SiCk On LuNaR nEw YeAr!!! ArGh!!! WhY???
Lunar new year is here but yet I don't feel happy cos I am SICK, yes SICK again... Just went to see doctor about a week ago and now I am down with the same illness... Flu, sore throat, cough + stomach pain...
Early morning already stomach pain, throat pain, was very sick... Oh mine!!! Somemore the pain is similar to the pain that I encountered when I was hospitalized... I was like"Shit, dun tell me I am going to stay in hospital for my new year..." I tried to went toilet and thanks god, I feel better after that... But the pain was still there... And continued till now... So I had been enduring for one whole day... Very fed up cos I really dun know what went wrong with my throat, my stomach, my nose...
Now I am just praying that I will get better as the days goes, at least let me enjoy my new year...
One gd new is that I will be going to EM for an interview on friday... Really hope I can get through all the interviews and able to change my job... But anyway, no matter what, I am tendering my resignation no matter what... But am also thinking to study SIM... 3yrs about $30,000... How? Should I study or work??? Thinking....
P.S: Hope I can get better... Everyone who read my blog, Happy New Year to You guys!!!
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
LaTe NiGhT sUpPeR wItH mY mArIaSs...
Was super unhappy... Called Maria out for supper, he say that he sensed something must have happened if not I will be walking to his house just to pass him the things under the heavy rain that day...Getting more and more clever...Haha...Told him I wanted to "Da Chi Da He"...We went to fetch Huiping at CWP then headed to Hongkong Cafe, the place where I wanted to try out the food... Of cos I nagged & nagged... Trying to vent out my anger... But I also tease Huiping cos I was so surprised she went out with a guy, not once but many times...Haha...
When we reached there, I ordered and ordered... But end up, I can't finished... Haiz... For the 1st time, I feel Maria talked a lot...Say dun know whether he ORD, I can get my licence or not? Say he know I can't finished, always like to order and eat little so I try to finish but can't... The waitress asked me that izzit the food not nice??? I say no, is just that I can't finished... The supper was on Maria...
I was so full that I walked like a pregnant woman, too full, but still I slept right away after I reached home cos is already 0400+...till now still very full... Had to drink prune juice...
I feel better now...Maybe in front of them then I can be like a spolit child, throwing my tantrum...Being pampered...Haha...
P.S: I luv them soO much!!!
MusIc: ReNe'S aLbUm
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...
KiNd??? StUpId??? NaIvE??? yOuNg???
Recently, I faced a lot of work pressure... So pressurized that I had been dreaming for few days... Really cannot tolerate anymore, is affecting my moods, my life... Maybe I am still young and new in this working society...Becos of this matter and a few others, I felt that I still can't fit into the work society or at least for this job...Politicial Games, I am not interested in... People kept telling me I am too kind, too soft...Maybe I am just plain stupid and naive... I admit I had fault in somewhere and somehow but all the arrows seems to be on me... I understand all their positions but had anyone give a thought of my position??? I am sandwiched in between...
To make me feel worse, I lose the camera... Damn shit... I dun know how I lose it... Really super frustrated... My pathetic bonus had to pay for that camera... Someone told me that maybe someone is playing dirty...But I can never know...
People might envy that my working hours are short, workplace is near my house, 5 days per week but I am super duper unhappy... And am getting more and more unhappy... I dun mind choosing a job that have to work long hours... Wat matters to me most is the work satisfaction and I am happy...
I had seen the reality of the working society... The style, the politics... I know I still had years to endure , I should say to get used to all these... But for now I really had enough... I am fed up with all these...I AM OUT OF THIS POLLUTED ENVIRONMENT!!!
P.S: Super Unlucky, Super Unhappy...
MusIc: LiU GeN hOnG's AlBuM
...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

OvErAlL fOr YeAr 2005...