Monday, June 29, 2009





...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

ErNiE & BeRt...

As usual, it was a blue monday at work... Just simply sianz...

I dreamt... Dreamt of having secondary school gathering near the beach but with Mr Mo's family in the dream too... Mr Mo was bringing Rachel to the sea while I was carrying the cutie Javier... I remember we were about to leave & Ah Peng gave me a knock & I woke up... What a dream!!!

Today, I heard story about Ernie & Bert... They were mistaken as gays (It sounds weird to me) but now I am, searching online for Ernie & Bert... All becos of the silly Ernie... Hahaha... I can't imagine myself here reading on them... Hahaha... But as I read on, I got flashback of the Sesame Street... In fact, I got the whole collection of the Sesame Street Characters... SoO I am someone with childhood... :p

Bert says: "I miss Ernie..."
Ernie says: "We are gays..."
Bert says: (-_-)||| "Silly Stupid Ernie..."


P.S: Bert is hunting Silly Ernie & his Rubber Duckie... Hahaha...
Always the Quack Quack, Always the ChiCk ChiCk...

我不怕 - 潘瑋柏

車開往海邊 我想念妳

躺在沙灘上的我 閉上眼深呼吸

你不會曉得 好幾次我想吻你吧
現在睡了嗎 還是在屋頂吹著頭髮

你在散步的時候 還為從前流淚嗎

對 我不怕

是 是我的 心裡話

你不會曉得 好幾次我想吻你吧
現在睡了嗎 還是在屋頂吹著頭髮

你在散步的時候 還為從前流淚嗎

對 我不怕
我想要說我永遠愛你的那句話 .

是 是我的 心裡話

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...




...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Sunday, June 28, 2009



她不敢要太多的爱,她怕享受完爱之后,剩下的只是加倍的痛。所以当别人对她过度宠爱时,她不但不会欣喜,反而会惊惧地逃走,她不 知道怎样回报别人对她的爱,如果你得到她的喜爱,那是因为她已经知道如何面对,如何回报了。她追求那种君子之交淡如水的境界。她懂得爱人,但她不习惯爱人,她知道爱往往伴随着恨,而恨,是太沉重的伤痛,也是太容易让人疲倦的感情。她不想痛,也就懒得去 恨,于是,为了防范恨与痛的到来,她只好选择不爱,即使爱,也是淡淡的,冷冷的。别怪她,她是真的不知道如何专注。

她有时也很虚伪。不要指责她,她之所以选择虚伪,那是你勉强她做她不愿做但又拒绝不了的事,她不习惯承诺,也不懂得拒绝,她最擅长的是难为自己。她不想你难过,只好令自己难过。她总是固执地认为自己有超乎寻常的承受力,她将自己想得太坚强,而把别人想得太脆弱。她老是担心自己的行为会让别人受到伤害。她不知道,受伤的其实是自己。只是她不知道如何表现出来,她迷糊得像别人所认为的那样,将自己当成一个百毒 不侵的人。

别以为她很洒脱,很多时候,她其实是放不下的。她比任何人都要敏感,都要细腻,但她不会让你知道,她明白,即使你知道了,也是无济于事。她的心是把握不住的风,她渴望像风一样单纯而自 由。她不是不想平静,她只是找不到平静的理由,她一生都无法明确自己在人世要扮演的角色,她只有不停地寻求,寻求自己最终的目的。如果她找到了,她会毫不犹豫地停下来,从此放弃心灵的漂泊。很遗憾,她永远也不会满足,她的追求永不停止。她的心再累,无法逼迫 自己放弃梦想,梦想是她唯一的支撑点。

千万别让她失望。因为她学不会原谅,她非常渴求完美,虽然她知道世间没有绝对的完美,但,她有绝对追求完美的执着。你若令她失望,她会不可挽回地离开,即使她的心在滴血,即使痛楚重得要 压垮她的生命,她也绝不回头。那个时候,你在她脸上所看到的, 是让人寒心的决绝。即使她还在你的身边,她的心也早就离你十万八千里,你看不到她的恨,但是你会感受到比恨还让人痛苦的冷淡。她的离开是心灵的离 开。她可以在前半分钟对你好得让你受宠若惊,也可以在后半钟冷漠得让你不可接受。不要问她为什么这样善变,她也不知道。

当你看到她在疯狂地快乐或悲伤时,千万不要迷惑,不管她看起来是多么的疯狂,她内心其实是冷静 的,她比你们任何一个旁观者更知道如何处理快乐与悲伤,她只是习惯-——也可以说是喜欢将一切都变得疯狂。因为她觉得这是义务,也是权利,她是制造气氛的能手,她的一句俏皮话会让一切轻快起来,但她的一声叹息又会将一切都弄得很沉重。她总是不由自主地交错操纵着快乐与忧 郁.她并不如你们看到的那么快乐,同样,也不如你们看到的那么忧伤,只是,她忧郁时,喜欢带上快乐的面具,而当她快乐时,忧郁又不肯轻易放过她。

在她的世界里,盛着的不是快乐的源泉,而是她不愿在人前滴下的泪水。你看到的她,笑起来像一个孩子,你有时会认为她天真得像是童 话里走出来的天使。但是,你若有心,你会看到她沉静时脸上挥之不去的忧伤,还有她的眼底,竟那么凝重地积压着一种看破红尘的味道。她只有在午夜无人的时 候,才会完全地释放自己。她不会在众目睽睽之下表露她的无助,她的彷徨,她的沧桑。她心里的,是永远流不尽的泪。你所看到的坚强,只是她在竭力掩饰的脆弱。

P.S: It is almost accurate...

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

I cAnT gEt My PeAcEfUl SlEeP... hAiZzZ...

Oh mine!!! Seems like this week I cannot get peaceful sleep... Haiz... Yesterday was woke up by the installation of my new TV & today I got woke up by the Malay Wedding... Oh Mine!!! I am soO sleepy...Yes!!! Very sleepy... I slept late, I was失眠... Until now, still very sleepy... Haiz... Just now was soO in the mood to sleep (it was raining) but the noise level is just too loud...The noise level had never went down... I know is a happy function & I am tolerating... Yes, tolerating... Should have planned something today... Haiz... End up, I was playing quiz, playing games... But what I want was to sleep... Sleep like a log!!!

Recently, a lot of ppl asked me to dress up more... Haiz... I think I must be too casual that they find that I am just an Auntie... Hahaha... Well, then I should dress to kill... Hahaha...

P.S: I need soMe colors... Where to find them??? Hmm... Radar searching!!!

潘瑋柏 - 愛的歌

關於愛的故事太多 我們只是其中一個
像每個人想得一樣 我們的故事是最美的
不管月亮代表誰的心 反正我會永遠愛著你
明天你要嫁給誰 當然是我

太多的甜蜜和苦澀 我們都一起品嚐過
未來不管還有多少坎坷 相信都能度過

這一首寫給愛的歌 也是一首寫給你的歌
也許會有很多人唱著 但我是最真摯的一個
有了你我就覺得快樂 失去你我就覺得不快樂
那三個字雖然聽得太多 但我還是要對你說

關於愛的故事太多 我們只是其中一個
像每個人想得一樣 我們的故事是最美的
不管月亮代表誰的心 反正我會永遠愛著你
明天你要嫁給誰 當然是我

太多的甜蜜和苦澀 我們都一起品嚐過
未來不管還有多少坎坷 相信都能度過

這一首寫給愛的歌 也是一首寫給你的歌
也許會有很多人唱著 但我是最真摯的一個
有了你我就覺得快樂 失去你我就覺得不快樂
那三個字雖然聽得太多 但我還是要對你說

我們手牽手走過 開著鮮花的山坡
馬上變你的顏色 在我心裡 只願有你

這一首寫給愛的歌 也是一首寫給你的歌
也許會有很多人唱著 但我是最真摯的一個
有了你我就覺得快樂 失去你我就覺得不快樂
那三個字雖然聽得太多 但我還是要對你說

I Love You
I Love You
I Love You Forever Love

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...


Can't help it...
It is still the same...
Still the someone...

Exactly when...
there will be miracle...
changes the somebody...

Still waiting...
Waiting for somebody...
Waiting for the miracle...

P.S: When will it stops or changes???
It will stop when someone is ready... Ready to leave...
It will changes when somebody is ready... Ready to move...
It is still the someone, still the somebody...
For now,
to continue... to wait...

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

TrAnSfOrMeRs... I LiKe It!!!

Earlier morning drilling noise woke me up & I was wondering who the hell is making the noise... And guess what??? It was the deliveryman that was mounting the new TV at my house... Hahaha... I still thought of lodging a complaint... Hahaha...

Hao asked me whether I am interested to watch Transformers... (Later then I know is becos somebody asked him to ask me...) Of cos I am... After hearing what Germaine told me, I went online to book the tickets first... And indeed, it was almost full... Luckily, managed to secure 2 seats that are in the middle rows... Went to have a short nap before meeting Hao cos just too tired...

Transformers was great & I like it... But it was a long show too... Around 2.5hrs...5.20pm show came out already 8pm... Mr Mo, want to hear the story??? :p

P.S: Did I smell something again or I'm just being sensitive??? Can U tell me???

猜不透 - 丁噹


是真的 是熱的


是真的 是熱的




...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Friday, June 26, 2009

SwEnSeN tReAt FrOm RoSy!!!

Due to the late night sleep, I was a walking zombie in office... Felt like ZzZ yet still felt like going out... Was thinking to go Bugis... End up, went dinner with Rosy at Swensen... It was her treat!!! SoO nice of her... Ate Salmon & Mushroom Baked Rice plus my favourite Frosted Chocolate Malt... YummY!!!

It was good to go out after work for a meal or chit chat session with cols...

Suppose to go HSBC Hilltop with Ju tomorrow but it was postponed to next week... SoO what to do for tomorrow??? Hmm...

Going to watch "Absolute Boyfriend"... I like the show!!!

ThAt'S rOsY & mEe!!! My LaUgHiNg KaKi!!! SlEePy LoOk EvEn ThE fOoD aLsO cAnT wAkE hEr Up... :p MeE aLl ReAdY fOr ThE fOoD!!!



這麼長一段 - 藍又時

沒有限制 你的愛情 一望無際
沒有規矩 沒有習題 自由的你
我明白 你的關心

沒有停止 你的愛情 很貼心
沒有休息 沒有暫停 真實的你
我知道 你嘗試 帶我去
我曾經漫不經心的 拒絕你

這麼長一段 才知道世界會變換
這麼長一段 才知道你陪我到現在
有那麼長一段 我的眼淚你收藏起來
有那(這)麼長一段 才知道不離不棄的愛

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

MaRinA bArRaGe & T3...

Just reached home not long...

Went to meet Da Jie Jie & Da Da Jie Jie for a night tour to Marina Barrage & Our famous Changi Airport T3... Never been to the 2 places but the whole night tour was great...

First, we went to the Marina Barrage and I just love the place... Definitely a good location for wedding photo shooting...Very comfortable, very nice... But a negative point is the place is toO wu lu...

Next we went Changi Airport T3...My 1st time there...Went to eat the Kopitiam there... Ate these grilled squid set & the uncle even gave me extra chicken... OMG!!! I appreciate it but it was already very sinful for me to eat such a heavy meal... Haha... Luckily got Da Da Jie Jie helped me to eat some... But did not managed to walk through the whole place cos by the time we went, most shops are closed... But overall, very cosy place too... End up, buying groceries back home at T3... Hahaha... I bought very the cute socks...Hahaha.... But we have fun too... Hahaha...

MaRiNa BaRrAgE!!! WaTeR WaLlY!!! iZzIt CuTe!!! BeAuTiFuL NiGhT vIeW...nOTiCeD tHe SiNgApOrE fLyEr??? MaRiNa BrIdGe... My SiNfUl DiNnEr... My ArT pIeCe DoNe At T3... Tired us before heading back home...

Going to ZzZ... On Mine!!! Is super late now... 0146hrs!!!

P.S: 與妳分享這裡...好美...
A HaPpY sOmEbOdy, A sAtIsFiEd SoMeOnE... iT jUsT mAkE tHe DaY...

MusIc: 林依晨-你

風輕輕 我聽見你聲音
你對著我叮嚀 要注意自己的心情
雨輕輕 我聽見你聲音
你拿著傘靠近 為我遮著風擋著雨
你的愛很珍惜 我總依賴著你的記憶

你就像風在說話 順著我方向
你就像海中的波浪 堆著我成長
我明白你的回答 溫柔的對話
愛情其實沒有辦法 不被感動吧

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009



Woke up at 5am and can't get back to sleep... Dun know why... Toss here and there, Just can't get back to sleep... Tried reading a chapter of "A Mother like Alex" but still can't sleep...Count sheep also can't sleep...Haiz...

Went to work in the morning... Nothing amiss except that I am tired cos of the
失眠... But after awhile in the office, I felt that my head is heavy, super heavy... Felt nausea... Not comfortable out of sudden... End up, I thrown up all my breakfast... Quickly went to see doctor becos it can get very serious when I vomitted cos I got bad experience...Doctor diagnosed as stomach flu... Haiz...Took MC and quickly went home to rest... Maybe I am tired, I slept in the train and slept right away when I reached home...

On MSN with Kenneth earlier and came to know that we are on the same plight... Haiz... What had done is done... Now got to get over it and fight again... Let's brace up and buck up, Kenneth!!! WE CAN... SURE CAN!!!

I think I really need to relax myself... Been too tense up... Relax Baby!!!
1, 2, 3... DeEp BrEaThe...

I need A BIG BIG BIG HuG!!!

想说就说...想做就做...這才是真的我... 讓自己快樂,這才叫做意義...

失眠的睡美人 - 楊丞琳

故事最後 會有哪些情節 可以當紀念
曾經你說 要最疼我 要最想我 每天每天
在你身後 感覺就像 一條透明的拋物線
當它下墬 再美的童話也會失去感覺

就算沒有王子 想你在身邊

喜歡就是這樣 酸酸甜甜 的滋味

...EnD oF bLogGiE (@_@)...


After such a bad day yesterday, I am feeling better despite that I am still feeling low... But at least not at the bottom now... I guess everything just happened to trigger off that made me super down yesterday...

But yesterday,
我亂發小姐脾氣... Haiz... I guess I just super not in the moods... I just want to be 任性 and vent my frustations...

Went to watch "Ghosts of Girlfriends past" with Ju earlier... Kind of like the show... Funny scenes with memorable quotes...

One of the quotes:

Someone once told me that the power in all relationships lies with whoever cares less, and he was right. But power isn't happiness, and I think that maybe happiness comes from caring more about people rather than less... "

I like the part most when Conner tried to make Sandra stayed...The lines he had said...The worries he had that make him turned away from his true love... Dun lived ur life with regret everyday... It was sOO true... Sometimes, we are just too scared, too worried about soO many things that we just simply avoid or turn away without giving it a try...By the time when we want to try, it maybe too late... SoO ppl, seize the chance and dun live life with regrets!!!

P.S: You must be not feeling gd too & I am adding fuel to it... (@~@)
對不起 & 謝謝你... :)

MusIc: 我的依賴 - 蔡依林

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Monday, June 22, 2009

RuN & rUn & RuN...

Listening to "Stop & Stare" and ran & ran & ran...
I stayed focus... Thinking of nothing...
I want nothing... Nothing in my mind...
In the end, I sweat like hell and my legs are not mine now...

I am super down now...
I am rebellious now...
I am demanding now...
I am being ridiculous now...
I maybe overreacting now...
I know all these...
soO what???
If u cannot take it, leave it then...

P.S: It is just not a good feeling...
I think I am moving nowhere...I get scared but Steady feet, dun fail me now... Let me stand & move somewhere...
I hope I can sleep like a log tonight... Super log... Can I??? :(

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...


It was out...
Had expected it...
But can't help to feel soO down now...
Damn it...
Super not in the mood...
But where are the supporters???
They are no where to be seen...

FXXX CARE!!! Going for a run... Run and let out all the unhappiness!!!

P.S: Hey gal, u got no friends...Got it now??? Suckz Big...
Failure, Friends, Frustrations...

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

ThE fEeL??? iT iS JuSt NoT tHe SaMe...

Every words, every sentence, every conversation...
It is sOo clear yet soO cold...
It is just soO different now...
Just weird... Just uncomfortable... SoO unnatural...
The feel... It is just not the same...
The closeness, the warm that once had...
Seems soO far...
Now it is just the cold & the distant...

P.S: It is clear but things have changed...
Everything is still the same... It is still that someone... Why Why not that somebody... Hopeless...

MusIc: 黃靖倫 - 缺席

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...


Feel soO sian now... Dun know why... Maybe it is raining now...Maybe I am not in the mood now... Maybe becos my results will be out tomolo... What will it be??? Hoping for the best...

Craving for Ice-cream... For movies...For a good laugh... Anyone???

It had stopped...
No more nonsense...
No more indecisive...
But deep down...
Had it really stopped...
Had it really stopped totally...
She asked...She answered...
She got the answer...

P.S: 最愛的人即將要出現??? Must open my eye BIG BIG!!! Hahaha...

MusIc: 徐佳瑩-失落沙洲

又來到這個港口 沒有原因的拘留 
我的心乘著斑駁的輕舟 尋找失落的沙洲

隨時間的海浪漂流 我用力張開雙手 
擁抱那麼多起起落落 想念的 還是你望著我的眼波

我不是一定要你回來 只是當又一個人看海 
回頭才發現你不在 留下我迂迴的徘徊

我不是一定要你回來 只是當又把回憶翻開
除了你之外的空白 還有誰能來教我愛

又回到這個盡頭 我也想再往前走 只是越看見海闊天空 
越遺憾 沒有你分享我的感動

我不是一定要你回來 只是當又一個人看海 
回頭才發現你不在 留下我迂迴的徘徊

我不是一定要你回來 只是當又把回憶翻開
除了你之外的空白 還有誰能來教我愛

我不是一定要你回來 只是當又一個人看海
疲憊的身影不是我 不是你想看見的我

我不是一定要你回來 只是當獨自走入人海
除了你之外的依賴 還有誰能教我勇敢

除了你之外的空白 還有誰能來教我愛

...EnD oF bLogGiE (@_@)...

StIlL aWaKe!!!

It is 0258hrs now... Still awake... Still not sleepy...

It is 0259hrs now...Still pondering... Still wondering... Still thinking...

It is 0300hrs now...Still looking, Still listening, Still writing...

P.S: 神經大條??? 是我...HaHaHa!!!喜歡就勇敢的說!!!HaHaHa!!!

MusIc: 勇敢温柔 - Kelly Poon

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

BoReD fRiDaY...

Yesterday just got the urge to watch movies and started asking around...But seems like no one is free but just super got the urge and finally, I found one...And that's HaHa... Hahaha...

At 1st was thinking to watch "Ghost of Girlfriend past" but Haha suggested to watch "The taking of Pelham 123"... Since he soO oNz watched movies with me, I listened to him and met him at Vivo for "The taking of Pelham 123" ... As he got hold up in a meeting, I went to buy the tickets 1st and walked walked while waiting for him...

When it was finally my turn to buy the tickets, what left was only row A & B... OMG!!! My Hp super low batt so I just went ahead and bought the tickets even though I knew that Haha will said me for getting such a front row...Hahaha...

As predicted, he said me... Hahaha... He said I am a Pig Head to buy the tickets...Hahaha...Everywhere was soO crowded, long queue... Finally, we settled at Starbucks... Should have done soO earlier and not wasting time to wait outside Secret Receipe... We had a good sharing session before it was time for the movies... Hahaha... Sharing our nonsense... Hahaha...

Sitting at row B was just super uncomfortable... Haha & I were figuring the best way to sit and enjoyed the movies... Haha's conclusion was to sit super still... Hahaha... Alamak!!! The two of us were like 2 statues...Hahaha...Some ppl at Row A just sat on the floor to enjoy the movies... Next time either to book the tickets 1st or dun buy the tickets if it is too front row...

Overall, "The Taking of Pelham 123" was not bad...There were funny (their conversation) and action scenes which I had enjoyed... Except that my neck was super uncomfortable becos of the seat allocations...

Took cab home and that's end of my Bored Bored Friday... Thanks Haha!!!

Went back home and Fat Fat said that he had not totally reformat my comp...Nonsense!!! SoO while waiting for him to do soO, I watched the Japanese Show, not a bad show... I waited and waited and waited until 3+am then slowly slowly fall asleep...

When I woke up, my comp was all ready... Fully recovered from the operation and free from all virus...SoO happy!!! Most imptly was during the point when it broken down, I was very lucky that all my precious data were still there... If not, I would be super sad now... The whole afternoon was busily sorting and organizing my data...Super messy... Super tiring and stopped all the sorting and went to Gong Gong's house...Only maybe 70% organized... Still got 30% more to go...

While sorting and browsing through the datas, it brought back memories...Especially the photos... And by looking at the photos I had, I realized that I just love to take photos... Cam-whoring... Hahaha...

P.S: She caught the hints, He caught the hints, they got the hints... But only somebody cannot...No more hints...

在你懷裡的微笑 - 楊丞琳

可以嗎 讓我和你對調

知道嗎 你對我多重要

愛隨著風飄盪 飄過了你嘴角 飄到天涯海角
把我困在這城堡 哪裡也逃不了

我不要別人溫柔的懷抱 聽不見你的心跳
連我熟悉的味道 再也聞不到

我只要你喊我一次就好 從前親暱的暗號

可以嗎 讓我和你對調

知道嗎 你對我多重要

愛隨著風飄盪 飄過了你嘴角 飄到天涯海角
把我困在這城堡 哪裡也逃不了

我不要別人溫柔的懷抱 聽不見你的心跳
連我熟悉的味道 再也聞不到

我只要你喊我一次就好 從前親暱的暗號

我不要別人溫柔的懷抱 讓我暫時的依靠
那是短暫止痛藥 很快會失效

你只要再哄我一次就好 讓我可以很驕傲
記住我擁有過的好 oh 記住在你懷裡微笑

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

ThE eLeCtRiC cUrReNt is ToOo STrOnG!!!

Earlier in the morning, was super frustrated with work... If everything can be solved at my end, I won't even need your advice... Haiz... Now not only got to cover my scope but others too...

The weather was scorching hot but yet still had to do ODA... Was sweating & sweating... Got to cover Mama's duties until next tuesday... SoO now
I got AMK, Bishan, Sembawang!!! Hope everything goes smoothly...

Yesterday is Xiaohui's Bday... Happy Bday!!! Went to eat at Dian Xiao Er, followed by KTV at Partyworld... Xiaohui was high maybe it was her bday and she got the "feel" to sing all fast songs... Hahaha... Overall was ok except I'm a little tired and was having ulcers... Now I know it was irritating to sing with mouth ulcers... Just uncomfortable...

Another thing was I got problem with the nonsense mics...
YES!!! Not one but both... Haiz... Xiaohui got no prob with it, Huiping also got no prob, Hao too... All except me... I can feel the strong electric current from the mics that I had to wrap Huiping's uniform with it to sing... And the electric current was sOoO strong that even they hold the mic and I touched their arm, I can feel the current too... OMG!!! For the whole night, I dun even dare to hold the mics with my bare hands... I did tried but all I got was the electrical shock & pain... Haiz... Super nonsense!!! Or maybe my electric current is super strong too... Hahaha...

HuIpInG rEaDiNg "Wu LiNg Mi Ji"...HaHaHa!!! Me & tHe NoNsEnSe MiC... ThE bDaY gAl... XiAoHuI!!!

P.S: 默默為我的...在我身邊了嗎???

徐佳瑩 哼情歌

在無關緊要的場合 都會想起這首歌
是因為 你曾經哼唱著
再平淡無奇的眼神 都會想起你呢
是因為 我曾被你凝望著

在無關緊要的場合 都會想起這首歌
是因為 你曾經哼唱著
再平淡無奇的眼神 都會想起你呢
是因為 我曾被你凝望著

我只好夜夜哼情歌 是因為他擁著你了
是不是還愛著你呢 所以我心還在跳動著
還有什麼舍不得 也只能哼情歌

我只好夜夜哼情歌 是因為他擁著你了
是不是還愛著你呢 所以我心還在跳動著
還有什麼舍不得 也只能哼情歌


...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

On A SuPeR rOcKy BoAt YeStErDaY...HeAd SpInNiNg, FeElInG nAuSeA...

Yesterday I was really scared... Super scaring... At work, I can feel that my head is heavy but reached home, it was even worse... My whole world is spinning... I felt nausea and almost blacked out... OMG!!! The feeling was soO unpredictable... U dun know what will happen next...Even though it was only 9+ pm, I quickly lie on my bed and sleep... Dun even want think about it...

Luckily when I woke up today, I felt better... Guess must be going out too much last week... Therefore, maybe not enough sleep...Going to rest more this week... Recently, just not in the mood for work... The routine work... The routine paperwork... Everything is soO routine... It is getting bored...

One good new was I got 5 Zoo cards out of 10...Hahaha...SoO far the highest number of cards I got... It cannot be done without my colleagues... Thank you!!! Hahaha... I got like 9 of them to assist me to ballot for it... Will be going either on the 25 July or 26 July...

"Not that there is no one understands you, it is yourself that u dun understand anymore... U confuse urself, confuse others..."

The initial plan got to call off... Our transmitter... emailzZz...


屋裡像個空殼 夜裡輾轉反側
思緒正在拉扯 心情很忐忑
又開始想你了 懷念我們的歌

黑與白的選擇 去或留怎麼取捨
亂了方向 前路也曲折

獨自面對 身邊沒人陪
眼淚滴進了咖啡 充滿藥水的苦味
獨自面對 孤單的滋味
築起牆圍向後退 跌倒了心力交瘁

今天即使我單手拔河 也不覺得坎坷

兩個人的時候 你站在我左右
肩並肩靠著頭 甜蜜的合奏
我想哭的時候 你拉著我的手

黑與白的選擇 去或留怎麼取捨
亂了方向 前路也曲折

獨自面對 身邊沒人陪
眼淚滴進了咖啡 充滿藥水的苦味
獨自面對 孤單的滋味
築起牆圍向後退 跌倒了心力交瘁

今天即使我單手拔河 也不覺得坎坷

獨自面對 身邊沒人陪
眼淚滴進了咖啡 充滿藥水的苦味
獨自面對 孤單的滋味
築起牆圍向後退 跌倒了心力交瘁

獨自面對 身邊沒人陪 (Ah多麼想和你相對)
眼淚滴進了咖啡 充滿藥水的苦味 (為什麼不完美)
獨自面對 孤單的滋味 (我會嘗試單身飛)
築起牆圍向後退 跌倒了心力交瘁 (習慣獨自面對)

今天即使我單手拔河 也不覺得坎坷

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

bAcK fRoM pC sHoW...ExHaUsTeD, tIrEd!!!

Just came back from the PC show with Fat Fat... Not as packed as the previous fair but still it was packed... SoO many ppl...

Bought a LG TV during the hourly promotion... And we bought it super fast... Hahaha... True Kiasu Singaporeans... Hahaha... But at least we bought what we want... Then we walked walked the PC show...Super tempted to buy a camera but lucky, I managed to control... Was supposed to get a external hard disk for myself but end up, I didnt buy... Guess I am just too exhausted squeezing through my way in the crowd...

Been going out for the week... It is soO tiring... Maybe age is catching up mentally but physically, I still look young... At least Fat's friends said I am his younger sister... Hahaha...

Browzing through Facebook and see the wedding photos my friends had uploaded... SoO sweet... SoO lovely... A lot of friends are getting married this yr... Hmm... Izzit to avoid the tiger year next year or simply it is just a good year to settle down...Hahaha...I also want to settle down... Hahaha... BUT... wait till my that special one arrives before me & I can settle right away...Hahaha...

P.S: Just clear the credit bill on friday... Now can foresee the credit bill this month is going to be huge... Large output with bare mininium input... ~Shake head~

MusIc: 曹格 - 寶貝


Oh! Lady我所有一切
I'm Your Man

Oh! Lady我所有一切

I'm Your Man



I'm Your Man

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

5 HdB tAi TaIzZz WeNt To JB ...HaHaHa...

5 HDB tai taizzz went to JB for some relaxations... Hahaha...

Today it was a bad jam... Long queue at the bus stop... Super long queue and somemore got this ah ma kept resting herself on my hand... Oh mine... I already very hot and stuffy in the bus (super packed), she still making things worse... Haiz...

All of us were super hungry cos of all the waiting time wasted... We met at 0930hrs and only reached City Square at 12+pm... Oh!!! All of us were starving... We quickly went to book the body massage and then went to our favourite "Stonegrill" to have Tom Yam... Germaine was having super great craving... Hahaha...Yummy!!! Yummy!!! After we have filled our stomach, a few of us can feel the ZzZ monster attacking us... Hahaha...We were all very tired, that's Y we need this trip out to relax... Germaine and I did the full body massage while the rest tried the Thai massage at the other place... Although an appointment was made but still Germaine & I waited for half an hour... A minus for that... But however, the body massage was good and both of us even fall asleep... Hahaha...

Then after the massage, Jamie & I went to do hair treatment while the rest went to do medicure & pedicure...However, I am not satisfied with the services at all... Firstly, there were just too many ppl handling my hair... 2ndly, they are not careful with the equipment used... Water was dripping on my face and yet they dun even bother to apologize... Not skillful with the hair wash (not comfortable at all), etc... The services are just not up to my expectations... I wont want to go there again... I was grumbing & grumbling to them... Hahaha...

Our dinner was at Kim Gary... I just love the bread!!! The thick thick peanut butter... Try the mango snow ice and it was good. I just love desserts!!!Again we ate until we were super full... Not forgetting to buy the J.Co donuts before heading back home... Again, I did not get the chance to buy my bubble tea... Hahaha...

Money we spend was soO much worth in JB rather than in Singapore... Everything is almost half the price in singapore... Thats y I say we are the truly HDB tai taizZZ... Hahaha...

Overall, not that enjoyable especially with the service and the waiting time... But the food was good... We love food!!!


P.S: Soulmate? Hubby? Two different man? Same man???

掌紋 - 曹格






...EnD oF bLogGiE (@_@)...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

StReSs-FrEe...HoW tO mInImIzE sTrEsS??? hMm...

Morning went to take the results and it was normal...It is soO relieved...SoO glad to have Huiping giving me the support and assurance these days...And my cols too...Thanks & Love Ya!!! MuacKz... I felt lighter...

Meet Huiping at City Hall (forgot there is PC show, super crowded...) after work to shop shop for present... No more Orchard... Less than a week and I had went to Orchard 3 times... Hahaha... Also looked looked for anything to buy for myself... It is GSS now...Hahaha...

After we got the present ,
we went to eat Qi Ji again... This time round, we ordered Nasi Lemak, Mee rebus and popian...Yummy Yummy!!! Chatting, Gossiping, Listening to Music, Eating... SoO relaxing...HeeHeeHee!!!

Went MPH and I got myself 2 books... YES!!! I bought books... Dun play play!!! I read ok... Hahaha...But the staff overcharge me for the books cos there is something wrong with the barcode... SoO ppl, when u shop shop happily, dun forget to double check on the receipt...I usually dont but after this, I think should have the habit to check...

Which to read first "A Mother Like Alex" or "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" ??? Hmm... Reading maybe can help to release stress... Heehee...

Huiping really make my day in the MPH bookshop..."Take control in ur life"... "Peace or Pissed off???" Hahahaha...Huiping really hilarious...

Now legs super aching... Been going out almost everyday... Aching...Aching...Aching...

P.S: Stress-free...How to minimize stress??? Hmm...ThinKing... PondeRing... WondeRing...

黑澀會美眉 - 123木頭人


怎麼會 還無動於衷

我也很想 跟你做朋友

我數123 木頭人 再不行動就要被扣分

我數123 木頭人


我數123 木頭人 再不表白 天就要黑了



我期待著 因為有你讓愛情能完整


...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Super sleepy at work, super dark eye circles... Cos of the super late night sleep... But something makes me soO awake suddenly... That's my nonsense case... Haiz... Went from Bishan to Shunfu to Sin Ming...One day tour at North... Taking train, circle line, bus... Almost all types of transports... People maybe envy that mine is not a desk bound job... But it is super tiring and hectic to change the mode of transport...Especially at this time... The super Super SUPER HOT WEATHER... I am melting...

Just can't help to feel disappointed although it is not done deliberately...Doing some reflections and realized it always got to do with me...I am the start to all these... I am soO tired, I want noO more of these...I am putting an end to all these...忘了吧 & NO MORE NONSENSE!!!

1, 2, 3, 木头人...一切停止...

P.S: The results... What will it be... Know it tomorrow... Pray for the best... In a dilemma...
Itchy hands had stopped but nonsense mind is still thinking...

MusIc: 藍又時 - 忘

從希望 到絕望 盼望 到失望
我想從此忘了妳的 忘不了該怎麼辦
夢想 幻想 妄想 都別想
妳的愛情總是這樣 為什麼要給人期盼

妳說好的總沒做到 妳所說的我都說好

是什麼讓你失了礁 忘了自己怎麼成長

要忘了你 要先忘了自己

當我灑滿眼淚 在忘記
我發現 眼淚流盡 只是忘了自己
我不傷心 我不想起 不想愛妳 不能愛妳

從希望 到絕望 盼望 到失望
我想從此忘了妳的 忘不了該怎麼辦
夢想 幻想 妄想 都別想
妳的愛情總是這樣 為什麼要給人期盼

妳說好的總沒做到 妳所說的我都說好

是什麼讓你失了礁 忘了自己怎麼成長

要忘了你 要先忘了自己

當我灑滿眼淚 在忘記
我發現 眼淚流盡 只是忘了自己
我不傷心 我不想起 不想愛妳 不能愛妳

要忘了你 要先忘了自己
當我灑滿眼淚 在忘記(我發現)
眼淚流盡 只是忘了自己
不想愛妳 忘了妳

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...


Someone realized that the generous is not generous at all...
Someone does mind...
Someone recognized that the possible is not possible at all...
Someone let go...
Someone forget...
Someone disappear...
Someone becomes no one...

P.S: Someone had changed under the influence of somebody...But from now, someone wants to change under own influence...

MusIc: 藍又時-孤單心事

雨下在我窗前 玻璃也在流眼淚
街上的人都看起來 比我幸福一點
用寂寞來測驗 還是最想要你陪
曾一起走過的夏天 我常常會夢見

有的時候我寧願 你對我壞一點

#愛你是孤單的心事 不懂你微笑的意思
愛你是孤單的心事 多希望你對我誠實
一直愛著你 用我自己的方式

我在你的心裡 有沒有一點特別
就怕你終究沒發現 我還在你身邊

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

My LoNg LoSt PrImArY ClAsSmAtE, nG GuOwEi JaSoN!!!

Just came home not long... Went to meet my long lost primary school classmate, GuoWei!!! According to him, we last met was during ice-skate... Super good memory... I dun even remember...Hahaha... And that was like 10+ yrs... OMG!!!

We went to eat Sakae Sushi at Wheelock and had a good catch up... People really changed over time... From what I can remember, he was that quiet quiet boy in class but now wow... SoO different...Firstly, definitely the change in appearance...Majarity of people passed by us will look at him... There were even 2 gals who looked at him and nearly bumped into me...I guess they are too attracted to him that I was treated as transparent... Hahaha... Secondly, he is no longer than quiet... Can talked, can chatted... At 1st, I still thought I am the one who will be doing the talking most but who knows it is not... Hahaha...I asked, He answered... The reporter versus the superstar... Hahaha...

Got to know how he had been for the past 10+ yrs... It is defintely shocking to meE... But well, he is doing good now...In fact, he is doing better than me, determined to get what he want... From chef (Yes, he can cook...Haha...) to tattoo artist... From diving (he got his licence), his love for bike, for art...Like what he had say, he put in his effort and doing the right thing at the right time... Hmm, can I also be like him to do wat I enjoyed, wat I want...

As time goes by, hope that we can find more and more primary schoolmates...

Super tired...Going to ZzZ...Another blue blue working day starting soon...

ThE rEpOrTeR & tHe SuPeRsTaR...

P.S: What will I get? Something, nothing Or worse than nothing...





全世界分手 說了再見就走
繾綣的手 也分了手

全世界分手 丟了點頭就走
握緊的手 也分了手



全世界分手 說了再見就走
繾綣的手 也分了手

全世界分手 丟了點頭就走
握緊的手 也分了手

全世界分手 說了再見就走
繾綣的手 也分了手

全世界分手 丟了點頭就走
握緊的手 也分了手

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Monday, June 08, 2009


Today super blue at work... Maybe becos of the late night sleep... Kept yawning and yawning... Wanting to sleep at work...Whole day had been searching, searching, searching...

Make Rosy to sing me the Papaya song and she did it... Hahaha... Sang 3 times somemore... It is recorded but cannot be disclosed if not she will kill me!!! Hahaha...

Cold feet, Cold hands... Can't help it...

P.S: It is just disappointing...1 time, 2 times, 3 times...It's enough...This is the final...
Everything is clear... No more confusions...

MusIc: 藍又時-秘密

你就直接回頭吧 她在等著你
不要怕我會哭泣 早就在心底
想想你說過的話 其實我們不虛假
那就好吧 其實你對我不差

別對我食之無味 棄之可惜
雖然你還有感覺 但不是愛情
想想你說過的話 其實我們不虛假
那就好了吧 這些夠了呀

我們的愛情是秘密 不能成立

你就讓我跟著你 一起祕密
讓我們 都能夠清晰 你和他是不變的定律

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Sunday, June 07, 2009

1sT pInIc WiTh CoLs

As I had mentioned earlier, I am going to East Coast... The 1st pinic with my House Cols... With their family too...

Dun know izzit becos I am worried that I will be
late... I woke up earlier than the alarm... But I am still very sleepy...Must be the late night sleep... After preparation, went to NTUC to buy the bread & tuna... And OMG!!! The queue was super long... No choice, join the queue and quickly took bus to meet Jamie...

Yesterday was my Lele that makes my day... And now is Damien... He was super cute...Kids really grow very fast... Last see him, he wa
s still a bit shy, now he can sang, can played with me... Played with him for one whole day...Hahaha... Sticking with me, hug hug me (I love his hug hug, felt soO comforted...) and kept singing "愛愛愛不完" to me... I think he really love me... Hahaha... Kids just love me...Hahaha... But taking care of him for one whole day can be very tiring... I super deadbeat and tired...

P.S: SiLLy BoY, SiLLy GaL...The Sixth Sense... It had always been soO accurate... Why am I always soO clever??? Worried about what will it be... Hoping for the best... Will anyone be there for mEe? Just MeE??? Will you be there???

BaBy EtHaN oFfErInG hIs BiScUiTzZz... SoO gD bOy... Me & DaMieN... hIs NaNnY fOr ThE dAy... SoO cUtE!!!

MusIc: 曹格 - I'll be there

When the tear starts to fall
you feel no hope at all
Don't you ever think of giving in

When the rain starts to fall
everything seems so calm
don't you ever frown
cuz I'll be around

And late at night
I'll close my eyes
and pray that one day you will find
the strength inside to show you how to break through this time

Whenever you need someone I'll be there
and everything will be okay
cuz we can pray that one day we'll find the love
that will lift us up to the sky

Whenever you need someone I'll be there
and everything will be just fine
us hand in hand
we will make it through I'm sure
this I promise you till the very end of time

When the tear starts to fall
you feel no hope at all
don't you ever think of giving in

When the rain starts to fall
everything seems so calm
don't you ever frown
cuz I'll be around

And late at night
I'll close my eyes
and pray that one day you will find
the strength inside to show you how to break through this time

Whenever you need someone I'll be there
and everything will be okay
cuz we can pray that one day we'll find the love
that will lift us up to the sky

Whenever you need someone I'll be there
and everything will be just fine
us hand in hand
we will make it through i'm sure
this i promise you till the very end of time

Through the good times and bad
forever we'll always stand
one another to keep our chins up high
and u dont have to be scared
just as long as im there

Whenever you need someone I'll be there
and everything will be okay
cuz we can pray that one day we'll find the love
that will lift us up to the sky

Whenever you need someone I'll be there
and everything will be just fine
us hand in hand
we will make it through I'm sure
this i promise you till the very end of time

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

hAnD aChInG... LeG aChInG... aChInG aHh...

Did not slept well cos of my aching arm... I cannot turn to my left...Super troublesome... It is taking its effect again... How many days before it can go away... To make it worse, my right leg is aching... Haiz... SoO I cannot turn left nor turn right...Argh...

Went to Chinatown to try my luck to see whether I can get the dress...Haiz...No luck but I bought another dress...Hahaha...Did not shopped much cos my leg is aching, hand is aching (cannot even lift up my hand...) and super sleepy... I even dozed off in train on the way to Gonggong's house...

Just awhile never see my Lele and he is growing soO fast... He is getting fatter... Hahaha... Dun know izzit becos of his shirt but he really seems very fat...Hahaha... Just now he was disturbing me (Peeping me) and came to the room to sleep beside me showing me the ball he got from Yun... Sharing with me how special the ball is...Just having him besides me & watching him makes me forget about my worries... Children's view are always soO innocent, sOo contented... At that moment, I enjoyed his company soOo much... SoO at peace, SOo SiMple...I am soO contented to have my Lele with me...

Going to ZzZ now... Going to East Coast later...

P.S: I lOvE yOu SoO mUcH, lElE!!!

曹格 - 入戲

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Friday, June 05, 2009

NoT iN e MoOd!!!

Although I am having school break now but dun seem to be fully utilizing it... Had been feeling sian... SoO sianz, soO not in the mood to do anything...Hmm, maybe there are just too many things in my mind...

Today, was thinking to take a short rest during lunch but who knows I overslept... Alamak...Cos not much ppl in office... Luckily, by awhile only... Quickly washed my face... Must be the late night sleep for the past 2 days... Super ZzZ...

Met Irene to take the vaccination... Guess going to feel uncomfortable for the next few days... Oh, it aches a bit now... Still got one more vaccination to go...

Went to the Gucci sales... But nothing caught my eyes... My ball ball bag are nowhere to be seen... Out of stock??? Still thinking whether to get LV wallets... Still thinking...

PrInCeSs LoVaBlE, rEmEmBeR bY hArD... :p 9 + 12 = 21 rOgEr??? HaHaHa...

P.S: It is fixed...Hope for the better...Sincerely hoping...

MusIc: 王心凌-當你

如果有一天 我回到從前
回到最原始的我 你是否會覺得我不錯

如果有一天 我離你遙遠

當你的眼睛瞇著笑 當你喝可樂當你吵
你從來不知道 想你想你 也能成為嗜好

當你說今天的煩惱 當你說夜深你睡不著
卻害怕都說錯 好喜歡你 知不知道

如果有一天 夢想都實現

回憶都成了永遠 你是否還會記得今天

如果有一天 我們都發覺

原來什麼都可以 我們是否還會停留在這裡

當你的眼睛瞇著笑 當你喝可樂當你吵
你從來不知道 想你想你 也能成為嗜好

當你說今天的煩惱 當你說夜深你睡不著
卻害怕都說錯 好喜歡你 知不知道

也許空虛讓我想得太多 也許該回到被窩

夢裡會相遇 就毫不猶豫 大聲的說我要說

當你的眼睛瞇著笑 當你喝可樂當你吵
你從來不知道 想你想你 也能成為嗜好

啦~ 啦~
我想對你說 卻害怕都說錯 
好喜歡你 知不知道
啦~ 啦~

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Thursday, June 04, 2009

ToTo AgAiN!!!

I strike Toto again...Hahaha... This time round, a bit more...$30... Heehee...

Went KTV with Huiping & Xiaohui yesterday... We had enjoyed ourselves... But I think around 11pm+++, my ZzZ monster attacking me & all my crazy actions came out... Huiping & Xiaohui was laughing soO happily... By then I slept around 1am+

Next morning super tired but still need to go see doctor... Got to do ultrascan again and kena ear infection...Haiz...Bad, Bad, Bad...Should have just take the MC, not really in the mood for anything...After the doctor consultation, still went straight for my site inspection...Haiz...

The feeling is just... Just...beyond description...
Waiting for an answer... What will the answer be???

P.S: Give me the blessings...

王心凌 - 幸福背後

那麼暖 你的溫度 安靜的依偎著那 短暫幸福
愛就算滿足 卻是個未知數
如果有天長地久 有多遙遠 讓我看見

越是幸福越害怕 怕它會結束 越擁抱 卻越是孤獨
沒人瞭解的寂寞 我自己照顧

不想讓你發現我 凌亂的腳步 我努力 跟上你的速度
不再獨自感受 那幸福背後藏的辛苦

那麼寬 你的天空 不該讓我的灰色 壞了全部
愛讓人喜悅 就算會有變數
只要能擁有一秒 有多辛苦 我願付出

越是幸福越害怕 怕它會結束 越擁抱 卻越是孤獨
沒人瞭解的寂寞 我自己照顧

不想讓你發現我 凌亂的腳步 我努力 跟上你的速度
不再獨自感受 那幸福背後藏的辛苦

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...

Monday, June 01, 2009

I wOn ToTo!!! HaHaHa!!!

Hahaha... From my title, all of u know I strike Toto...But it is only $20. Hahaha...I almost strike all but miss by a little but I am contented...Hahaha... The toto was for 22/05/09 but I only know that I strike the $20 today... Hahaha... Never even bothered to check... Hahaha...I almost want to throw away... Hahaha...

Finally, my comp is functioning once again... But the weird part is, it had not even undergo any operation and it is functioning... I think perhaps is my bro's magical hand... Hahaha... Must quickly save and store my datas in cause, opps... Should not say it out...

I saw arrows flying, flying, flying and it hit me... Haiz...Thats the nature... What to do... It's frustrating at 1st but then later, just dun be bothered...

Tomolo going to be a tiring day... The door to door survey...

SiLly SoMeBoDy BuT sOmEoNe Is EvEn MoRe SiLlY... cAlL iT qUiTs ThEn!!!

P.S: Never expected that sour... SoO sour... Just let it fade...Slowly... S...l...o...w...l...y... Nonsense Itchy hands...

MusIc: 劉力揚 - 寂寞光年

...EnD oF bLoGgIe (@_@)...