...Just finished MSN with Keon...Tok a lot...Miss my Maria...RinGgG~...Phone Ring...Is Keon...Talk & Talk & Talk...Finally, his HP Low Batt...End Time 0359...Oh mine!!! Tok for hrs...Going to sleep, still need to meet my TacoBell Kakis for lunch & Poly Kakis for BBQ at night...P.S: Seeing stars *** for the whole day long...Haha......EnD oF BloGgIe (@_@)*...
SuPeR BuSy FoR tHiS wEeK!!!
Wow this week I was super duper busy...Oh mine!!!
See my draft itinerary...
Monday - After work, went to Causeway Point with Ju Ju & Seri...Watch Mr. & Mrs Smith...Worth Watching...Buy Ah Bao's present plus dinner at Swensen's...All under Seri's Treat...Cool...
Tuesday - Went Gym with Alexia, the Bride...Haha...Wow...Instead of saying we gym for 2.5hrs, 1.5hrs, we were chatting...Haha...This time round, I am a listener...Oh ya...Thanks John for driving me to Clementi...
Wednesday - Residents complained on the water downpipes...Take my umbrella go round and checked...Kelian hor...What to do??? Is my job...But is still ok...Then received call from PICO for Events Executive...Oh mine!!! So tempted...Is the job I am looking for...But I rejected cos all my bossese treated me well...Haiz...Will there be any opportunity???Ronald fetched me back to HQ...Ju Ju sms me to join her, Haze and Doreen for dinner...I rejected for the sake of Saysong...Haha...Well, I should say he had never changed, still "Bu Yao Lian"...Haha...
Thursday - Today got a lot of works to do...Transfer data, type letters, print Stata Roll, Servicing the fire alarm, call for quotation...Haiz...Like one "siao za bo"...Most likely, will be transfer to be full time in Mandai...Haiz...Die...I hate the area, only benefit is that is near my house...The cons, the stupid staring, the dogs, the slope, the food...Ergh...Dun know how long can I tahan???Thought I will be going to walk down the slope for the 1st time but John fetched me back... So nice of him...Thanks John...The only day with no program...Can rest...
Friday - Dun know what the workload will be like for tomolo but most likely will be meeting my Beloved Maria Ping(my 4ever supporter) to go walk walk...Haha...
Satursday - Dun know need to work or not... But will be a busy day... Meeting Junming they all (my TacoBell Kakis) for lunch then at night meeting my beloved poly kakis for BBQ, ah bao's 21st bday...
Sunday - My Free Day!!!
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

AlMoSt ThE eNd Of ThE bBq...VeRy TiReD...

SoToNgS bAcK tO NoRmAl...HaHa...

TwO sOtOnGs..."Da YeN" sOtOnG & "Mi Mi YeN" sOtOnG...hAhA...

Me & ZhOnG...

My tHe OtHeR hAlF...

ThE NS mEn SiNcE 11sT jUnE 2005...

ThE cOuPlE oF tHe Day...

ThE mAn WhO sUpPoRtS Me...TwInKlE TwInKlE lItTlE sTaR...

Me & My SOoN tO Be MaRia...StIlL cOnSiDeRiNg HiS aPpLiCaTiOn...HaHa...

ThE mAn I hAtE & LiKeD...gOt It???hAhA...

ThE hIp HoP bOys, ERmM...nOt HiP HoP aH pEk...HaHa...

ThE sUpEr NaTuRaL sHoT...

ThE SaBoNg TeAm...

KeLiAn BdAy BoY...

SaBoNg TiMe!!!

SeC sChOol PoPuLaR pOsTuRe...

BdAy BoY & mE...sOo Shy...HaHa...